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Gift idea for son starting basic training?


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My son starts basic training in July, although he says he has not been told when, yet, and thinks it will be sometime around July 7th.  (I have read another post that says someone is starting basic in St. Jean, same place, on July 16th, so I'm assuming that will be the date that he will leave also).

Anyone already complete basic and have any suggestions as to what would make a good practical gift for someone just starting?  Or, would it be better to wait and see if he graduates onto the next course?

I'm a civy, so my suggestion might not be the best, but lots of people around here like CP Gear stuff,  so maybe a gift certificat from there...
This isn't an easy question...  IMO anyway

When I did BMQ.... way too many moons ago I was young and naive and bought
lots of useless, stupid kid that was just heavy and took up valuable space in my ruck.

It's very important for your son to get used to using the "issue kit" at first.  Then he
can substitute what we call "high speed kit" or "Gucci kit".

Getting him something for AFTER course... as a graduation gift might be a better
idea since he may have an inkling of what he wants after seeing other soldiers/staff
using something keen.

What used to be a great gift was the "Nuke Bags" (backpack).  It was a no brainer gift
and anyone would use it.  Now with the issue Small Pack System it's not as popular.

Personally... if I was you.. I'd buy him something non military and personal.  Something
that he can have/use/look at during training to remind him of his family/loved ones.  That
would do more for him re: motivation and moral than any one piece of military kit. Also,
for any reason if he doesn't pass or is injured he doesn't have a nice piece of kit as a
reminder of not passing bmq and his short time in the army.


    I am not sure if this has been mentioned but my time here at st jean has been intersting  but the one thing that was given to me that realy helped was phone cards there a great way to stay in touch with loved ones and family  hope this helps chears
I personally think a nice computer for when he gets back would be cool. That way, he can keep in touch with his wonderful army.ca friends!! [that is, unless, he is a user of army.ca].. or, the new puter could even be good for his studies.

or even better yet, some sort of technology. kids nowadays love technology.
I'd suggest a quality camera.  My parents bought me a nice 35mm camera outfit when I joined 22 years ago (still have it, too), and I took pictures of every place I went, and everything I did.  I have a lot of photo albums of my career to date.
Brett said:
or even better yet, some sort of technology. kids nowadays love technology.

I listen to records and 8-tracks.  ^-^
Technology is confusing to simple minded ones such as I. :D
The best gift...what every responsible parent should give thier hatchling when they leave home for the big world:


A "Call Me" or prepaid phone card is good too...but thats more for you then for them.
In the army, we do not cut loose threads off of uniforms, we burn them to prevent fraying. While on BMQ, he will be expected to keep his uniform in immaculate condition...no threads ANYWHERE.

A great gift, that is very practical/affordable/light weight, etc, is a zippo lighter. He'll probably be using it the rest of his career. Parts a replaceable, fluid is refillable, etc. Its fairly easy to have it engraved in any mall as well, if you want it to be that much more sentimental.

Through my BMQ and SQ, I had a zippo in my pocket at all times. I was surprised that after crawling through a swamp on a stalking ex that it fired up right away as well.
If he doesn't already have one a nice swiss army knife :D Or this may sound cheesy, but may be effective, a nice new pair of running shoes fitted with custom insoles. I could imagine they'd work wonders while doing morning PT :D
toughenough said:
In the army, we do not cut loose threads off of uniforms, we burn them to prevent fraying. While on BMQ, he will be expected to keep his uniform in immaculate condition...no threads ANYWHERE.

A great gift, that is very practical/affordable/light weight, etc, is a zippo lighter. He'll probably be using it the rest of his career. Parts a replaceable, fluid is refillable, etc. Its fairly easy to have it engraved in any mall as well, if you want it to be that much more sentimental.

Through my BMQ and SQ, I had a zippo in my pocket at all times. I was surprised that after crawling through a swamp on a stalking ex that it fired up right away as well.

Don't forget to include a couple of pkgs of flints and a supply of lighter fluid also....They are generally not readily available, especially with restricted time off base.
Having done BMQ a few summers ago I found by far that the most useful piece of aftermarket kit I brought was a CP Gear Field Message Pad. The majority of BMQ is done in the classroom; a good notebook is a must. I’ve carried mine every time I’m in uniform and it has come in most handy, as he’ll soon learn you’re going to need a pen and notepad on you at all times.
Swiss army knife is a waste of space as we have the gerber,
some good ideas already said.
A camera,
Zippo lighter,
a personal gift,
all good ideas,
Something I bought and wish I had on SQ were Compression sacks from MEC and a camelback
I'm in love with my compression sacks.
How about a first class min-boot polishing kit, and a mini-toothbrush/comb kit for the field? You can get the former in business travel stores and the latter at MEC. A small red filtered flashlight, or an equivalent in LED, might be good too.
i'd agree with the kit answer. They take away pretty much everything you own and allow you only a small amount of space for personal items. Save the Gucci kit for after. They like to see uniform and conformity in basic.

A personal item to remind him of family when he leaves, something to show you're proud of him when he's done. My mom bought me a necklace and charm when I left. I couldn't wear it, but I had it.
A gift for his trade would probably be better suited when he goes away for MOC. The sentimental items were also a good idea. Maybe a series of inexpensive items would help, like the notepad, lighter, and some stuff ect.. stuff that will make his bmq adventure a little less hecktic, can never be too prepared for anything.
The best gift that any one could get for basic, is and its going to sound wierd but 3 padlocks all with the same combo.It will save a lot of time.I think you can get this done at any lock smith or i believe you can order them on line.
socialhandgrenade said:
The best gift that any one could get for basic, is and its going to sound wierd but 3 padlocks all with the same combo.It will save a lot of time.I think you can get this done at any lock smith or i believe you can order them on line.

Canadian Tire sells it for 15 bucks.
