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Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

So when all the Crew involved in the "Hide the Decline" ruckus,  told us it was just a statistical methodology, a mathematical trick, they were telling us the graphs they produced were still valid.

Oh ya?


It is about time other scientists called these guys out, spoke the truth.

I've avoided this thread, but some reading on the 'philosophy of science', can be worthwhile, foundational understanding.  Science typically relies on "controlled experiments", that's not possible when measure the fullness of ecological variables-- it can't all be accounted for and mitigated against.  So recognizing the limitations of science is an important perspective to have.

I'm a bit keyed up with some worry over the devastation occuring in Japan-- huge environmental calamnity of epic proprotions.  I've been hearing stories (yet to be fully confimed, and still the survival situation is important, food, water, sanitation, shelter, etc.), but about the meltage of the nuclear fuel rods-- that scares the heck of me, I hope it's not true, radioactive material will continue to eat away, even at the 7 inch steel container-- it'll keep eating it for 30 years possibly.  It's just scary material, slow deaths, cancers, genetic deformities, it can keep killing long after the "event". 

I know a former Greenspeace spokesperson switched over to being a proponent of Nuclear Energy as a cleaner source vs. oil/gas, etc.

Anyway, I did mention this in another thread, but found some better links re: "Atomospheric Energy Systems", not unlike geothermal re: the principles of heat storage for use in colder seasons.  But it does look promising and effective. 

The studies were conducted in Ontario:  In Ontario, 68% of our household electricity import goes towards heating our homes and water, and as well cooling them through the hot months, it's called Atmospheric Energy collector systems:

No C02's clean energy, works in areas where geothermal storage is difficult.

Reduction by 68% can significantly reduce reliance on electricity from oil/gas/coal/nuclear, so IMO it's worth employing, very practical to do so:

An Example:  http://volkerthomsen.com/sustainablity-retro-fit-thomsen-house-i/

The systems can be modified to also heat whole blocks of homes, and/or Industrial buildings for maximum use.


Combine with solar, wind, etc, or new technologies-- totally self-sustaining energy systems.  Not a slave or dependent on market prices for energy.  Mitigates against what will eventually be total depletion of world's oil supply (some say that's in 40 years from now).  But look at the hassels of importing it, doing business with less favourable countries.  Self-sustaining-- that's major empowerment, help with basic needs.  It can heat homes, and water, and as well store cool air, for air conditioning through the summer months.  I think it's fascinating.  Especially beneficial to those of us living in colder temperature zones (where we can freeze to death, without heat).

It can put a good dent in energy reliance from other sources.  From a capitalist perspective, green industry to benefit new generation starters.  More to export than import re: energy resources.  But it's not like oil or other commodities, which flux with market force, it can stimulate local industry and production, and that is beneficial for economic  (because there's stagnation for new generation, and shrinking middle class-- and that's not healthy for a democracy, IMO).

Anyway, thought I'd throw that out there.  I like win-win situations, people win, environment wins, present and future generations win.  Protection of sovereingnty over one's own resources, and democracy.  "Winning" (;) CH)
The infamous "hide the decline" has been obfuscated beyond comprehension by the various whitewash inquiries and the Warmistas had hoped it was dead & gone.

Now Richard Muller, the guy heading up the new impartial review of the data has spoken.


The blink comparison at 3:45 plus shows the changes in the visual impact of the graphs that resulted from the "trick" the various Hockey Team Crew used. 

Imagine if some scientists developing new medicines used such deceptive practices and got caught?

A summary of both the hows and the whys:


The New Weathermen

Posted By David Solway On April 12, 2011 @ 12:00 am In "Green" tech,Culture,Culture Bytes,Environment,Science & Technology,TV,US News,economy | 7 Comments

Recently, pretty much on a whim, I decided to monitor the accuracy of radio and TV weather reports, since these affect our daily behavior in all sorts of different ways: what we wear, whether we go in to work or not, look to the repair of the shutters, go up on the ladder to check the rain gutters, don’t forget the sunglasses, etc. I gave the weather experts one week to prove their credentials and began keeping careful score.

The TV reports were terribly impressive. They were also impressively terrible. For all the intricate color charts, the high pressure areas and low pressure areas marked in bold, the sweeping curvilinear lines, the little puffy clouds extruding rain drops, the smiley-face suns, the luminous chromatics of competing “systems,” and all the rest of it, it turned out that the cocksure prognostications were as just wrong as they were right.

After the week had passed, my scorecard showed that the weather person had blundered grievously on three days, had been correct on three days, and was partially correct on one day when the rainfall forecast for the morning arrived only in the evening. A 50% success rate hardly qualifies as confidence-inspiring, seeing that it approximates nothing more convincing than the results of a coin toss.

It’s tempting to extrapolate from the quotidian to the planetary, from the small tomorrow to the big tomorrow, and inquire into the competence of our “official” climatologists, who have assured us that we are heading for meteoric catastrophe, noncompliant weather notwithstanding. Climate warm-mongers naturally try to rescue their hypothesis by dishing up vain distinctions, like the climate “expert” interviewed on CBC Radio’s As it Happens who, confronted with the fact of colder winters, claimed there is a difference between climate and weather!

The game works like this. If the weather is warmer than usual, it is an infallible sign of global warming. If the weather is colder than usual, it is an equally infallible sign — owing to some ludicrous formula straight out of an alchemist’s notebook — that the climate is heating up alarmingly and we must all go green, pass cap and trade, drive Volts, turn down our thermostats, and set up phalanxes of unsightly, bird-shredding, budget-breaking, and neurosis-inducing windmills that may, on good days, produce enough electricity to power a 40-watt bulb. A massive snowfall climbing over the window ledge indicates the approach of desert-like winters when parents will recount nostalgic tales of snowball fights of yore to their wondering children. The predictions, though, need not always be counter-intuitive. A dry season means the baking inferno is nigh. A wet season signals the onset of Noahide floods, rising sea levels, and the submerging of Pacific islands. An ordinary day is merely the ominous quiet before the impending storm. It makes no difference what the data may be, they always point in the same direction.

