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Dear Coward


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Dear Coward

Posted by Michael Dorosh from Calgary AB Canada on May 06, 2000 at 23:05:36:

In Reply to: Re: **** the reserve!! posted by matt on May 06, 2000 at 22:49:49:

For your information, the gentleman whom you refer to as a wannabe soldier who lives with his mother actually saw COMBAT with the 2nd Battalion RCR in Korea. That was a shooting war, and he didn‘t sleep under trees, he slept in bunkers because 50 million Chinese soldiers were trying to kill him.

Art, thanks again for coming to forums such as this and sharing your knowledge and experience with us. Losers like matt, indeed, the entire country, owe brave men like you a lot. The great thing is, you don‘t go around bragging about all that you have done. I know you would be too modest to go around talking about your war service, just to impress some obviously disturbed anonymous individual - but I am damned proud of you and all of your buddies and the good work you did over there. And I‘m grateful to you for your generousity now - thanks again for those pictures you gave me for my website. The one of the OCs driver in the jeep turned out great.

And I‘m sorry for the ones that didn‘t come back.

If only morons like matt had some humility, eh?

Dav, Art, and all the rest of the regulars here - my advice to you is to ignore these attention-craving jerks. Let them post about all the time in they have I presume the lion‘s share of his soldiering was done in Gagetown or some other equally safe place, with lots of shady trees to sleep under - but you know what, that‘s okay, cause we need soldiers in peacetime too. If we just stop giving them the attention they seek, they will slither away.

So, now that that is resolved, who wants to talk about the new fleece lined underwear? I just got mine and I‘m itching to try it out...

CANUCK - Korean War vehicle markings