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Favorite Military Film

Please... for the sake of my sanity..
Let's get back on topic...  :blotto:
...um, yeah... *cough* hmm hmmm.

FMJ, good Movie.

"Charlie has hit every major military target in Vietnam, and hit 'em hard. In Saigon, the United States Embassy has been overrun by suicide squads. Khe Sahn is standing by to be overrun. We also have reports that a division of N.V.A. has occupied all of the city of Hue south of the Perfume River. In strategic terms, Charlie's cut the country in half... the civilian press are about to wet their pants and we've heard even Cronkite's going to say the war is now unwinnable.

In other words, it's a huge shit sandwich, and we're all gonna have to take a

JOKER: "Sir ... does this mean that Ann-Margret's not coming?"

love that reply 8)
I have the up most faith that members of this board can quote the movie full metal jacket in it's entirity.

I don't really see a need to though.

Anyone wanna take a stab at commenting on something positive or negitive about the movie? (And not your super ability to mimic some lines)

Heres one.  I think the movie makes a good point that all soldiers, regardless if they are combat arms or support should be riflemen first or at the very least, trained to a high standard with weapons and tactics.
battle lines can quickly shift and cooks, combat photographers and truckers to name a few can quickly find themselves facing off against enemy infantry soldiers.

Lexi, go rent the friggin movie :)
Apocalyps Now was the first movie I ever saw about Vietnam. It did not bring me any understanding of that conflict except that it screwed up alot of soldiers. Also if the movie is to be eblieved three quarters of the U.S. armed forces were doing illicite drugs over there.

I wasn't around then then so I won't comment one way or the other. I would like to hear from some of the older guys on that subject though. Get their impressions of that war and all...

Cheers  :salute:

Honestly I did not find apocalypse now to be a defining movie on the Vietnam conflict at all.  I thought it was a cheap attempt to make an artsy film by Copula, but hey I am not really a fan of any of his movies so this is a bias opinion.
Has anyone seen Tigerland.  Its about recurits on their way to Vietnam training at a base in the US south that gives them a small glimpse into what they are going to go through.

cheers ;D
Tigerland is pretty good, I rented it a while back.

I like the way that, even though it may over-extend the facts, FMJ shows what kind of presure the privates were under, and gives an insight into the training.

It was also one of the first military films I had ever seen, and a bit too much for me at that age(I was around 9), but now I can fully appreciate it's worth.
Platoon seemed to be good. I wonder if the soldiers were really that screwed up and doing drugs like the movie makes out? I don't know that I would want to fight along side someone like that. I'd be too worried about him shooting me by accident!

If so, where did they get them (drugs) from? Did they steal morphine from the medical system?

FMJ That was and still is a good movie remember the guy who got tagged with the name Gomer Pyle(The one who blew his brains out after Basic) his name is Vincent D'Onofrio he now plays in one of the Law and Order it takes a talented actor to play an idiot.  What about Matthew Modine's character Joker Written on his helmet and yet wearing a Peace button when questioned by an officer his reply was something to the effect of It symbolises the duality of man

Born ty
it was an oversight on my part as I only had 2 hrs of sleep.  I need a new roomate who sleeps at night and is awake during the day.
I first saw FMJ on the bus to Wainwright for my GMT.  I don't know if the more "experienced" soldiers on the bus were trying to scare us - but I loved it!  When I got to Wainwright, the staff were quoting some of the "tamer" lines by the good Snr Drill Instr Gnry Sgt Hartman - modified to reflect CF training and wpns - it almost made me laugh sometimes!

Seeing the movie first, and knowing training was much softer than it used to be, made Basic training a breeze.  And then having staff butcher lines from a movie to make them apply - hilarious!!

As for quality of the movie - in military movies, some show training, some show war - it showed both and the relationship and development of characters with respect to both.  So I found it to be excellent.

WRT the drug usage portrayed - it wasn't just morphine "procured" through the medical supply system - a jungle is an excellent place to grow marijuana, etc.  Let alone that illicit drugs are NOT a North American phenomenon.  BC is not the only world supplier of weed and mushrooms, Los Angeles is not the only world suppler of LSD, Columbia is not the only world supplier of cocaine, and Afghanistan is not the only world supplier of opium. 

Soldiers on tour are not cut off completely from the local economy and black market  Vietnam was a time of massive drug experimentation in the USA, when Led Zeppelin started doing LSD it was so new that it wasn't even illegal yet.  Every movie I've seen, book I've read, Vietnam vet I've spoken to has mentioned often excessive illicit drug usage occurring there.  So, all that said, I imagine that, even if exaggerated, it did occur.  No, I don't want someone who's high next to me in a trench... but same thing for drunk, insane, or suffering from critical incident stress - but that happens too.

"You should consider using the spell check, your love it too."

"your love it too"?

Priceless. ;D
I know Ghost doesnt want a transcript if the movie but I wanna share my favorite 2 lines.

"You know, half these **** whores are serving
    officers in the Viet Cong.
The other half have got T.B. Make sure you
    only fuck the ones that cough."

Sorry Scoobs
If you guys want to see a good Vietnam War movie check out fire base Gloria it was great. It was on the history channel for seven docs seven movies about a month ago .

Sorry for being a little late to the discussion, but I don't really think Apocalypse Now is a war movie: it is a drama, set in a war and thus the comparisons don't really work, IMHO.

Has anyone here seen "84C MoPic" (or possibly "84 Charlie MoPic")?  It's been (highly) recommended to me by several people as the best Vietnam movie out there  :threat: ... I believe it's an Indie movie, and I've never been able to find it at the damn video stores ...