Quite frankly, we have, most or at least many of us, gone stark raving mad. Experience counts for nothing. Theory is everything. One thinks of the old joke: It’s fine in practice, but will it work in theory? Only it’s not fine in practice, in defiance of which the theory must be patched together and upheld at all costs.

Thus, increasingly unable to rely on the accuracy of their findings, which had the annoying habit of turning into fables, mainstream climatologists, like their colleagues in the political arena, were compelled to fall back on their next best option. If reality refused to cooperate, then all that needed to be done was to change the terminology. First it was global warming. When the earth decided not to play along and pummeled us with a series of colder winters and major snow storms, we suddenly discovered we were the victims of climate change. When it became evident that there were fewer rather than more hurricane events, as confidently predicted by Al Gore, we were now subject to global weirding [1], whatever that was supposed to be. When the latest substitution didn’t catch on, it became global climate disruption [2], an umbrella term big enough to shelter climatologists from the facts pelting down on them.

The technique of blatantly merchandising outright lies as uncontested facts was evident in a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) report claiming that the period 2002-2009 was “the warmest on record worldwide,” when something very close to the opposite was the truth (AP, February 8, 2010). Not content with passing off one whopper, the NOAA, which derives its evidence from the dubious NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, claimed that June 2010 was the warmest month on record and that Arctic temperatures had risen by close to four degrees from average. The problem here is that Goddard has no thermometers north of eighty degrees latitude and so projected their readings from their more southerly apparatus. “Really,” comments [3] meteorologist Art Horn, who has closely tracked these facets of the climate fantasy, “they make it up.”

And that’s the truth. They make it up. Of course, making things up turns out to be a profitable business, generating all manner of perks, titles, offices, grants, and funds, an appanage without limit. Take UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) chairman Rajendra Pachauri, who has recently been implicated in a conflict of interest [4], as he sits on the boards of companies poised to profit from the “climate change” industry. And when it comes to pure invention, let us recall that he was also the chief backer of the great “Himalaya melt” scare, which has now been shown to be based on an undocumented, unchecked, and unproven “speculation” of a single Indian scientist, Syed Hasnain, who was then recruited by Pachauri to his The Energy Research Institute (TERI). The IPCC’s 2007 report, vetted by Pachauri, said there was a 90% chance that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035. This claim has now been decisively refuted. The Pachauri gang also had to admit that its 2007 statement that 55% of the Netherlands lies below sea level was in error — it is 26% (Big Journalism, February 13, 2010).

The plot thickened — or thinned — in late November 2009 when the Hadley Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia was hacked, releasing thousands of files suggesting a covert mega-operation to propagate an anthropogenic global warming myth. This is an excellent instance of the Groves of Hackademe doing what they do best — misconceiving the world and then misleading it. “Warmist scientists,” wrote James Delingpole about the Hadley contretemps, “have manipulated or suppressed evidence in order to support their cause” (Telegraph.co.uk, November 21, 2009). The CRU was clearly practicing counterfeit science. It had become undeniable that measurements were tampered with to paint the desired canvas, that counter-evidence was deliberately squelched, that character assassination against climate skeptics was an accepted tactic, and that experimental results were falsely replicated.

The notorious Wikileaks cable dump made it even clearer that the climate “consensus” was more of a political and fiscal gambit than a scientific project (guardian.co.uk, December 3, 2010). Mark Levin’s chapter “On Enviro-Statism” in his Liberty and Tyranny [5] provides a compendious summary of the various stages of the global warming hoax and how it functions as an instrument of statist control of civil society. Similarly, Ottmar Edenhofer, former co-chair of the IPCC’s Working Group III, admitted in an interview with Germany’s NZZ Online on November 14, 2010, that “we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”

There are many “big names” associated with what has become perhaps the greatest scam of our times. Aside from Pachauri, there is, for example, James Hansen, who heads the NASA Goddard Institute and has been prophesying climate apocalypse for years now, looking more like a carnival fortune teller on meth than a serious scientist. Indeed, he makes Nostradamus sound like a comparatively sober futurologist. Hansen warns that if we don’t get our act together soon, New York City will be under fifty feet of water by the end of the century. Interestingly, Hansen was forced to revise his figures showing that the warmest decade of the 20th century was the 1990s — the warmest decade was the 1930s. He has now been outed by his former NASA supervisor John Theon, who told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee that Hansen “violated NASA’s official agency position on climate forecasting (i.e., we did not know enough to forecast climate change or mankind’s effect on it)…” (Inhofe EPW Press Blog, January 27, 2009). And Christopher Horner reports [6] that Hansen may well be in violation of waiver requirements from NASA for private and lucrative “outside employment.” As of this writing, NASA has not yet released its “ethics-related records” pertaining to Hansen’s case. All that one can say at this juncture is “Hmmm,” a skeptical intonation that appears to be merited.

Then there is Canada’s own poster geezer David Suzuki, who predicted some 20 years ago that we had only 10 years to go before suffering environmental collapse. Seems we’re still around, if only to judge from Suzuki’s obstreperous presence. Addressing a McGill University Business Conference on Sustainability on January 31, 2008, Suzuki stated: “What I would challenge you to do is put a lot of effort into trying to see whether there’s a legal way of throwing our so-called leaders into jail” for not acting more quickly on environmental issues. (Hansen echoed the same totalitarian sentiment in an article in The Guardian for June 23, 2008, in which he urged that CEOs of fossil energy companies “should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.”) According to Suzuki, the world is falling apart, carbon-driven global warming will do us all in pronto, despite the fact that CO2 comprises a mere 380 parts per million [7] of the earth’s atmosphere, not all of it anthropogenic, and even worse, polar bear colonies [8] are on the verge of extinction. Actually, as biologist Mitchell Taylor, who works with the Nunavut Territorial Government of Canada, states categorically, their numbers in the Canadian north have increased by a factor of 25% (National Center for Policy Analysis, January 25, 2007; The Independent, February 10, 2009). This is only the tip of Suzuki’s melting iceberg. He appeals mainly to the vast cohort of the naïve and impressionable, that is to say, CBC television and the majority of Canadians.

