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Duff Gen - Most entertaining myths about being in the Forces


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Two I hear alot:

1) Members of the Canadian Forces don't pay taxes..really....DUFF GEN
2) Rations and quarters, military housing is FREE!!!!.....DUFF GEN
Quote from last night:

"Your dry cleaning is paid for, isn't it?" asked to me by a member of UNDE who works at RMC.
Being called Peacekeepers.... a rumour that needs to be silenced
RetiredRoyal said:
2) Rations and quarters, military housing is FREE!!!!.....DUFF GEN
Well, only if you're on a tasking ;)
I joined in '82. Eveytime I went home on leave, from one of my beer swilling buds I grew up with always waiting for his check, around my age (early 40's)....

"Geez ya gota  great job; free doctorin', free food; free clothes; all kinds of money every 2 weeks; makin' great cabbage, ya must be filthy rich; just for showing up for work! How's about a loan until I get my check?"

Waaay back I  'loaned 'him 20 bucks a couple of times...never see him around when he got 'paid'...seen him a few years back, same sh*t, different pile; Tried to explain what we do in the military; finally ended up telling him to STFU, get off the sauce, get a job, and he could of been in the same place as me (we both were going to sign up at the same time after highschool - one of us chickened out and didn't want to leave home; the other spent 24 years in uniform)...haven't seen or heard from him since - heard from others he still doing the same ol' crap...watta life
211RadOp said:
Quote from last night:

"Your dry cleaning is paid for, isn't it?" asked to me by a member of UNDE who works at RMC.

I don't know if it's still the case, but RMC Cadets used to get free dry cleaning.

As a Reservist i occasionally got asked, "Do you get paid to do it?", to which i respond, "No, i get used and abused for kicks".
No more free drycleaning at RMC. The Scarlets are still drycleaned, but nothing else.
How about the Myth that as a Reservist I'll be sent to Afghanistan?  I've lost count of the number of times people have asked me when I'm being sent.
How about the Myth that as a Reservist I'll be sent to Afghanistan?  I've lost count of the number of times people have asked me when I'm being sent.

Haha, wow, I had the exact same thing happen to me. After hearing that I had joined I had countless friends, family and coworkers ask when I was being sent.
do you get to take your machine gun home and use it for hunting?
use to get asked that lots when i joind the Res
Hale said:
As a Reservist i occasionally got asked, "Do you get paid to do it?", to which i respond, "No, i get used and abused for kicks".
The best one I was told was that I'd be given my own assault rifle. The rabbits in my yard were scared. Real scared.
Here are a few I've heard over the years:

(when I was an NCO):

"Don't you guys carry those sticks so you can beat the soldiers if they screw up?"

(Later, when I was across the fence):

"You're an officer? Doesn't that mean the troops shine your shoes and press your uniforms?"

From a cab driver:

"Do you get a free house and cheap car? Can you walk to the head of the line in the bank? In my old country officers get all that."

From several ignorant civvies at various times and places:

"Do you guys have to obey the same law as us?"

"Do you guys pay taxes?"

"Isn't your food (house, etc) free?"

"Do you get to take your guns home?"

"Are you allowed to live off  base?"

"Do you guys ever talk normal or just scream at each other all the time?"

It's and age thing, pbi, but:

pbi said:
Here are a few I've heard over the years:

(when I was an NCO):

"Don't you guys carry those sticks so you can beat the soldiers if they screw up?" - I got knuckles (and a few other body parts) rapped more than once in the '50s and '60s

(Later, when I was across the fence):

"You're an officer? Doesn't that mean the troops shine your shoes and press your uniforms?" - they used to, I, like all officers in field units, had a batman/driver who, amongst other things, attended to my kit and quarters in garrison

From a cab driver:

"Do you get a free house and cheap car? Can you walk to the head of the line in the bank? In my old country officers get all that." - well R&Q were 'free' in that they were an untaxed benefit

From several ignorant civvies at various times and places:

"Do you guys have to obey the same law as us?" - yes, but we also have those neat 'laws' in the NDA which don't apply to civvies

"Do you guys pay taxes?" - we (single soldiers and even many married soldiers) did not until E.J. Benson changed things in about 1970

"Isn't your food (house, etc) free?" - see 'free house,' above

"Do you get to take your guns home?" - my rifle sat in an unlocked rack in my room in the quarters (home) in the '60s

"Are you allowed to live off  base?" - until about 1965 we weren't unless we were 'lawfully' married (age 21+ for soldiers, age 25+ for officers)

"Do you guys ever talk normal or just scream at each other all the time?" - Eh!?!  Don't you have an H4, too?

One my wife loves to repeat. It was told to me by my mother when I enlisted just after my eighteenth birthday. "Now that you're in the army, no 'nice' girl will go out with you."

'Nice' had a particular meaning during the fifties and pre-pill sixties. You married a 'nice' girl, which supposedly was any female who didn't have hinges on her heels. My officer training course was actually told this during what we used to call a couth lecture, although it also was the standard mantra in civilian circles.