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CRTC approves Al Jazeera for Canadian viewers

weee hooo!!

now i can toon into al jazeera and listen to men with turbans on their heads speaking arabic raddling off about how teh americans are imperialists and how osama is the savior.

jesus, please save my soul.
I did some searching, and I found that the CRTC is once again going to listen to arguments for/against FOX News.
Fri Jul 9, 2:23 PM ET

OTTAWA (CP) - The federal broadcast regulator Friday called for public comment on a request to import two U.S. specialty channels to be carried on cable companies' digital tiers.

Fox News Channel is widely considered to be a right-wing all-news service that has been beating CNN in American TV ratings.

The NFL Network, meanwhile, is not primarily a live sports event channel but carries complementary programming, including game previews, news conferences and other information shows pertaining to the National Football League.

The requests were submitted to the CRTC by the Canadian Cable Television Association which argued that domestic carriage of the services would widen the choice available to Canadian viewers, increase the penetration of the digital tier and help combat the appeal of the satellite black market.

The CRTC is allowing comments until Aug. 9.

Of course, I know all comments on news is biased in one way or another.  CTV is not left/right wing when it posts its headlines.  However, CTV is left wing biased when the talking heads start offering their spin on the news.  Did any of you watch the Conservative Party of Canada leadership race on CTV?  Disgraceful.  Same as the election coverage.
weee hooo!!

now i can toon into al jazeera and listen to men with turbans on their heads speaking arabic raddling off about how teh americans are imperialists and how osama is the savior.

jesus, please save my soul.

Military Brat, you have shown no sign that you wish to be a mature member of this forum.  Your posts have constituted nothing useful for the most part, and you bring discredit to people who strive to make this board a meaningful and informative place.  Despite being warned twice in the same week, you still insist on posting this sort of drivel.   I'm sure most of us will be quite relieved to know that you are now officially banned from Army.ca.   We'll be watching.
Infanteer said:
weee hooo!!

now i can toon into al jazeera and listen to men with turbans on their heads speaking arabic raddling off about how teh americans are imperialists and how osama is the savior.

jesus, please save my soul.

Military Brat, you have shown no sign that you wish to be a mature member of this forum.   Your posts have constituted nothing useful for the most part, and you bring discredit to people who strive to make this board a meaningful and informative place.   Despite being warned twice in the same week, you still insist on posting this sort of drivel.   I'm sure most of us will be quite relieved to know that you are now officially banned from Army.ca.   We'll be watching.

I get my news from http://news.google.ca/ and http://slashdot.org/ if I see something interesting I cross reference it with various other sites.

My TV only has 3 channels, and 2 are fuzzy.
Goober said:
I get my news from http://news.google.ca/ and http://slashdot.org/ if I see something interesting I cross reference it with various other sites.

My TV only has 3 channels, and 2 are fuzzy.

What???  you can watch 1 TV channel??  what a lucky one!!!  I don't even own a TV!!  ::)
But I have to agree with you..  google news and slashdot rules!!  But for breaking news, I think the best is CNN.com..  it's up to date almost all the time..
Do you want to compare.   The stories are the same, but the point of view just reflects the opinion of their intended viewers.

http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage     (Oh look, 30 C    sunny with clouds in Tehran)



Not much of a difference between the news being reported.   To see a quick reflection of an opinion, try looking at the polls on Aljazeera.

:soldier: :soldier:   Moving....    :soldier: :soldier: I'll take the trench...    :soldier:
Reviving necro-thread with the latest from the CRTC....:
The Commission approves a request to add Al Jazeera English (AJE) to the lists of eligible satellite services for distribution on a digital basis and amends the lists of eligible satellite services accordingly ....
... including a tidbit from the sole dissenting opinion:
.... While it is true that Canada cannot expect other countries to adhere to our standards of journalistic objectivity, I would argue it is incumbent on this country, through its regulator, to do what it can to encourage other jurisdictions to adopt such standards themselves rather than to lower our standards to accommodate foreign services. What we are in effect saying with this decision is that since it’s impractical to demand that others adopt our high standards, we will tolerate journalistic bias by others that we would not tolerate from services originating here.
  This will only create a journalistic double standard in our news offerings that undermines our capacity to demand storytelling excellence from our domestic services thereby cheapening our overall broadcasting system. It’s also a missed opportunity to send a message internationally about levels of journalistic standards and codes that we consider important enough to demand from all news broadcasters who wish to operate in this country. Adding diversity is necessary, but not at any price....
Canada cannot expect other countries to adhere to our standards of journalistic objectivity


Oh, wait, they were being serious?  Have they even seen Canadian "journalism" lately?
I recall hearing a radio broadcast on CBC where Steve Chan (of CTV) was reporting on behalf of Al Jazeera.
Strike said:
I recall hearing a radio broadcast on CBC where Steve Chan (of CTV) was reporting on behalf of Al Jazeera.

Not to mention the sterling guidance of former CBC bosses in the middle-upper echelons of AlJazz English - this, from the Managing Editor, speaking earlier this month at UWO:
The Canadian who heads the English division of Al Jazeera broadcast news told a London audience yesterday he has found "no hint of interference" from the government that funds the Mideast-based network.

By contrast, Tony Burman, managing director of the network largely funded by the Emirate of Qatar, said when he was editor-in-chief at CBC News he was fully aware of what the Canadian government wanted from its public broadcaster.

"There is a solid firewall," between the Qatar government and Al Jazeera English, he said. And the operation is also separate from Al Jazeera's main Arabic service.
.... Al Jazeera English, Burman said, has a large network of journalists who live in the countries they cover rather than parachute into those countries, as is done by some news organizations.  And it has a large bureau in Israel, to tell both sides of the Gaza conflict, he said.

Zat right? 

Anyone wanna pitch a loonie into the pool for when we can see/read a story on AJE CONDEMNING Palestinian terrorists for targetting civilians?

That said, I'm OK with AJE being available on cable - if I can read Taliban propaganda online and realize how dopey it can be, why not AJE?
milnews.ca said:
Anyone wanna pitch a loonie into the pool for when we can see/read a story on AJE CONDEMNING Palestinian terrorists for targetting civilians?
I have only see AJE when I was overseas.  I personally found the reporting to be rather balanced.  It also offered a different world view on events. 

As for their website, take this story as an example.
Palestinians reject Israeli offer  
The 10-month suspension will not halt building in East Jerusalem or construction already approved
A Palestinian official has described Israel's proposed 10-month suspension of settlement construction in the occupied West Bank as mere "propaganda".
The story quotes Palestinians, Isrealis and Americans.  The story, to me, sounds rather neutral.  In other words, just reporting facts.

I missed that piece - thanks for sharing that, TV.  If the TV coverage is as inclusive in its sourcing, AJE may be less biased than my own (admitted) bias (based on limited sampling) leads me to believe.

I'm still intrigued, though, by Burman's statement that he "knew" what the Canadian government wanted re:  coverage, but Qatar has no such "expectation".  We'll see if that changes if/when he moves on from AJE at some point...
The Arabic language AJ is an anti-semitic cesspool, but the English version is about as controversial and slanted as CNN or BBC World. It's actually balanced to the point of being bland.
Lucky Us!!

Just what we need another propaganda outlet spewing more slanted bovine excrement in competition with the normal spraying of slanted bovine excrement by our own Canadian broadcasters.

tango22a said:
Lucky Us!!

Just what we need another propaganda outlet spewing more slanted bovine excrement in competition with the normal spraying of slanted bovine excrement by our own Canadian broadcasters.




Have you actually heard Al Jazeera - English?
Did you read any of the preceding posts?

Trust me, you'll get more credible, balanced news from AJE than from most western news outlets (and I refer only to credible sites, not Fox).

Today, for example, there's a story on "Hundreds 'deserting' Afghan Taliban." Did you see that covered on CBC? Nope -- they're focused exclusively on torture allegations.

And if you need to find it in a hurry, the time in Mecca is in the top-left corner  ;)
Journeyman said:

Today, for example, there's a story on "Hundreds 'deserting' Afghan Taliban." Did you see that covered on CBC? Nope -- they're focused exclusively on torture allegations.

And if you need to find it in a hurry, the time in Mecca is in the top-left corner  ;)
I looked for that story about the torture allegations on AJE.  Couldn't find it...

Possibly I am confusing AJE with Al Jazeera, which as far as I am concerned is just Islamist propaganda. And, before you ask, I have not seen AJE as it is not available on cable here yet.