And who can forget the illustrious Goracle, the Twelfth Imam of climate Armageddon? Until his recent embarrassment [9] in a hotel room and subsequent marital problems reaching the Tipper point, Al Gore was well on his way to becoming the world’s first carbonaire. Gore has been making stuff up for as long as we can remember and doing quite handsomely in the process. He has been guilty of so many lapses and misdemeanors that one barely knows where to begin. A UK court ruled that his film An Inconvenient Truth contained at least nine salient falsehoods, that the film was scientifically unsound and little more than a form of “political indoctrination.” In his 1992 book Earth in the Balance [10], he blames the Antarctic ozone hole for causing blindness in animal populations. Unfortunately, Chilean scientists investigating the phenomenon had already accounted for it as owing to an epidemic of pink eye disease (NewScientist, August 21, 1993).

As is becoming plain by now, Gore is not noted for practicing what he preaches but for urging what he breaches. Fiona Kobusingye, coordinator of the Congress of Racial Equality Uganda, points out that Gore “uses more electricity in a week than 28 million Ugandans together use in a year” (Townhall.com, July 29, 2009). He enjoys the lifestyle of a pampered plutocrat, jetting about the world, purchasing and equipping lavish mansions, keeping his limousine idling [11], while demanding austerity on the part of others in order to save the planet he methodically exploits. He has, for example, no compunction buying carbon offsets from the company he co-owns and chairs, Generation Investment Management (Canada Free Press, March 13, 2007; The Citizens Journal online; WorldNetDaily.com, etc.). He is a partner in the capital investment firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, which floated a $500 million special fund for “green investments” — the same firm, incidentally, that is behind Terralliance, an oil wildcatter that is about as nongreen as one can get (Fortune magazine, Brainstorm 2008 and VentureBeat Clean Tech, July 16, 2008). He draws royalties from Pasminco’s highly toxic zinc mine (The Tennessean, March 17, 2000, The Wall Street Journal for June 29, 2000 and March 19, 2007, USA Today, March 18, 2007, and many others). The list goes on, but space precludes.

Time to get real. Geologist David Dee, chair of the 2008 International Geological Congress science committee, asks: “For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming?” (WorldNetDaily, December 11, 2008). This brute fact does not disturb Al Gore’s ally, former Under-Secretary of State Tim Wirth, who has gone on record justifying the kind of scientific fraud perpetrated by the IPCC. “Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,” he said [12], “we will be doing the right thing.” For Wirth and his mates, the means justify the end, and the end justifies nothing — except, of course, their own orgasmic sense of importance and righteousness and the emoluments flowing into their coffers.

The facts argue otherwise. According to Christopher Booker in the Telegraph for March 16, 2009, reporting on that year’s Heartland Institute’s climate conference in New York, the satellite-measured temperature curve torpedoes the programmed, “hopelessly astray,” IPCC computer models and indicates that, given the present trend, the world in 2100 would be 1.1C cooler than the 1979-1998 average. No matter. The facile doomsayers and what I like to call the photovoltaic sensibilities of the “climate community” are doing their utmost to propel us, in Walter E. Williams’ apt phrase, into “the wild green yonder” (Washington Times, May 13, 2008). And they’re having a great time while they’re at it. We recall the UN climate delegates toasting their buns in Cancun even as Europe endured a killer cold snap. The living is good in Climateland.

To return to where I started. If the weatherologists cannot be trusted, can the climatologists be far behind? If tomorrow’s forecast is problematic, what does this say about the horoscope for the next decade or century? Indeed, our weather people are much to be preferred since they are wrong only half the time and need not make things up to keep their jobs. They work with the information they have and often put on an entertaining show in the process. May they prosper. Our climatologists, however, are a different breed entirely. They are wrong nearly all the time.

Some are credulous do-gooders who truly believe in the delusion of global warming and will fudge or obscure the facts they find inadmissible in order to preserve their messianic agenda. Soothsayers with an ostensibly noble mission whose auguries are constantly trumped by reality, they are impervious to doubt or reason — just as in the 1970s when they were earnestly warning that the earth was about to freeze over and we should all stock up on parkas and Coleman heaters. These poor people stagger around like late-night party-goers with a pre-dawn hangover, squinting into the unaccustomed light.

But the majority, I suspect, are out-and-out schemers and defalcators who have stumbled on a growth industry and have no intention of getting off the gravy train, which they wish to render, as in a recent movie, unstoppable. They will not surrender the advantages and remunerations that accrue to their shady and canting profession and will fall back on every means at their disposal to stay in business. They will suppress countervailing data. They will slander their opponents. They will “disinvite” authoritative scientists from climate conferences. They will caulk the leaks continually springing in their theories rather than engage in reconsideration. They will cook the books. They will close the scientific journals to their critics. When challenged, they will simply double down in their dividends and gratuities like badgers comfy in their setts.

And they will do everything in their power to instill fear in the multitudes, resembling nothing so much as terrorists armed with improvised statistics. They will detonate data bombs to terrify the unsuspecting. They will lay ambushes on the road to truth. They will plant explosive media devices packed with spurious details to gain their objectives, all the while inundating us with propaganda. They will labor tirelessly to establish the dictatorship of the climatariat. And they will not be deterred from carrying out their subversion of truth, common sense, and society as we know it.

In short, they are the new Weather Underground.

