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Dead soldier hit with parking bill

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Here's another forum with some related posts, starting with a public posting of the original e-mail.  I see the member identified as "Petawawa Moderator" likes to be outspoken.  How nice to do so behind a shroud of anonymity.

CanadiansTalk.ca.  - I am sickened by this....

Who needs to wait till PER time ???
(though PER time IS just around the corner)
Well, I am one who got this email on day 1. I forwarded it. Next day, I received a copy of the Comd Petawawa's statement which I then sent to the pers I had sent the original email to (except for the one who sent me the Comd's).

You know, I always knew there was a reason I don't forward spam et al around. This incident just reinforces that.

Very bad on ME. My apologies to Mr MacWilliams.
ArmyVern said:
Well, I am one who got this email on day 1. I forwarded it. Next day, I received a copy of the Comd Petawawa's statement which I then sent to the pers I had sent the original email to (except for the one who sent me the Comd's).

You know, I always knew there was a reason I don't forward spam et al around. This incident just reinforces that.

Very bad on ME. My apologies to Mr MacWilliams.

Well Vern you did the right thing in fw the Comd's email too so the people get both sides of the issue.
Unfortunately, it's just like when the press issues a retraction to a sensational article.....
The original story makes the Headlines in 28 pitch font..... hang the ba$tard
The retraction follow up makes it to page 102 in 8 pitch font..... oopsie - my bad

The press will say - what more do you want - I said I'm sorry - while the fella's a$$ has been torn a 2nd a$$hole... reputation shot to hell & business down the crapper.
There are always two sides to every story, and somewhere in the middle lies the truth. Never be too quick to jump on the judgement platform, it can sometimes come back to bite you.
I wonder how time will distort this story and what urban legend will be borne of it.

Its a done issue.  I think this thread should be closed locked and sealed. lets not add any more fuel to the fire and let it rest.
Its been dealt with!
Now that's a good plan.

If someone has something of importance to add, you just need to PM a Moderator.
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