I'd eat one myself.
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Photos and videos at story link below. Shared under Sec 29 of the Copyright Act.
'At least it tastes of meat!': World's first test-tube artificial beef 'Googleburger' gets GOOD review as it's eaten for the first time
The 142g patty cost £250,000 to make and consists of meat grown in a lab
Total of 20,000 strips of meat were grown in petri dishes in the Netherlands
The artificial meat was electrically stimulated to bulk up the 'muscle' and then blended with 200 pieces of lab-grown animal fat
Red beetroot juice and saffron added to provide authentic beef colouring
It has also been revealed that one of the burger's financial backers is computer entrepreneur, and Google co-founder, Sergey Brin
By Victoria Woollaston and Rachel Reilly
PUBLISHED: 08:06 GMT, 5 August 2013 | UPDATED: 16:10 GMT, 5 August 2013
A slice of history has been served up in the shape of a burger after two food experts sampled the world’s first test-tube patty, made from lab-grown meat, at a top-secret location in London.
And, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, the verdict wasn't too bad - with one taster describing the £250,000 synthetic burger as having a 'perfect consistency' but that it could do with some salt and pepper.
The tasting event also revealed that one of the burger's main financial backers is Google co-founder, Sergey Brin
A slice of history has been served up in the shape of a burger after two food experts sampled the world’s first test-tube patty, made from lab-grown meat, at a top-secret location in London.
And, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, the verdict wasn't too bad - with one taster describing the £250,000 synthetic burger as having a 'perfect consistency' but that it could do with some salt and pepper.
The tasting event also revealed that one of the burger's main financial backers is Google co-founder, Sergey Brin
Mr Brin has also invested in Space Adventures - the private space tourism company that is selling £65 million trips to the Moon.
He has also previously worked with film director James Cameron to investigate mining asteroids and has an interest in solving the world’s energy and climate problems.
Mr Brin seems to believe quite confidently that man-made meat will do a great deal to help humanity.
In a video message, he said: 'Sometimes when technology comes along, it has the capability to transform how we view our world.
'I like to look at technology opportunities. When technology seems like it is on the cusp of viability and if it succeeds there, it can be really transformative for the world.'
'There are basically three things that can happen going forward - one is that we can all become vegetarian. I don't think that's really likely.
'The second is we ignore the issues and that leads to continued environmental harm and the third option is we do something new.
'Some people think this is science fiction - it's not real, it's somewhere out there. I actually think that's a good thing.
Professor Post’s team at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands conducted experiments which progressed from mouse meat to pork and finally beef.
Before the burger was cooked, he said: 'What we are going to attempt is important because I hope it will show cultured beef has the answers to major problems that the world faces.
'Our burger is made from muscle cells taken from a cow.
'We haven’t altered them in any way. For it to succeed it has to look, feel and hopefully taste like the real thing.'
The raw ingredients are 0.02in (0.5mm) thick strips of pinkish yellow lab-grown tissue.
Professor Post was confident he could produce a burger that was almost indistinguishable from one made from a slaughtered animal.
And perhaps he wasn't far off. After taking a mouthful, taster Ms Ruetzler said: 'I was expecting the texture to be more soft... I know there is no fat in it so I didn't know how juicy it would be.
'It's close to meat. It's not that juicy. The consistency is perfect (but) I miss salt and pepper!'
Professor Post pointed out that livestock farming is becoming unsustainable, with demand for meat rocketing around the world.
Unveiling the research last year at a science meeting in Vancouver, Canada, he said: 'Meat demand is going to double in the next 40 years. Right now we are using 70% of all our agricultural capacity to grow meat through livestock.
'You can easily calculate that we need alternatives.'
The 'artificial' meat is produced using a complex process - in effect turning a mere dish of stem cells into a burger that can be grilled or fried.
First the stem cells are cultivated in a nutrient broth, allowing them to proliferate 30-fold.
Next they are combined with an elastic collagen and attached to Velcro 'anchor points' in a culture dish. Between the anchor points, the cells 'self-organise' into chunks of muscle.
