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Getting that First Hook

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A Cpl about a year ago told me that a NO HOOK can recieve his HOOK before 30 months.  I no longer know where to find this person that told me this so I ask you all this question.

How does one go about at getting thier HOOK before 30 months?

This is not so much for me but my Sgt says that he does not believe it is possable anymore and asked me to find out if it is or isnt.

This is my delema.  I have no idea where to look.  Please give me some advice you old timers (lol J/K) on where I can find this sort of information so I know where to look for future references to many other things.

Thanks for your time and help.

While browsing through this CFAO, Annex A Table 2 deals with Accelerated promotions for most trades.  It does not deal with getting Pte(T) earlier.

It does say that the approving authority for promotions from Pte(R) to Cpl and all inbetween, is the members Commanding Officer.

Bull_STR said:
This is not so much for me but my Sgt says that he does not believe it is possable anymore and asked me to find out if it is or isnt.

If your a private he proably should look for you.If you were a cpl he could call it "building job knowledge" i.e CFAO familiarzation etc.
I dunno maybe I'm being anal but it sounds kind of lazy to me.
Remember you can only recieve one advance promotion in your career IIRC.Whats the big deal about a hook anyway?
Back when I was a young Rad Op (no jokes here please) you had to have completed 30 months of service and have completed QL4. Now, there is no QL4 anymore, so I would imagine it is still 30 months.
099* said:
If your a private he proably should look for you.If you were a cpl he could call it "building job knowledge" i.e CFAO familiarzation etc.
I dunno maybe I'm being anal but it sounds kind of lazy to me.
Remember you can only recieve one advance promotion in your career IIRC.Whats the big deal about a hook anyway?

No no it wasnt an order or anything like that.  It was a more if you really want to know 100% then find out for yourself.  figure it out then if you cant find it we can go from there kind of thing.

Thanks for the info glenndon
The answer is 30 months cut and dry.  It is laid out in the earlier mentioned CFAO.  This being said, if you have time in the reserves, it also depends on how much time you were credited before getting in.  Further to that, you cannot and do not enter the promotion zone until 36 mos.  Another words, if you are looking forward to something and think that you might be recognized as being able to lead at the cpl level, then you can be written up to get it early.  The thing is, they have to write you up.  You can request it all you want (although that would make me not write you up).  As a Cpl, MCpl and Sgt, I have helped or written up 5 people who I thought were deserving members to receive their Cpls early.  I also wrote how early I thought that they should get them, for instance, 2 were recommended for 1 yr, 2 six months and one for 4 mos accellerated promoted.  All were promoted based on the support from the chain of command.  It is a lot of work to write one of these and requires supporting documentation.  I start with the shaddow file and if it is not up to date and accurately reflective of the person's ability to accept the responsibility of an accelerated promotion, then I won't even start it on them.  Hopefully this helps.
Depends on your training program.  For example the Naval Combat Systems Technical Training Program (NCSTTP) gives its candidates QL3 and QL5 training straight out of recruit school.  For some lucky folks (such as myself), QL3 training is completed before BMQ.  On completion, 25 months after the program begins, graduates receive their second hook.

We had 16 months to first hook, and 9 from first to second.
My appologies as I was looking at only the army and airforce signals training.  As stated in my earlier response, you can get credit for courses you already have if it meets trade requirements.  There are specialty programs such as the one you are talking about but they are far and few between in the forces.  If you have a diploma that directly relates to your choosen trade, you could get up to $20 000 and enter as a Cpl.  As he came in as a Pte, and likely no qualifications that could be carried over to his trade (I am assuming he is a Sig Op) so what I said would stand.
Your grasping at straws if your looking for an advanced promotion to Pte Trained...they dont even do it in the infantry, and the pretty much set the standard for advanced promotions.  My recommendation is do you time, theres nothing wrong with it, you'll gain more knowledge and respect.
D3V1L6 said:
Your grasping at straws if your looking for an advanced promotion to Pte Trained...they dont even do it in the infantry, and the pretty much set the standard for advanced promotions.   My recommendation is do you time, theres nothing wrong with it, you'll gain more knowledge and respect.

