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Gagetown soldiers charged with drug trafficking

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Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Three of them are corporals.  Even if they were promoted yesterday, that's four years service.  Not at all "new kids"
Still, I've been told to take a flying leap by one of these new types.  No Discipline, No Respect for Rank.  Just here to do a job and collect pay. 
BYT Driver said:
Obviously another bunch of "new kids" who are getting thru the meat grinder with their lousy attitudes and making all of us look bad in the eyes of the public when we need that support.  
Obviously another dinosaur with an extra side of crust doing the talking!

Soldiers of all ranks have been caught with urine tests, and the better part of a platoon of Vandoos was caught last year - this is not an exclusively "New Guy" phenomenon, and perpetuating the myth that drugs are only used by the Junior Ranks is BS as well.

Mind you NOT all of the new recruits have shitty attitudes, just some.  
I can think of a few 20+ year members with pretty crappy attitudes too - hardly indicative of - anything - is it?

Remember Viet-Nam.
What, a giant conscript army with no clear tactical goals fighting an unpopular war with no public support?

Oh, wait, that conflict bears no similarity to our current missions - and it predates the birth of most soldiers today.
Scrooge_Des said:
Well...That was enlightening.

Well.....That was downright stupid, and that is why I removed it. 

Note to All:

We are policing this topic as much as we can, so keep the comments to facts only.  We know not of their guilt or innocence.  We will not speculate or release Unit names or means of finding Unit names, nor any facts about any family members that these accused may have in the vicinity.  If it is a OPSEC or PERSEC matter, you will be censored and put on Warning should you release that info here before it is Public knowledge.
3rd Horseman said:

  Please review what you said and take a second to rethink if you want it to be their. Edit it out if your second thought tells you it was not appropriate. I would suggest you edit it out.

48th is being polite to you.

  Now on to these accused 5, what a shame they did this. They will have tarnished their unit and the public view unfortunately. They will pay and good on the investigators rooting out some more less then acceptable that got past the door.

While it may appear callous and unthoughtful of me, and that I have no regards for someone with PTSD, I won't recant the statement. Having any kind of illness doesn't make using or trafficking drugs legal. As for someone with PTSD, I am sorry if I offended anyone. It just seems to be a "more" common defense platform these days.
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Three of them are corporals.  Even if they were promoted yesterday, that's four years service.  Not at all "new kids"

Not always true in the PRes World. I am not sure what unit they are from, so please excuse me on that matter. We just have to watch the OPSEC and PERSEC factors here. Not meaning to, but I'm echoing what George is stating. Any one here can access these means.

As for PTSD as a playing card. I believe that scapegoat shouldn't be played. I've seen PTSD within my family. But may be I am just misunderstanding what 3rd Horseman is writing. I think we should bury this issue before it spins out of control.


Edited to Add More Information
TN2IC: good point.  My reg force experience has seemed to push aside my reserve force experience.  Heck, even I was a corporal after a year!  :D
As for info, CBC radio tonight mentioned that three of the suspects were destined to go to Afghanistan, and that they have been taken off of the tour.  The PAFFO didn't say if the charges were related, and that it had nothing to do with the recently publicised urine tests: this was a separate investigation.  No units given.  So, none shall be given on this site, I hope.  As I stated earlier, let the PAFFO worry about releasing info.
Heck, even I was a corporal after a year! 

Damn, streamers, harrrrumphh.

Seriously,though, isn't CF Drug and Alcohol Policy about the second lecture given to recruits?

Heck last time I recollect such a scenario they hadn't even been issued their 'poofta green french painters hats' yet....and that was three weeks ago... on a PRes planet.....
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
TN2IC: good point.  My reg force experience has seemed to push aside my reserve force experience.  Heck, even I was a corporal after a year!  :D

I "think" that some reservist have a intresting life. They are civilian soldiers. They have lives out side the Militia Life. But one person can only make the right choice on drugs. It is not the CSM, nor the Section Commander... it is the Militia Soldier himself. One man one kit? One man, one body. Treat it right.

When you sign the dotted line, you sign it to serve the Red and White. I believe all Militia soldiers should be tested even on Class A work. I really don't like the idea of Pte Bloggins popping whatever brand of the month, then hitting the range for a PWT 3.

Okay I believe I am done my rant,
Cheers Again Troops,
I just have to wade in here on the Zero Tolerance BS...........why is there a "Zero" Tolerance for Drug use but there isn't for Alcohol? They are both drugs...............if someone has a problem, and they want the help with the problem.....try to fix it first. But of course, mete out the appropriate punishments first if so required. What I get a kick out of is the people who get caught and then boom, right to the addictions counselor, on there own, to get help.......you didnt have a problem when you weren't getting caught did you? I can see it from both angles though as I have lived it and sorted it.

My ramblings,

2023: No one ever had a problem until they got caught. I respectfully submit the denial is as much a part of the problem as the problem.

BTW: I've got the same t-shirt.
Well, it looks like we have worn this topic out, as now we are getting right off topic and into Alcohol, PTDS, and t-shirts.

Ah man, come on George, it is a good thread. I'll keep it on topic. I swear!!!!!!! haha
2023 said:
What I get a kick out of is the people who get caught and then boom, right to the addictions counselor, on there own, to get help.......you didnt have a problem when you weren't getting caught did you?

They just know how to play the system. I am not promoting it, myself. But that is a way on how some people look at it. It as if they want to give them an extra chance. To stand up and make things right. Then may be afterwards go back to the same routine. Don't we all love it? It is all about lifestyles. Your body. Your Choice.
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