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Canada Needs A Leader Like This!(Prime Minister John Howard - Australia )

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Old Ranger

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I received this as an email, not sure of the date it was spoken.

Canada Needs A Leader Like This! 

Prime Minister John Howard - Australia
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
Separately, PM Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.

His Quote:

IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. I support that surge and will not let the majority of my people down.  I will not stand idly or 'politically correct' by while groups within my country plan our demise' 
' This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'.
' We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'
' Most Australians believe in God whether they be Christian or Jew; Muslim, Shintu or Hindu. This idea is not some right wing, political push, but a fact, because Australian men and women, on basic principles, founded this to be a nation 'under God', and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools so we can teach our children the ways of our forefathers. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture .  We fly our flag and speak of God proudly.  We do not cower in back rooms or basements planning to injure or kill those who do'
' We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'
' This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Religious beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ' THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.
' We accept and encourage dissention but abhor and will not allow radicalism and terrorism' 
' If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, Canadian and American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.
Old Ranger said:
I received this as an email

You should have been a little suspicious right there especially when things are too good to be true.


Check this link for the origin and variations of this chain letter.
John Howard hasn't been the prime minister of Australia since November. He also hasn't been in parliament since then either.


wow no wonder he hasn't been in parliament since November, someone with that kind of view as the PM of Australia scares me.
ark said:
You should have been a little suspicious right there especially when things are too good to be true.

Should have known...Thanks....but it was nice to dream a little dream.
lone bugler said:
wow no wonder he hasn't been in parliament since November, someone with that kind of view as the PM of Australia scares me.

I find that kind of xenophobia scary, too. In Australia, as in Canada, if you are not an aboriginal then you are an immigrant. I guess we should tell all those protesters - excluding the native Canadians - that if they don't like the way we do things in Canada, they can LEAVE. Hmm? No?

I've seen several different versions of this "speech", so I am dubious of its validity. (Snopes seems to think it's hogwash and who am I to argue with Snopes?) I also doubt very much that a PM from any first world country would spew such a rant in public. At least, I would hope not.
Well as a Muslim born in canada  I can tell you that from my view I say those musilms who move here to Canada and want to live under there law should get out. You come here to live under the Laws of Canada. This country has went though a lot of work to become independent and the least you can do is come and respect its laws by unifying with it.

Now nothings wrong with showing your culture such as attending the mosque, or even doing the things you do in your culture. But the fact of the matter is the Law and Order of the land precedes that of individual needs. What i'm trying to get at is there is no reason why Muslims cant move to a country and learn to live like everyone else in that country. My parents did it and were living here great. But hey im just one person setting my opinion.
Laws and customs are not the same thing, and I suspect some people get the two confused. Canada's laws are not going to suddenly reflect those of Islam, especially if human rights will be adversely affected. I've taught many muslim students over the past several years - students from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, Bangladesh, Turkey, etc. They didn't seem to have a problem following Canada's laws while also maintaining their own customs and following their religion. I think an 'if you don't like it, get out' attitude sends the wrong message. We should be educating all people, those who were born here as well as those who have migrated here or who are guests here (working visa, student visa, tourist visa), on how to integrate diverse cultures while still respecting the laws of the land.
lone bugler said:
wow no wonder he hasn't been in parliament since November, someone with that kind of view as the PM of Australia scares me.

Actually, if it was true, I find it refreshing. Unfortunately, we don't have any political leaders who will publicly state what a great number of people think. Immigrants should adapt to Canada, not Canadians to immigrants. :cdn:
slowmode said:
But hey I'm just one person setting my opinion.

Your opinion is valid and appreciated!
My Father in Law came over from Egypt with $50 in his hand, saw snow for the first time and built a successful company.
He brought over the rest of his family and they are doing well.
Adapted to Canada, and kept allot of their customs...mostly feed that Son-in-law :)

They are Catholics, I am not.
They are short, I am not.
They are fluent in many languages, me not so much.
We are all appalled by terrorist actions.
We all laugh together and I am a better person being part of their family.


I do agree with 2 Cdo, our politician  are too busy teaching Canadians multiculture, They forgot to teach new immigrants about Canadian culture.
Old Ranger said:
Your opinion is valid and appreciated!
My Father in Law came over from Egypt with $50 in his hand, saw snow for the first time and built a successful company.
He brought over the rest of his family and they are doing well.
Adapted to Canada, and kept allot of their customs...mostly feed that Son-in-law :)

They are Catholics, I am not.
They are short, I am not.
They are fluent in many languages, me not so much.
We are all appalled by terrorist actions.
We all laugh together and I am a better person being part of their family.