That's funny as we advance promoted 3 out of 14 in our troop last year and 5 in our Sqn.  I don't know how many in the Regiment as a whole.  Our CO must not have gotten the notice from the Infantry CO who sets the standard.  In case you haven't noticed, Sig Ops are getting promoted fast right now because of the number of people getting out.  It is leaving a void in the cpl rank that we are trying to fill with deserving Ptes.  Problem is that most guys are getting promoted after two years at the Cpl rank.  Unfortunately, it is making the difference between Sgt and MCpl larger and larger.  Pretty soon we won't have any CFLs only MCFLs.  The only fear I have is that it will eventually hurt our trade.
Ok as I stated in the very first post I made.  I am NOT looking so much to do this.  But to find out if it is still a possability. 
Bull_STR said:
Ok as I stated in the very first post I made.  I am NOT looking so much to do this.  But to find out if it is still a possability.  I swear everytime I come on here I see posts by people that dont even read what is posted.  Communication.  real simple.  Instead of blowing off the top half way through a post maybe people could practice reading and understanding what they read.  Is it any wonder only a small portion of people post on this site.  I have suggested this site to so many people that express that they have been here and will never come back, hmmm I wonder why. ::)

Are we safe to assume you will be next ?
D3V1L6 said:
Your grasping at straws if your looking for an advanced promotion to Pte Trained...they dont even do it in the infantry, and the pretty much set the standard for advanced promotions.   My recommendation is do you time, theres nothing wrong with it, you'll gain more knowledge and respect.

My recommendation is do everything you can do to get advanced promoted. The reasoning quoted above is wrong, totally wrong. Getting advanced promoted doesn't limit what experience and respect you gain, it advances them. Go for goals that encourage you to be a better soldier, set the example for others, by all means do whatever it takes to better yourself. Your chain of command will recognize this and reward you appropriately at the very least that'swhat they should do, thats what I would do. Why would you tell someone to aim low?

The only reasoning I think D3V1L6 is using is that if you get advanced promoted, you may not be one of the guys anymore, the guys will be jealous and think your some sort of bag licker and will lose respect for you. Am I right, or close? Well screw those types of guys! My friends would be happy for me if I was advanced promoted.

Care to explain how adv. prom. will limit your experience?

(edited because spell checker and quotes didnt work)

This is starting to sound an awful like the people who are whining because they don't have enough medals or badges to prove that they are 'a somebody'.
30 months TI is required to receive the first hook. I'm not at work until Friday, but I know there is a ref out there somewhere on this. Accelerated promotions can then be made to the rank of Cpl or higher, but a member can only be accelerated once in his/her career.

The only instance I have ever seen of someone getting their hook early was when they enrolled in the CF and were granted "6 months of prior service" towards both "rank & pay" due to qualifications/experience they had prior to enlisting. And that prior experience was not as a Res in this case.
The above advice/statement from The Librarian is probably the most accurate to follow on this issue.
cdnaviator said:
he wont be "one of the guys " if he gets his hook early ?


I never said it made sense. The theory goes that if your singled out for good behavior then your peers get jealous. I also had doubts that privates can be advance promoted to private trained, Librarians comments, if there are refs would be accurate like George says. Its still no reason to slow down though.
MOOXE said:
I never said it made sense. The theory goes that if your singled out for good behavior then your peers get jealous.

Well in my time, I've recommended a few for accelerated promotions due to their outstanding performance and drive. It has been my experience that their peers congratulated them, and carried on. Please note that those who were recommended were already "leading" and setting an example for their peers of the Pte rank anyway, and that's why they were recommended in the first place.

So really, nothing changed except for the fact that those who showed the leadership, skill, initiative and drive got recognized for it officially.
Alright, here is the goods:

From CFAO 49-4 Annex A Table 1

For promotion from Pte (B) to Pte (T) you must have:

1. 30 months qualifying service
2. QL 3 minimum
3. Meets the minimum medical category for the MOC as prescribed by A-MD-154-000/FP-000 Medical Standards for the Canadian Forces
4. Be available for unrestricted employment in MOC
5. Have a recent history of satisfactory performance and conduct
6. CO's recommendation

From CFAO 49-4 Annex B Appendix 1

For accelerated promotion from Pte to Cpl you must:

1. Have 3 years, but less than 4 years, qualifying service.
2. Documentation. As determined by CHQ.
3. Hold QL5A in current MOC                               
4. Must meet all promotion hold next lower qualification prerequisites, other than time in current MOC when for in rank, specified in Annex A...

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No where in CFAOs does it state that you can be advance promoted from Pte (B) to Pte (T).
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