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Create a Vetrans Affairs board or one super-thread? (Split Topic)


Army.ca Legend
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E.R. Campbell said:
I suggest that we need a “Veterans' Issues” superthread made up of, at least, the following threads:
Or perhaps, if Mike's got time (I'm more than happy to volunteer Mike's time  ;D  ), create a new sub-board on Veterans' Issues. Something like:

The Parade Square 
The Canadian Military
For general discussions about the Canadian Military.

Military History
Historical information on the Canadian Army.

Courses, PT, Exercises etc.

Military Administration
Administrative issues discussed here.

Veterans' Issues
Veterans' Ombudsman, VAC, Disability Pensions, Legion and Veterans' Associations.

Unless of course, this is what ERC meant by a superthread, in which case, "ya, what he said."
Either, one new superthread on this page, or, as JM suggests, a whole new Vets' page, works for me.
Leaving it here would leave it misfiled when, inevitably (sadly) the media and the sheeple lose interest and wander off -- veterans' issues will still be extant.

Conversely, if it's not listed under current affairs/news, I suspect those same senior officers or officials are less likely to be searching Army.ca for info on veterans.

It's not cynicism, I'm just still on my first coffee  ;)

Either way, I think it's worth dragging Mike away from his diabolical experiment to create a legion of zombies through his Afghan Ops game  ;D

Here, it needs to be it's own Topic, highlighted, stickied, all that and more. It needs to be front and center....period.

More importantly, the everyday member of the CF has to get off their collective butts, and start making a stink about this, and forget this "I'm alright Jack" attitude....a good chunk of these guys/gals are going to be dealing with these guys in the future, get a set and start making noise.

my  :2c:
I agree, a VAC dedicated thread would be very useful, for everyone.

Mr Campbell had a good start on listing threads to put in it. We could also sticky a few threads inside it, giving vital links to VAC, the Centre, OSISS (I always get how many "s"s in the wrong place), VRAB, Ombudsman, etc. Any other suggestions?



Nice link from the Legion:

edit for proper credit
My, almost certainly incomplete, list of threads for the new page - which I agree is a better idea than just a superthread - is here
A sub forum - placed prominently - is in my mind a very good idea.
I did mention that somewhere sometime on some thread concerning veterans squandering disability payments ;D
(post #71)
Things will be much easier to look through,
especially for those who draw lines over the already existing lines in the sand. ;D

Thanks for bringing it all together :salute: