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Does BMQ start in November?


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Maybe a silly question...but I was just wondering if anyone knows the answer.  I see that the latest dates for BMQ posted so far include October 31, 2011 - do they normally start more courses in November or do they wait until January to start up again?

I was told that they would be calling for RMS Clerk in October, and it seems like usually (but not always!) you have a few weeks between your call and swearing in, and starting BMQ, so I was curious as to if I got an October call (*crosses fingers*) whether BMQ might not be starting until after Christmas break.

I've searched through Facebook and I can tell you that in previous years there were BMQ courses that started in November.  I never found one that started in December, but there were also courses that started in January.

But thats no guarantee that they will have them this year.  Last I heard, they had already filled about 1650 of the 2000 available NCM posiitons.  Its probably more now.
when I went for my interview afew weeks ago, they said theres a possibility I may get a call for basic that would be starting in late november. They said it may be trade-specific though, rather than a normal basic with many different trades, so maybe its different.
As a rule, courses start whenever there is a need for them.
Using BMQ as the example, if there are enough students merit listed, a course will be loaded...BUT,
this late in the FY, many trades are now at or above their approved levels. This is only one reason why RMS Clerk applicants (for example)  were delayed into the fall.

In the mid-2000s, at the height of recruiting, a new BMQ course was being started nearly every week. Since then, things have changed and there is not a requirement to offer as many BMQ courses at this point. This does not mean a stop in recruiting, just far fewer positions and courses being run throughout the year.

Search through the topics here and you will read how time off during the Christmas holidays is handled when a course runs over that period. It's planned for, before the course is even loaded.
kratz said:
As a rule, courses start whenever there is a need for them.
Using BMQ as the example, if there are enough students merit listed, a course will be loaded...BUT,
this late in the FY, many trades are now at or above their approved levels. This is only one reason why RMS Clerk applicants (for example)  were delayed into the fall.

In the mid-2000s, at the height of recruiting, a new BMQ course was being started nearly every week. Since then, things have changed and there is not a requirement to offer as many BMQ courses at this point. This does not mean a stop in recruiting, just far fewer positions and courses being run throughout the year.

Search through the topics here and you will read how time off during the Christmas holidays is handled when a course runs over that period. It's planned for, before the course is even loaded.

Yep, the trade I was talking about is RMS clerk.. we got delayed for afew months, so the interviewer told me there is a potential RMS-only BMQ in november.

I wouldnt mind working thru christmas if that was the case either way, but its nice to know we have the option of going home for a week or whatever the case is; gives a nice little break. Running/Marching/Physical activities in the snow/cold may be difficult though!
When I went through BMQ it was middle of November. That was only a few years ago in 2008. While we were there new serials kept coming in until the 2nd week of December. We were all shocked when a course showed up 2 weeks before Xmas leave started
NDC said:
Running/Marching/Physical activities in the snow/cold may be difficult though!

.......IMHO...it sure beats sweating your arse off in the Summer.
I agree!  I would totally rather bundle up and be out there in winter than swelter away in the heat of summer! 

Thanks for the responses guys.  I have actually read quite a bit about how they handle Christmas break, that's why I wondered how late they would continue to load BMQ courses. 

I have been watching the course dates page that's linked in the BMQ forum stickies, and so far it only shows October 31, 2011 as the latest BMQ starting.  Not sure how often they update that page though.
Hey all,

I've been following this post... Fauntania, you and I are in the same boat , I think.
I've been merit listed for RMS clerk since mid-July and have been told selections would be made sometime this month.  Patience is a virtue.
I really don't mind starting BMQ whenever they want me to... I would like a call sometime soon though!  :nod:
Well...I got a call today!  But they wanted me to be there next weekend, and I had to decide on the spot.  I couldn't work it all out that fast, leaving my boss completely in the lurch and everything, so I had to turn it down.  They did tell me that the next courses won't be loading until January, so I guess I have a definitive answer to my question!

