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Edmonton Man Accused of Wife's Murder is Ex- Military

Bruce Monkhouse

Pinball Dude
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Husband of missing wife charged
EDMONTON (CP) - Liana White and her unborn child were killed in a violent struggle and left to decompose in a ditch in a crime that has shattered the lives of her three-year-old daughter and other family members.
Her husband Michael White, 28, has been charged with second-degree murder in her death and with committing an indignity to a dead body. The 29-year-old hospital clerk's body was too decomposed to immediately determine how she died, Edmonton Police Det. Michael Campeau told reporters Tuesday. Her identity was determined by dental records.
Campeau said the families of both Michael and Liana are devastated.

"It's a tragic day. It's not a victory for the police service. It's just a tragic day for two families. We're not here to celebrate anything. Unfortunately it's a tragedy for both sets of families. Liana's mom is not doing well at all," he said.
Campeau said he felt especially sorry for the couple's daughter Ashley, who was believed to be in the custody of Liana's mother.
"I do. She's lost both her mom and dad."
Campeau wouldn't comment on whether White was stabbed or strangled, but did say "There are signs on the body she was involved in a struggle."

Further tests need to be done to determine cause of death, he said.
When asked about a motive, the veteran detective would only say "We are still working on that. There are still many leads to follow up on."
The police announcement came only hours after an exhausted-looking Michael White made his first court appearance, where he reserved plea on the charges against him.
White closed his eyes and winced as the charges were read out in court.

Outside court, his lawyer, Larry Anderson, was tight-lipped.
"We are anxious to answer these allegations," said Anderson, a former president of the Law Society of Alberta.
"The matter has simply been put over for a few weeks so they can find a prosecutor and then we can get enough information so we can begin formulating our defence."

White showed little emotion as he scanned the courtroom while the charges were read out. His next court appearance is July 26.
The White story has gripped the Alberta capital ever since her Ford Explorer was found abandoned just blocks from her home last Tuesday. Her purse, shoes and cellphone were scattered nearby.
Nothing appeared to have been taken, nor were there any signs of a struggle.
Campeau said she was seen just before midnight last Monday by someone other than White, about seven hours before the SUV was reported in the parking lot.

After days of fruitless searching by police, the body was discovered Sunday by a crew of volunteers, including White.
Earlier that day he said his nights since Liana's disappearance alternated between nightmares and sleeplessness.
"If they're thinking it was the husband, forget the husband. Let's find my wife," he told a reporter, adding that he feared the worst.
"I want people to know she was an outstanding person who contributed to the community," he said. "There's no reason why this should have happened."

Neighbours and co-workers of the Whites were in shock, describing the couple as normal people who held barbecues, worked on fixing up their house and helped out their friends.
The manager of the truck repair shop where White worked for almost three years said he just can't believe his friend and colleague had been charged with murder.

Some of the other employees at the shop helped White search for his wife.
"We're all in shock and awe. I wouldn't have seen it coming for a million years," said Rob Hansen, who added he had spent time socially with the couple.
"We all thought he was a very solid person, which makes us very distraught. She was always smiling and happy. This has hit everybody like a ton of bricks."

Another colleague, Aaron Coulter, said he still can't believe his friend is in jail charged with murder.
He remembered White occasionally bringing his wife around the truck repair shop.
"They always got along great as far as I could see. He was a good family man."
Michael and Liana White met at a nightclub in 1998, not long after she moved to Edmonton from Kelowna, B.C., and while he was still working in the Canadian military.

They had a small wedding in 2000, and a year later, welcomed a daughter. The couple sometimes spoke of returning to his hometown of Mar, Ont.
Published reports say the couple were heavily in debt, with liens on two vehicles and a $166,000 mortgage on a $170,000 house.
The fact that Liana was four months pregnant has prompted chilling comparisons to Scott Peterson, a California man convicted of killing his wife, Laci, and their unborn child.

Campeau said police could not charge White for that death.
"Unfortunately in Canada, you can't charge a person with the death of an unborn baby," he said.
The charge of committing an indignity to a dead body was laid because White's body was disposed of improperly.
Campeau said they believe Michael White acted alone.

While he doesn't have a criminal record, White did have a record during his time in the military, including being court martialled for theft.

While he doesn't have a criminal record, White did have a record during his time in the military, including being court martialled for theft

Howd you get that last bit...It wasn't in the article?

No, it was in the article , I just did this to it like the other line further up.....

You overestimate my tracking abilities, my friend. :warstory:
This case reminder me of the Scott Peterson case in the United States
Wife with unborn child gone missing... it's pretty blatent to me that he did it from the start.

Then the tons of redflags went up when...he was the leader of the search party...that found her dead body

Criminals are very dumb.
So this guy was a member (with a charge or 2).  Where was he and what did he do in the forces?  One would assume he was a truck plumber but the articles don't have the specifics.  Anyone know him or work with him?
Wow, what an utter scum-bag.  22 charges for theft/stealing, and not just from the crown.  Oh no, this schmuck also stole a bunch of personal property from his fellow troopers!  Then he was stupid enough to get caught with all of it in his posession.  So, at the very least he is both a rampant thief and an utter idiot.  To think that someone like this thought he could get away with a murder?  Whoo Boy......

I really feel for the murdered Wife and their surviving first child, not to mention the families on both sides.  She probably didn't even realize what an utter arse-clown she was marrying at the time.  I'd place 10:1 odds that he is guilty.  And if so, I hope they lock him away for life.  Situations like these really do warrant the good old 30-cent solution.  "Face the ditch and kneel down".....bang, game over.
Gunner said:
If you have DIN access you can read all about Tpr White (Strathcona).

Anyone care to enlighten those of us without DIN access (if possible)?