Article printed from Pajamas Media: http://pajamasmedia.com

URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/the-new-weathermen/

URLs in this post:

[1] global weirding: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110207070438AAwCoGi

[2] global climate disruption: http://www.coffeepartyusa.com/content/havent-you-heard-its-now-called-global-climate-disruption

[3] comments: http://pajamasmedia.com../../../../../blog/noaa-warmest-june-ever-caveat-we-made-it-up/

[4] conflict of interest: http://rogerpielkejr.blogspot.com/2010/01/pachauris-conflicts-of-interest.html

[5] Liberty and Tyranny: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1416562877/pajamasmedia-20

[6] reports: http://pajamasmedia.com../../../../../blog/why-is-nasa-hiding-james-hansens-ethics-records/

[7] 380 parts per million: http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/Carboniferous_climate.html

[8] polar bear colonies: http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/science-matters/2008/05/polar-bears-walking-on-thin-ice/

[9] embarrassment: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/prosecutor_al_gore_was_focus_o.html

[10] Earth in the Balance: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1594866376/pajamasmedia-20

[11] idling: http://www.climatedepot.com/a/8595/Gore-leaves-car-idling-for-one-hour-during-speech-Opts-for-Swedish-government-jet-over-public-transportation

[12] said: http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=21610
George Orwell predicted the Memory hole, but not Google Cache:


The UN ‘disappears’ 50 million climate refugees, then botches the cover-up
By Anthony Watts  4:56 PM 04/16/2011

Oh boy, government idiocy at its finest. Not only is the original claim bogus, the attempts to disappear it are hilariously inept. Apparently, they’ve never heard of Google Cache at the UN. Rather than simply saying “we were wrong,” they’ve now brought even more distrust onto the UN.

Back on April 11th, Gavin Atkins of Asian Correspondent asked this simple question: What happened to the climate refugees?

It is a valid question, and he backs it up with census numbers. Here’s the first part of his story.

In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme predicted that climate change would create 50 million climate refugees by 2010. These people, it was said, would flee a range of disasters including sea level rise, increases in the numbers and severity of hurricanes, and disruption to food production.

The UNEP even provided a handy map. The map shows us the places most at risk including the very sensitive low lying islands of the Pacific and Caribbean.

It so happens that just a few of these islands and other places most at risk have since had censuses, so it should be possible for us now to get some idea of the devastating impact climate change is having on their populations. Let’s have a look at the evidence:


    Nassau, The Bahamas — The 2010 national statistics recorded that the population growth increased to 353,658 persons in The Bahamas.  The population change figure increased by 50,047 persons during the last 10 years.

St Lucia:

    The island-nation of Saint Lucia recorded an overall household population increase of 5 percent from May 2001 to May 2010 based on estimates derived from a complete enumeration of the population of Saint Lucia during the conduct of the recently completed 2010 Population and Housing Census.


    Population 2002, 81755

    Population 2010, 88311

Solomon Islands:

    The latest Solomon Islands population has surpassed half a million – that’s according to the latest census results.

    It’s been a decade since the last census report, and in that time the population has leaped 100,000.

After Asian Correspondent posted the story on April 11th, it was picked up by news outlets around the world, such as Investor News and American Spectator, and was referred to in yesterday’s Australian newspaper and even got a mention on Fox News.

Since that story appeared, the “handy map” Atkins cites in his original story seems to be gone down the memory hole. This is what you get now; note my yellow highlight:

Only one small problem there, UN people: a little annoyance called Google Cache, which has that page archived here.

Google Cache pulls up the page that had been removed, with the “50 million refugees” title, but the map is missing.

Fear not, dear readers, because as astoundingly smart as those UN people think they are, they forgot one very important yet tiny detail. The map links to a hi-resolution version of the “climate refugee map,” and if you delete the page above and the map it contains, you also have to delete the hi-res image it links to.


I’m always happy to help the UN in times of “need,” so I’ve recovered it and saved it, because that image link is likely to go down the memory hole on Monday.

Here’s the map at web resolution as it would have appeared in the disappeared web page above.

And here it is in full-sized hi-resolution glory, suitable for printing, slides, or coffee mugs…wherever it might be appropriate to show the folly of these boneheads.

This is what the UNEP web page originally said:

    Fifty million climate refugees by 2010. Today we find a world of asymmetric development, unsustainable natural resource use, and continued rural and urban poverty. There is general agreement about the current global environmental and development crisis. It is also known that the consequences of these global changes have the most devastating impacts on the poorest, who historically have had limited entitlements and opportunities for growth.

And there you have it, folks, another bogus climate claim rubbished by reality, followed by an inept cover-up attempt.

Thanks to the reality of census numbers, followed by the UN’s handling of this, we can now safely say that the claim of “climate refugees” is total fantasy. Be sure to leave comments on any website that makes this claim, and link to this and the Asian Correspondent website.

Kudos to Gavin Atkins for asking this simple question after six years of this fantasy being used to push an agenda.

Update: The UN now says that there will be 50 million climate change refugees by 2020.

Anthony Watts operates the most visited blog on climate science in the world, www.wattsupwiththat.com.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/04/16/the-un-disappears-50-million-climate-refugees-then-botches-the-cover-up/#ixzz1Jpwr1i6H
A potential test for jobs vs climate change is headed for the courts:

New climate change case headed to U.S. Supreme Court

The Associated Press

Date: Sunday Apr. 17, 2011 2:01 PM ET

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration and environmental interests generally agree that global warming is a threat that must be dealt with.

But they're on opposite sides of a Supreme Court case over the ability of states and groups such as the Audubon Society that want to sue large electric utilities and force power plants in 20 states to cut their emissions...

...Comer said the key point is that judges should not make environmental policy. "This has important implications for jobs. If you raise energy costs in the U.S., does that lead industry jobs to go elsewhere and if it does, do you get the same emissions, just from another country?" Comer said. "These judgments are properly made by elected officials."

More at link.
And the UN's incentive for supporting and promoting this:


Understanding the UN’s Incentives in the Missing Climate Refugees Kerfuffle
Kenneth Anderson • April 17, 2011 10:55 pm

A quick further comment to Jonathan’s post below on the missing 50 million climate change refugees that were supposed to be migrating across the globe by 2010 and, if I read the update correctly, are now supposed to materialize by 2020.  We are used to reading such stories as the politicization of science and its corruption by the politics of the UN, funders, and, to be sure, the desire of some scientists to switch professions from research to policy.  We hear about it because it is correct.