Exactly what I was thinking, thanks for your comment and appreciation :)
2 Cdo said:
Actually, if it was true, I find it refreshing. Unfortunately, we don't have any political leaders who will publicly state what a great number of people think. Immigrants should adapt to Canada, not Canadians to immigrants. :cdn:

Not going to happen with the multicultural nature that Canada is.
Panzer Grenadier said:
Not going to happen with the multicultural nature that Canada is.

It's been a multicultural country from its inception (thanks to our European immigrant ancestors and subsequent ancestors from all parts of the globe). This country has been constantly evolving. Why do some act as though we have an ingrained and relatively static culture like those of China or Saudi Arabia? Our diversity is the very thing that defines us. Instead of asking why we should change, perhaps ask why we would or should suddenly STOP changing?  Some food for thought.  ;)
Celticgirl said:
It's been a multicultural country from its inception (thanks to our European immigrant ancestors and subsequent ancestors from all parts of the globe). This country has been constantly evolving. Why do some act as though we have an ingrained and relatively static culture like those of China or Saudi Arabia? Our diversity is the very thing that defines us. Instead of asking why we should change, perhaps ask why we would or should suddenly STOP changing?  Some food for thought.  ;)

Nobodies stating to stop changing or evolving,but immigrants come to this country for it's advantages. To ask us to modify our standards to accomodate them is ridiculous. If immigrants want us to change Canada into a mirror image of where they came from then maybe they should return there. I liken it to, if I walk into your house and start telling you how to run your house, what foods to eat, how to worship (or not) you would quickly toss my ass out the front door. It's the same thing just on a larger scale.
Celticgirl said:
In Australia, as in Canada, if you are not an aboriginal then you are an immigrant.

Actually, the Natives are immigrants as well - documented research indicates 3 successive waves of peoples moved over the Bering Sea icebridge.  Was it a long time ago?  Sure.  Time immemorial.  Nope.  How does one arbitrary date trump another in terms of who is a local and who is a foreigner from another place?

I was born in Canada and have lived here all my life.  How am I an immigrant?  Where did I immigrate from?  Where would you deport me to?

Your statement doesn't work.  Back to the logic drawing board.
Infanteer said:
Actually, the Natives are immigrants as well - documented research indicates 3 successive waves of peoples moved over the Bering Sea icebridge.  Was it a long time ago?  Sure.  Time immemorial.  Nope.  How does one arbitrary date trump another in terms of who is a local and who is a foreigner from another place?

I was born in Canada and have lived here all my life.  How am I an immigrant?  Where did I immigrate from?  Where would you deport me to?

Your statement doesn't work.  Back to the logic drawing board.

The fact that you don't follow my logic does not make my statements illogical. ;)  My point is that Canada has evolved over many years and through several generations of immigrants and continues to evolve. I'm not saying our laws should change to suit the newer crop of immigrants. Not at all. However, I see people use this 'if you don't like it here then leave' sentiment as a way to subtly show their bigotry. That's just my opinion, and you don't have to agree. There are lots of countries I would not live in precisely because they would not accept my culture and lifestyle. Can you picture a born and bred Canadian female like myself living in Iran, for example? I would have to make a lot of lifestyle changes as well as give up some of the rights and freedoms I enjoy here in Canada. No thanks. I choose to believe that Canada is more evolved than many other parts of the world, and part of that evolution is the acceptance of other beliefs and customs. Accepting them doesn't mean changing your own. If there are immigrants who are imposing their way of life on others to the extent that they are telling nationals that we have to change our laws and customs, then there is a problem. I personally have not seen this. In fact, I see the government trying to make changes to be politically correct (like taking down public Christmas trees or calling them Holiday trees) that even the immigrants themselves don't want and never asked for.
Celticgirl said:
The fact that you don't follow my logic does not make my statements illogical. ;)

Yes it does.

You said I'm an immigrant.  I am not.  Your statement and your reasoning are illogical.

As for the rest of your post - huh?
Infanteer said:
Yes it does.

You said I'm an immigrant.  I am not.  Your statement and your reasoning are illogical.

As for the rest of your post - huh?

We don't see eye-to-eye on this, obviously (and you don't seem to get what I'm saying), but that's okay. To each his/her own. :)
Celticgirl said:
... There are lots of countries I would not live in precisely because they would not accept my culture and lifestyle. Can you picture a born and bred Canadian female like myself living in Iran, for example? I would have to make a lot of lifestyle changes as well as give up some of the rights and freedoms I enjoy here in Canada. No thanks....

- And we expect no less of those who would come to Canada.  We have a duty to be welcoming.  We do not have a duty to be WEAK.  Priority must go to those immigrants and refugees who can most seemleesly and economically integrate into the Canadian mosaic.  We are NOT a rest area for foreign war criminals and thugs posing as refugees.
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