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Flags of Our Towns

Proud Dad

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I mentioned to the local newspaper Editor a while back that there are 3 young men from our town currently serving in Afghanistan, hoping that they may get a little recognition for the good work they do in serving our country. His response was, "oh yeah?, we should send the town flag over there so they can fly it at the base for a day, and take pictures, then send it back so we can display it at town hall!". That wasn't quite the reaction I was hoping for. In a later issue of the newspaper he wrote that "someone should get the flag over there", and town council directed Management to take care of it.

I am not sure about this, so I searched here for any similar posts and found none. Did a web search and also found nothing. I wonder if this is even possible, because there might be protocol preventing the Base from flying miscellaneous flags. I don't know where He got his information from and I don't want to ask him when obviously the good members of this site would know definitively.  Don't want to send a flag over to these guys, one of them My Son, if its not going to fly. (the idea that is)

Maybe as an alternative He could drape it over the front of his tank so the crew and/or the hometown boys could pose with it? Not comfortable suggesting this either until I hear back from some replies here.


I like that idea. I don't know about flying the flag at a FOB but having the three guys drape the flag on a tank shouldn't be a problem.
Chapter 4, Section 8, Para 15 - 16 states:

15. Provincial flags shall only be flown on
Department of National Defence (DND) property as a
complete set of all provincial flags, and only for display
purposes such as around a parade square.

16. Municipal flags are not flown on DND property.

That is the official word on it.  The Manual of Ceremony for HMC Ships states the same thing, however most ships will still fly their Namesake City flag when they are in foreign ports.  It falls under the fact that SCOPA (Sr Canadian Officer Presently Afloat) makes the ruling that the ships will do this or that blah blah. 

IMO, it can't hurt for someone over there to staff up a memo stating this idea for morale purposes and city connection etc and see what happens.  I personally think it's a great idea.  Have a separate mast erected for this reason and have a different city represented each day.  Yes, it would take some organizing, but what a boost it would bring to the troops, and in turn the connection back to their hometowns.

I can tell you that prior to Roto 4's departure, representatives visited the town/city hall of Quebec's major communities (+/-20).  They presented ISAF flags to the cities and received municipal flags in return.  The municipalities are to fly or display the ISAF flags for the duration of Roto 4 while we will be doing same at KAF.  At the end of Roto 4, the municipal flags will be brought back & returned to the cities.

I thought it was a good way of connecting with the community.
I think this is a wonderful idea! Fostering community relationships are important at this point. Support from home always brings up troop morale, and bring able to fly your city/town's flag for a day would really rock!
Saw a clip of Gen Leslie taking an interview on Sat... flags in the background were the Quebec municipal flags the TF gathered prior to deploying. 

Hope the people of these communities get to see & figure it out.
Proud Dad
When my son was over there we sent him a few small Alberta flags and one regulation one. The small ones he had in his helmet under the lining and the large one was tacked to the roof of his home away from home above his bed. He said he had a little piece of home with him where every he went in A'stan.