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Everyone pay heed: posting images of the dead or injured

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Army.ca Veteran
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I think we should demonstrate better judgment and taste than to be posting images of the deceased or injured here on this website.  As noted many times, there are many prying eyes here during times of heightened media attention. 

Moreover, I plead with you to show more respect to the families.  Let them control the images of their loved ones that are released to the world.  Just because you have a photo or two does not mean it has to be displayed on the internet for everyone to see.
those pics belong to the deceased's friends and comrades. If they want to post them as a tribute, that's their call. They are the property of the individual in question, and if that person wants to make it public property, again, that's their call.

Now, should they post questionable material, they can expect to get slapped down for it. But a picture of their buddy doing something silly to draw a laugh, looking hard on tour, or some other moment of a soldier's life...nothing wrong with that. I got no heartache with a soldier's buddy wanting to commemorate his friend's life by showing the world an instant in their friend's life, doing what he loved to do. I highly doubt that the family of any soldier would object to his friend doing so. In fact, it may well be a method whereby that family will be exposed to a picture of their loved one that they didn't know existed.

Should the family come here and ask for it to be taken down, then, I'll bet the poster would do so without question or hesitation.
Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of Canada in Aubry v Editions Vice-Versa Inc felt differently when they found that the use of an image without consent of the person photographed constituted a violation of the person's privacy rights. 

But then again, what would I know.... and moreover, it's not my website so what do I have to lose.
Ok folks, let's not get upset over this. Emotions are high with all that's going on. scoutfinch is offering her experience to help guide us away from making damaging mistakes, and the Staff are trying to keep the place functional.

Images released by the media are fine.

If you have private photos of the fallen, think long and hard about what you do with them. If there is any reason the individual, family or friends may have issue - or if the media may be able to make something out of the image - please just hang on to it for the time being. However, if you have an image that you think should be seen and will not in your best estimation cause an issue, go ahead and share it.

Also note: images of serving or wounded members should simply not be posted.

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