But there is another — no less unimpressive — way to understand the story.  That is from the standpoint of the long term incentives of the United Nations and its many agencies.  Seen from the standpoint of climate change and its scientists and environmental activists alone, this story looks to be about hyperbolic claims about the immediate effects of climate change.  Seen from the standpoint of the longer history of the UN, it is much more about the long-running movements by the UN to find issues that tend to do two things.  One is to increase the institutional UN’s governance responsibilities, authority, legitimacy, and power.  The other is to increase the amount of money that runs through UN mechanisms from rich countries to poor countries, with an administrative cut to the UN itself.

Environmentalists and climate change scientists seem sometimes unaware of the UN’s own agendas and history in these two institutional incentives.  They thus seem sometimes insufficiently sensitive to the possibility that their own issue is not the first matter of apparently apocalyptic but also immediate import requiring vast changes in the global political economy that has ever seized the UN.  On the contrary, apocalyptic rent-seeking is an institutional feature of the UN, and likewise its complete willingness to throw over one cause for another when it appears that the previous one had run out of steam either in garnering greater governance authority to the UN or attracting cash through a planetary income transfer arrangement.  The one prior to climate change was the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The environmental lobby seems oddly unaware of the ways in which, from the UN’s standpoint, both the MDGs and the current efforts to reach a grand bargain on carbon involving massive transfers from the rich countries are really just versions of the same thing.  The MDGs still exist — nothing at the UN actually disappears, of course — but they are zombies, an idea that came and went.  But hope, like rent-seeking, springs eternal at the UN, and climate change has emerged as the Next New Thing.  But it appears to be foundering, at least on the two criteria above, so we should keep an eye out for the Next Next New Thing.

Luckily for all concerned, however, a book will soon appear from The Hoover Press that will Explain It All To You.

(Update:  To be clear, this post is not about climate change, contrary to some of the comments to the post, on which this post takes no position.  It is about the UN and its incentives, seen over the long run, on a wide range of issues that one might think good ideas or bad ideas, but which have little or nothing to do with climate change.  It is about the UN, and some of the comments seem to me to miss the point.)
More players in the game get flushed out:


Lobbyists who cleared 'Climategate' academics funded by taxpayers and the BBC

A shadowy lobby group which pushes the case that global warming is a real threat is being funded by the taxpayer and assisted by the BBC.

The Zoological Society of London, the world famous charity behind London Zoo, provides Globe with scientific advice from its top conservationists and zoologists
By Jason Lewis, Investigations Editor 9:00PM BST 23 Apr 2011

The little-known not-for-profit company works behind the scenes at international conferences to further its aims.

One of its key supporters headed the official investigation into the so-called "Climategate emails", producing a report which cleared experts of deliberately attempting to skew scientific results to confirm that global warming was a real threat.

Another scientific expert linked to the group came forward to praise a second independent investigation into the Climategate affair which also exonerated researchers.

Set up with the backing of Tony Blair, then the Prime Minister, and run by a group of British MPs and peers the organisation, Globe International, started life as an All Party Group based in the House of Commons.

It is now run as an international climate change lobbying group flying its supporters and experts club class to international summits to push its agenda. Last year, it said, it spent around £500,000 flying its supporters to these meetings.
Related Articles

    'Climategate' inquiry: scientific data criticised
    14 Apr 2010

    'Climategate' professor admits to withholding information
    02 Mar 2010

    Barry Gardiner: £198,500 profit from a flat renovated with MPs' expenses
    09 May 2009

    John Gummer claimed £9,000 a year for gardening
    10 May 2009

It has also paid out at least £75,000 on travel for prominent UK politicians, including for its former presidents Elliot Morley, the ex-Labour environment minister now facing jail for expenses fraud, and Stephen Byers, the former Labour cabinet minister who was suspended from the Commons after he was filmed describing himself a "cab for hire" when offering to lobby his parliamentary contacts for cash.

Now Globe is planning a mass lobby of the United Nations Rio 2012 summit in Brazil, where world leaders will discuss climate change, by holding a World Summit of Legislators in the city to coincided with the event.

Next week the group's current President Lord Deben, the former Tory Cabinet Minister John Gummer, is due to launch a major report on climate change policy alongside Chris Huhne, the Energy Secretary.

Globe has also recently held behind-closed-doors meetings with William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, and other senior Coalition ministers.

Last year two prominent experts linked to Globe were drawn into the controversy over emails leaked from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit.

Lord Oxburgh, the organisation's director, was called in to head an internal inquiry into the leaked emails which included one infamous message referring to a "trick" to "hide the decline" in global temperatures.

The peer's investigation cleared the scientists of malpractice. But critics claimed the report was a whitewash and Lord Oxburgh also failed to declare his involvement with Globe before he began his investigation.

Meanwhile Bob Ward, from the Grantham Institute, which works alongside Globe, praised a second inquiry by former civil servant Muir Russell, which also cleared the climate researchers.

He said it had "lifted the cloud of suspicion" and demonstrated that "the integrity of climate science is intact."

Globe International's work is paid for with donations from multi-millionaire backers and through partnerships with other environmental groups.

Globe also confirmed last night that it received direct funding from the Department of Energy and the Department of International Development (DfID). including a grant of £91,240 provided by DfID since the Coalition came to power last year.

More cash from DfID is filtered through the Complus Alliance - a "sustainable development communications alliance" of broadcasters based in Costa Rica which is also supported by the BBC World Service Trust, the Corporation's independent charity,.

Complus, which was awarded DfID cash last year and in 2006, says it has an "ongoing relationship with Globe" helping it run "shadow negotiation" teams at international summits of world leaders.

A spokeswoman for Complus said: "The BBC is a founding member not a funding member. They can make in-kind contributions, like organising events, supporting logistics, sharing content."