Electrical stimulation is then used to make the muscle strips contract and 'bulk up' - the laboratory equivalent of working out in a gym.
Finally the thousands of beef strips are minced up, together with 200 pieces of lab-grown animal fat, and moulded into a patty. Around 20,000 meat strands are needed to make one 5oz (142g) burger.
Other non-meat ingredients include salt, egg powder, and breadcrumbs. Red beetroot juice and saffron are added to provide authentic beef colouring.
A major advantage of test-tube meat is that it can be customised for health, for instance by boosting levels of polyunsaturated fats, said Professor Post.
Before the taste demonstration Professor Post was asked if he would feed lab-grown beef to his children.
He said: 'I ate it myself a couple of times without any hesitation whatsoever.
'Now a couple of people are going to taste it and my kids are jealous. I'd be very comfortable for them to taste it.'
Manufacturing steaks instead of minced meat presents a much greater technical challenge, requiring some kind of blood vessel system to carry nutrients and oxygen to the centre of the tissue, he added. Making artificial chicken or fish from stem cells might be easier.
Dr Neil Stephens, a sociologist based at Cardiff University who has studied test tube meat, told AFP that the project was an attempt to spark a debate about an issue that many in the field believe is still not taken seriously enough.
He said that the developers want to demonstrate to the world that in-vitro meat is viable, and that it's something to be taken seriously.
'What will be interesting is, in the coming weeks, watching the response to see how many people are convinced by the technology,' he added.
The animal welfare organisation Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has welcomed the research.
A spokesman said: 'One day you will be able to eat meat with ethical impunity. In-vitro technology will spell the end of lorries full of cows and chickens, abattoirs and factory farming. It will reduce carbon emissions, conserve water and make the food supply safer.
'Lab-grown meat will provide people who were addicted from childhood to the saturated fat in flesh with the ‘methadone’ for their habit.'
The Food Standards Agency said: 'As the competent authority for novel foods in the UK, the Food Standards Agency is closely following emerging technologies and developments concerning novel protein sources as food.
'In-vitro' or cultured meat is not yet commercially viable, but the technology used to produce cultured meat could be advanced enough for trials to take place.
'Any novel food, or food produced using a novel production process, must undergo a stringent and independent safety assessment before it is placed on the market.
'Anyone seeking approval of an in-vitro meat product would have to provide a dossier of evidence to show that the product is safe, nutritionally equivalent to existing meat products, and will not mislead the consumer.
'This would be evaluated under the EU regulation for novel foods, prior to a decision on authorisation. There have been no such applications to date.'
The man-made patty (pictured) was fried in a pan and sampled by two volunteers - US-based food author Josh Schonwald and Austrian food researcher Hanni Ruetzler. Ms Ruetzler said that it had the 'perfect consistency'
Appetising? The meat had red beetroot juice and saffron added to provide an authentic beef colouring. Despite these ingredients, taster Ms Ruetzler said it could have done with some salt and pepper
Google co-founder Sergey Brin stands on stage during a bill signing by California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., for driverless cars at Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif.
It has just been revealed that Sergey Brin is one of the financial backers of the test-tube burger.
Mr Brin is an American computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur who, with Larry Page, co-founded Google.
Together with Page, he owns 16 per cent of the internet search giant.
His personal wealth is estimated to be £13.2bn in 2012.
He and Page previously invested in a large offshore wind farm in 2010 and a self-driving car in a bid to reduce road accidents via Google's philanthropic arm.
It is believed that Mr Brin invested £215,000 in the creation of the burger.
Mr Brin has also invested in Space Adventures - the private space tourism company that is selling £65 million trips to the Moon.
He has also previously worked with film director James Cameron to investigate mining asteroids and has an interest in solving the world’s energy and climate problems.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2384715/At-tastes-meat--Worlds-test-tube-artificial-beef-Googleburger-gets-GOOD-review-eaten-time.html#ixzz2b70OUIZz
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