What I got from the news last night was that he was a Strat and was released after being convicted of possesion of stolen property.

How any man (if you can call him that) could murder his wife and unborn child is beyond me. What makes it even worse is that this POS killed the mom of his little girl. As a parent, I could not fathom causing that much pain to such an innocent child. General population for you, shitpump, enjoy.
Every organization has their 10% - here's ours....
22 counts of theft!  That goes far beyond a couple of nails and screws from the shop!  Not to mention the most reprehensible act of all... Stealing from your buddies.  I think he should have had his hands "caught" in a hatch.
  I do feel for the families involved and pray for the children.  It is too bad that we, as a nation, abolished the death penality.
Situations like these really do warrant the good old 30-cent solution.  "Face the ditch and kneel down".....bang, game over.

Mark C well said, shame our lawmakers don't see things this way. Some would say a bullet is too good for these types. I would argue that a few well strategically placed rounds  >:D might be better than one in the back of the head.
"Edmonton Man Accused of Wife's Murder is Ex- Military "

Sadly any murder and the taking on one's life in such a situation happens all to often these days, and this case does echo the California case which even made the news down here. What does his occupation have to do with it all?

Another case of media trying to create something when there is nothing there and smearing shit on the CF image yet again. So he has had military service (and was a bad apple and a dirty theif at that). So what if he even worked at McDonalds or was unemployed. His job has nothing to do with it. He can commited a terrible crime.

I find trying to drag the CF into this is nothing but bad manners by our story hungry media. As Infanteer says, he's our 10%er, and he will pay hopefully thru the gutless 'legal' system. Murdering a pregnant woman is pretty low (one of the lowest in fact), then playing the innocent hubby to boot. I am sure the police were on to him right away. It will be protective custody for this 'waste of rations' once he is in gaol, hopefully for a very long time, but not long enough. We need to re-vamp the system, giving it testicles again so we can call it a JUSTICE system.

I am for the kneel in the ditch method, all for the cost of a .22 short. Thats an inexpensive sentance isn't it, and re-asssures us all, he will never offend again.

Actually,to be fair, if one reads the article, it hardly points that fact out at all.
The emphasis were mine, as some here may be interested in knowing this. However that is also the reason its in "radio chatter".

I wonder if everyone who works at a "truck repair shop" are worked up that they mentioned that.
Since he can't get the death penalty from a court of law, let's hope one of  his fellow prisoners gives it to him.
" Giving it testicles again so we can call it a justice system"

You hit the nail on the head there Wes, I couldn't agree with you more. There is a fundamental lack of testicles in our justice system. The system needs to grow re-grow a set because the current ones are no longer functioning.
The Death Penalty would be to good for this guy.  I say he should be pinned up by the eyelids and have his "unmentionables" beaten until he can blink.
I used to work with this alleged humanoid (man is too gracious, soldier is a stretch......). I have had only a few things stolen from me in my career (my bike from outside the barracks near the Jr Ranks, my relatively new watch from the base gym, and my youthful idealism...... scratch that, it was lost, not stolen). I lost track of other items, but I chalk those up to "lost" not "stolen" as I have no proof. Anyhoo, I can't prove it, but when my aforementioned watch went AWOL, one of the pers in the vicinity was the man in question. Never did find out 100%, but I always assumed it was him, and then his theft charge came up, so I'm 99% sure.

I don't even normally lock my locker at work during work hours (if you can't trust the people you work with {especially in the Army}, who can you trust?!??!) which makes the MP's and SSM's apopleptic, but every once in a while you get a dirtbag like White that makes you rethink that policy.

When I first heard about this case, I would like to say I didn't prejudge him, and blame him for the murder within the time it takes for one to say "Sure!!!!" when someone offers you a free, cold beer....... But I did..... Sounded a little too close to the Scott Peterson case to me. And when people said "But who would be stupid enough to do the same thing that Peterson did so close to the trial, and think they could get away with it????" have obviously never met him.

There are a bunch of Strat's here at the Armour School who I have talked to about this case (and know White) and none of them were shocked to hear that he is being charged with the murder. Not that he was the "murder the pregnant wife" type (who is?????), but there haven't been any cases of people leaping to his defence, that I've heard of, either.

On a somewhat related note (I was talking with a fella today ref this case, and mentioned the same thing), I always find it odd when people say "There's no way that guy/girl/whatever did that [murder, rape, incest, felching]!!!!! I know them too well, and they could NEVER do that!!!!!!". There are prison's (and cemeteries) full of people that "couldn't ever do that". I would never in my life utter those words about anybody, including members of my family or my best friend(s). It's not that I wouldn't support them, but you are setting yourself up for failure (and loss of credibility when the inevitable freezer full of body parts is discovered in the person's house that you just staked your reputation on ) by saying things like that. No one truly knows another....

Anyway, IF he is convicted, I hope that he finds himself in a circle of hell occupied by Joe Stalin, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein (if/when he dies), Jeffrey Dahmer, Hitler, and is suitably ass-raped with a baseball bat wrapped in razor wire for killing his wife and unborn child (probably only for financial gain, as hinted to by the media (and the voices in my head....)). If, by some twist of fate, he is actually innocent of this crime, and you are reading this Mike, I would like my fookin watch back, you thievin' half-man.

I am going to play the Devil's Advocate in this post, I feel it is necessary to do this. :salute:

As I do not know this person I cannot make a judgement to his moral character or his previous activities.  I just wish to remind everyone who has been so quick to judge this man of some things.
1) I would suggest that we wait until the court and a jury have convicted him of these crimes before we begin to state how the death penalty is too good for him. 
2) I believe we are in a country where the accused is supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty."

Thus ends my role as the Devil's Advocate.