She added that Complus did not fund Globe but work with them on "convergent objectives".

Last night a DfID spokesman confirmed the department had given Complus £250,000 in total to provide research, advocacy and communications work on the impact of climate change.

The spokesman said: 'These contributions were awarded under the previous Government. The current Government has not given them any funding.

'We only support projects that meet our strict conditions of delivering value for money and can prove their ability to reduce global poverty.'

The BBC trust's money is drawn from the £15.2 million-a-year it gets from the Foreign Office and DFID and £800,000 from licence payers. The BBC charity failed to respond to questions about its relationship with the project and how much this involvement was costing.

The Zoological Society of London, the world famous charity behind London Zoo, also provides Globe with scientific advice "providing high level input" from its top conservationists and zoologists. Globe said it paid ZSL for its expertise.

Last night Globe's general secretary Adam Matthews said: "Globe is not a lobbying organisation. It is an international group of legislators. It was set up by the legislators themselves.

"We facilitate them coming together to discuss environmental issues. Our members have multiple views - some quite sceptical on some aspects of the climate change debate."

"We are funded by the World Bank, the EU, international parliaments and Governments, including the UK Government. The coalition Government contributes to our work through DFID."

Globe International, registered as a not-for-profit firm under the name The Global Legislators Organisation Ltd, makes minimal discloses about its finances to Companies House.

Last year it declared a £500,000 loss, but still managed to fly a number of key supporters to summits and international conferences.

Barry Gardiner MP, its vice president and former Labour biodiversity minister, attended to at least four international conferences on Globe's behalf, including a trip to Tokyo, Japan, Seoul and South Korea costing more than £7,000.

Another trip to China cost more than £8,000. Mr Gardiner's daughter is also a member of Globe's full time staff.

It also paid nearly £3,000 to fly Gregory Barker, now Coalition climate change minister, to Washington DC.

Peers Lord Hunt, former head of the Met Office, and Lord Jay, the former head of the Diplomatic Service, both declared club class travel to summits paid for by the organisation.

Lord Hunt, father of Tristan Hunt, the historian, television presenter and Labour MP, also lists Mr Matthews, Globe's secretary general, as a member of his House of Lords staff.

Mr Matthews was once Barry Gardiner's researcher in the House of Commons. His chief adviser, Gauri Kiik, is listed as being on the House of Lord's staff of Lord Jay.

Lord Deben declares his work for Globe as a "non-financial interest" to the House of Lords. He is also yet to declare any foreign travel funded by the organisation, although Globe confirmed last night that it had contributed to his travel and accommodation costs in the role.

Lord Deben also runs an environmental consultancy company, Sandcroft International, which declared a turnover of almost £2 million in its last accounts. He is also chairman of Forewind, which has won the rights to build a controversial offshore wind farm in the North Sea off the Yorkshire coast.

Among Globe's principle backers are a charity set up by the Swedish multi-millionaire Niklas Zennstrom, founder of the internet phone service Skype, and British-born wealth fund manager Jeremy Grantham, whose personal clients include Dick Cheney and John Kerry.

Mr Grantham bankrolls the Grantham Institute at the LSE, which works alongside Globe.

He believes "weather instability" is the world's biggest "investment problem" and his $107 billion fund pushes alternative assets including a massive portfolio of forestry.

The fund was believed to be preparing to invest in the abandoned Government sell off British forests.

Globe's staff also includes Dr Sam Fankhauser, Globe's chief economist, is an "independent adviser" to the Government on climate change. He is a member of the Government's Committee on Climate Change which advises on policy.

And Terry Townshend, Globe's director of policy development is married to Libby Townshend, a diplomat, who was on the UK team at the UN Climate Change summit in Copenhagen.

Globe Internationals' influential supporters include:

President: Lord Deben, former Tory Agriculture Minister John Gummer. Paid expenses.

Vice President: Barry Gardiner MP. Ex-environment Min. Regular club class flight. Daughter works for Globe.

Former President: Elliot Morley, ex-environment minister facing jail for expenses fraud.

Former President: former Cabinet Minister Stephen Byers who described himself as a “cab for hire” for lobbyists.

Director: Lord Oxburgh, appointed to oversee the internal investigation into Climategate affair. Failed to declare his link to Globe.

General Secretary: Adam Matthews. Works in the House of Lords former Met Office boss Lord Hunt. Previously worked as a researcher of Barry Gardiner.

Globe’s chief economist: Dr Sam Fankhauser is an “independent adviser” to the Government on climate change.
Things to do with a majority government . . .

"Get out of Kyoto while it’s still possible"


Haletown said:
Things to do with a majority government . . .
"Get out of Kyoto while it’s still possible"

Amen. Along with anything else that hands over our sovereignty to anyone.

You want to have a say in what goes on in Canada? Try being born here, and/or become a citizen. Until then, Kyoto your frikkin' nuclear reactors into not warming any part of the globe, especially the part that is directly under them.
Instapundit on Rapture Day (21 May 2011) on the perils of real climate change and some potential long term effects:



Also: New Resistant Strains of Disease Could Wipe Out Global Wheat Fields. “At a meeting of the International Wheat Stripe Rust Symposium last week in Aleppo Syria, scientists said unless serious and urgent measures were taken to combat the rust, it would adversely reduce wheat production in the world.”

On the other hand, there’s this: Kenyan Rust Disease-Resistant Wheat to Boost Production, Institute Says. While people worry about wars and scandals, this kind of thing makes a bigger difference in terms of lives saved.

UPDATE: A gloomy email from farmer-reader Bart Hall:
Glenn, as a now-grey-haired agronomist, I can tell you, this is serious $#!+. As with maize (corn) in 1970, gene pools have become far too narrow and field production far too dependent upon non-resistant pathogens. As the world enters a prolonged, as in 25 years (if we’re fortunate) period of cooling — google Pacific Decadal Oscillation — the interaction of effective pathogens is likely to be devastating.