What I wonder now, though, is - are my chances good still of being called for the January courses?  Or did I totally just blow it by not being able to fill in that empty slot this month?
hmm and you are RMS clerk? I hope I get a call soon, although next weekend may be a bit much. January is far away =[
NDC said:
hmm and you are RMS clerk? I hope I get a call soon, although next weekend may be a bit much. January is far away =[

I agree with NDC that  January is far away.... I hope I get a call soon for RMS clerk as well. 

Anyone know when selections will be made?
I too am also waiting for the call for RMS clerk .  I was told that the numbers are out  for each area and that now we all just wait . Fingers crossed for all of us !
The short answer on selections:

The CF is working to streamling training throughput.  That is, the goal is to minimize time that people spend waiting between courses to get them employable in the military.

So, say for example you want to be a military basket weaver (not a real occupation, for the record).  The Canadian Forces School of Basket Weaving runs three courses a year for initial occupational training, one starting in March, one in May, and the third in September.

So, the recruiting centres will try to load Basket Weavers on to recruit courses that will graduate in February, April and August - so there's minimal time betwen courses, so people are not left without much to do.

In the cases discussed on this board, the recuriters co-ordiante with the Canadian Forces School of Administration and Logistics (CFSAL) in Borden in order to identify when the initial occupational training for RMS clerks will be conducted, then work back to determine which BMQ serials at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS) in St Jean people should be loaded on.

So there's a lot of background activity going on to try to minimize the time you spend waiting once you're sworn in and start your training.

What can you do to help?

First and foremost, get yourself mentally and physically prepared for your training.  If you have to be re-coursed on your BMQ, you'll be thrown out of the cycle, and may end up sitting around for several months, waiting for your next course to start.  That's frustrating for everyone.
Just an update; I gave a call to the CFRC today and they told me that the RMS clerk selection hasn't been completed just yet. They did a "tentative" selection to see if they could start one in October but not sure what happened with that (Don't quote me on anything; just relaying what the recruiter told me, and I didnt ask for details on it) but the bottom line is that He told me to call back in 2 weeks if I do not hear from them first.

Keep in mind I am in the Maritimes, so maybe our numbers are not out yet and they may be out in other parts of Canada.. Again, dont quote me on anything! All I've been told is that I might hear from them within 2 weeks or give them a call for an update at that time.

The main reason I called was to get confirmation on if I am Merit listed, and I am! (did my interview first week of Sept and they said I should of been after Oct 1st) so thats good news. Excited, thats one step closer. Hope to see you guys soon if we all make it!

Thanks for your update, NDC!  I'm glad to know they haven't already filled all of the available positions for RMS Clerk.  Hopefully your information is correct, and we will hear that phone ringing sometime in the next two weeks!

I can't help but kick myself for turning down that call last week, but I really couldn't just up and abandon my current job like that without giving at least two weeks' notice, I would have completely screwed over my coworkers and my boss and that just didn't feel right.  I've sat  down with my boss now and told him about the call, and that I didn't take it, but that I will be taking the next one if/when it comes.  He was cool with it.

It's really going to suck though, if that's the only call I'm given and no offer for January materializes.  I emailed my military career counsellor about it, and he said that the fact that I couldn't go on such short notice would not influence any future selections, but I'm still stressing myself out about it.  *smile*

Good luck, guys - hope to see you in St. Jean!

Good luck everyone ! I will keep you posted if i hear anything on my end . I will be checking in today with my recruiter and i will definatly let you know if there is any news !
I too am on the Merit list for RMS Clerk so I'm glad to hear that everyone is in the same situation.  It would make sense that there would be one BMQ course for all of us in November because it seems that RMS is what they are looking to hire.  Maybe all of us will be in St. Jean together :)
Yea thats the impression I got when doing my interview; it would be a primarily RMS only platoon.. (not confirmed, just what it sounded like to me)

Im just scrambling to get in shape now; the running is the only part im concerned about.. Now that I think about it, I much rather do basic in winter than in summer, I dont mind the snow/cold/etc except for when you are breathing in air while running, cold air hurts the throat.. but thats a small price to pay compared to intense summer heat. Im a winter/cold type of person.