If we are re-entering a Maunder Minimum type event — and with my first two degrees in geology I believe we are — the scenario worsens considerably. Look at any of the Brueghel paintings (elder or younger), or go read the sonnet Vivaldi wrote, in Venice on the Adriatic, to accompany his ‘Winter’ in the ‘Four Seasons.’

Islam became militant in the 14th century — cooling climate and sharply reduced food resources — far more than in the Seventh. Things are getting rather messy.

Well, we’ll see. I don’t think there’s enough data to predict what will happen, but there’s enough to be concerned, and to make preparations. If governments, etc., are doing enough, though, I’m not seeing it. Meanwhile, here’s more on wheat rust and food politics.


At Last: Clear Scientific Evidence Of Global Warming
Scientific studies on climate helped establish...
Global warming believers rejoice. AGW deniers, eat dirt.

Finally. Scientists have come up with real, data-based evidence of world-wide global warming at the turn of the millennium. Ha ha ha. Deniers, we mock you! If Al Gore knew this, he would be dancing in his grave. Wait a minute. He's not dead yet. Al Gore is dancing in his mansion and his houseboat.

Well, there might be one tiny problem. The global warming took place at the end of the first millennium rather than at the end of the second. And it was a lot hotter than now.

Of course the Viking hordes roaming Sweden in their giant Volvo SUV's must have been the cause of this global warming episode....


Lawrence Solomon: More evidence it used to be really hot out there
Lawrence Solomon  May 26, 2011 – 11:10 AM ET | Last Updated: May 26, 2011 2:22 PM ET

A linchpin in the global warming theory is the claim that we now live in a time of unprecedented warmth. Unfortunately for those who assert this theory, the history books all said it was hot during the centuries immediately before and after 1000 AD – the time known the Medieval Warm Period.

“We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period” read one email from the asserters, circa 1995, unimpressed that England grew grapes and the Vikings settled Greenland during the centuries they viewed as cooler than today’s. They promoted the theory that, although Europe might have been hot, the rest of the world was not.

Except that Chinese experts disagreed. According to the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China was one degree warmer during the Medieval Warm Period. The Chinese Academy determined this by looking at records of where citrus groves and subtropical herbs were cultivated at that time – at far more northerly regions than today. As with Europe, the advanced Chinese civilization had a wealth of historical evidence to rebut the claims of the asserters. Other evidence – reported by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, no less — shows that Japan was also hot during the Medieval Warm Period.

Now comes more evidence still, this time from South America. In a study published this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that Peru was warm during the Medieval Warm Period. Although South American civilization of 1000 years ago didn’t leave behind a rich historical record for experts to assess, sediment deposits in a Peruvian lake had a story of their own to tell. Based on the researchers’ analysis of the lake bed’s composition over the last 2300 years, they were able to unearth data showing Peru’s temperature to have been in line with that elsewhere during the Medieval Warm Period.

Lawrence Solomon is executive director of Energy Probe and author of The Deniers. LawrenceSolomon@nextcity.com.
It has always been the biggest clue to the corruption of the IPCC . . .  they found it so convenient, so easy to just disappear the MWP.  Tony Soprano would appreciate how they got rid of evidence that was damaging to their Cause.

Only took them 10 years to realize that without hysterical fear mongering combined with data water boarding and statistical jiggery-pockery they couldn't keep the Gravy Train rolling, couldn't keep the media's attention, couldn't keep the R&D funds rolling in, couldn't  inflict their environmental Gaia loving beliefs on the society they despise so much.


Page 7
Germany decides to abandon nuclear power by 2022


BERLIN — Germany's governing coalition said Monday it will shut down all the country's nuclear power plants by 2022. The decision, prompted by Japan's nuclear disaster, will make Germany the first major industrialized nation to go nuclear-free in years.

It also completes a remarkable about-face for Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right government, which only late last year had pushed through a plan to extend the life span of the country's 17 reactors — with the last scheduled to go offline in 2036.

But Merkel now says industrialized, technologically advanced Japan's helplessness in the face of the Fukushima disaster made her rethink the risks of the technology.

"We want the electricity of the future to be safe, reliable and economically viable," Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters on Monday after overnight negotiations among the governing parties. "We have to follow a new path."

While Germany already was set to abandon nuclear energy eventually, the decision — which still requires parliamentary approval — dramatically speeds up that process.

Germany's seven oldest reactors, already taken off the grid pending safety inspections following the March catastrophe at Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, will remain offline permanently, Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen said.

The country's energy supply chain "needs a new architecture," necessitating huge efforts in boosting renewable energies, efficiency gains and overhauling the electricity grid, Merkel said.

The determination of Germany, Europe's largest economy, to gradually replace its nuclear power with renewable energy sources makes it stand out among the world's major industrialized nations. Among other Group of Eight nations, only Italy has abandoned nuclear power, which was voted down in a referendum after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster — leading it to shut down its three operating reactors.

Until March — before the seven reactors were taken offline — just under a quarter of Germany's electricity was produced by nuclear power, about the same share as in the U.S.

Energy from wind, solar and hydroelectric power currently produces about 17 percent of the country's electricity, but the government aims to boost its share to around 50 percent in the coming decades.

Many Germans have vehemently opposed nuclear power since Chernobyl sent radioactivity over the country. Tens of thousands of people repeatedly took to the streets after Fukushima to urge the government to shut all reactors quickly.

A decade ago, a center-left government first penned a plan to abandon the technology for good by 2021 because of its inherent risks. But Merkel's government last year amended the plan o extend the plants' lifetime by an average of 12 years — a decision that became a political liability after Fukushima was hit by Japan's March 11 earthquake and tsunami disaster.

"This is a great day of relief for all opponents of nuclear energy in Germany," said Sigmar Gabriel, leader of the opposition Social Democrats. "Today, our political opponents are forced ... to accept our policies."

Merkel's government ordered the country's seven oldest reactors, all built before 1980, shut down four days after problems emerged at Fukushima. The plants accounted for about 40 percent of the country's nuclear power capacity.

Shutting down even more reactors, however, will require billions of euros (dollars) of investment in renewable energies, more natural gas power plants and an overhaul of the country's electricity grid.

Germany, usually a net energy exporter, has at times had to import energy since March, with the seven old reactors shut down and others temporarily taken off the grid for regular maintenance work.

Still, the agency overseeing its electricity grid said Friday that the country will remain self-sufficient.

The government has stressed that Germany must not rely on importing power from its nuclear-reliant neighbors.

Environmental groups welcomed Berlin's decision.

"The country is throwing its weight behind clean renewable energy to power its manufacturing base and other countries like Britain should take note," said Robin Oakley, Greenpeace UK's campaigns director.

Germany's industry umbrella organization said the government must not allow the policy changes to lead to an unstable power supply or rising electricity prices, both of which would affect the country's competitiveness.

"Transforming the energy sector is a hugely demanding project," said Hans-Peter Keitel, the president of the Federation of German Industries.

He urged the government not to set the nuclear exit date of 2022 in stone, but to agree on a date that would be adjustable if problems arise in the coming years.

Sweden's Environment Minister Andreas Carlgren also said that focusing on a fixed end date was unfortunate.

That "means you risk missing the essential part, that is how we should manage the double challenge of reducing the dependence on nuclear power and on climate emissions," he told Swedish news agency TT.

Germany's decision broadly follows the conclusions of a government-mandated commission on the ethics of nuclear power, which delivered recommendations on how to abolish the technology within a decade on Saturday, and presented them Monday.

"Fukushima was a dramatic experience, seeing there that a high-technology nation can't cope with such a catastrophe," said Matthias Kleiner, the commission's co-chairman. "Nuclear power is a technology with too many inherent risks to inflict it on us or our children."

The shares of Germany's four nuclear utility companies were down Monday. The biggest of them, E.ON AG and RWE AG, slipped by about 2 percent, to €19.62 and €40.05 respectively.

Neighboring Switzerland, where nuclear power produces 40 percent of electricity, also announced last week that it plans to shut down its reactors gradually once they reach their average lifespan of 50 years — which would mean taking the last plant off the grid in 2034.

Nothing bad can come from this, right guys? Right?!  ::)
No worries  . . . Germany has lots of cheap coal and the recent discovery of massive fracable gas fields in Poland just means a fuel switch.

In even better news,  the adults in the room are taking back the conversation.

"Saturday, 28 May 2011 16:58 Agence France-Presse

DEAUVILLE, France: Russia, Japan and Canada told the G8 they would not join a second round of carbon cuts under the Kyoto Protocol at United Nations talks this year and the US reiterated it would remain outside the treaty, European diplomats have said.

. . . . 

But the leaders of Russian, Japan and Canada confirmed they would not join a new Kyoto agreement, the diplomats said.

They argued that the Kyoto format did not require developing countries, including China, the world’s No. 1 carbon emitter, to make targeted emission cuts.

At last Thursday’s G8 dinner the US President, Barack Obama, confirmed Washington would not join an updated Kyoto Protocol, the diplomats said."

That "popping" sound you hear is David Suzuki's head exploding and Lizzie May having an apoplectic fit.

Such wonderful news.

Real science:


Anthony Watts' surface station research paper

Geez, how'd I miss this - Anthony Watts' long awaited research paper on the U.S. Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been accepted for publication.  Details on the project and paper here. The abstract concludes with:

  ... According to the best-sited stations, the diurnal temperature range in the lower 48 states has no century-scale trend.
Thucydides said:
Real science:


In Climatology, "real" science is when you publish a paper then refuse to release your data or methodology so other scientists can try and replicate your results. 

In Climatology, "real"science is when you have thousands of tree ring samples in the Yamal region, but choose to use one, only one tree's data to "prove" global warming . . .  because other thousands of trees didn't have the "right" data.

In Climatology, "real" science is when you say the IPCC only uses peer reviewed papers and then people check and find in some chapters up to 70% of the scientific references are actually from Greenpeace fund raising campaigns, letter to the editors from Greenpeace members and various other pieces of greenie agitprop.

So thank you Anthony Watt for doing something that is really real.

Don't recall CBC/CTV et al covering this Conference . . .


"Anyone not already familiar with the stance of geologists towards the global warming scare would have been shocked by the conference at the University of Ottawa at the end of May. In contrast to most environmental science meetings, climate skepticism was widespread among the thousand geoscientists from Canada, the United States and other countries who took part in GAC-MAC 2011 (the Joint Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada, the Mineralogical Association of Canada, the Society of Economic Geologists and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits)." . .

Haletown said:
Don't recall CBC/CTV et al covering this Conference . . .


"Anyone not already familiar with the stance of geologists towards the global warming scare would have been shocked by the conference at the University of Ottawa at the end of May. In contrast to most environmental science meetings, climate skepticism was widespread among the thousand geoscientists from Canada, the United States and other countries who took part in GAC-MAC 2011 (the Joint Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada, the Mineralogical Association of Canada, the Society of Economic Geologists and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits)." . .

Sorry, since climate isn't a geological issue, remind me why anyone should particularly care what their opinion on it is?  Who will we ask next?  Economists?  Accountatnts?

It reminds me of someone presenting a list of a bunch of scientists who think evolution isn't real.  They weren't happy when I noticed that very, very few if any of them were biologists.
Redeye said:
Sorry, since climate isn't a geological issue, remind me why anyone should particularly care what their opinion on it is?  Who will we ask next?  Economists?  Accountatnts?

It reminds me of someone presenting a list of a bunch of scientists who think evolution isn't real.  They weren't happy when I noticed that very, very few if any of them were biologists.

Not a geological issue?  I beg to differ considering they as a discipline study the history of the earth and the long term changes and effects that it has on the climate (among many other things).  They have a long range approach that is sadly lacking in today's (non)concensous approach to climate change. 