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Burned Out, Gordon?

Fishbone Jones

Army.ca Relic
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Gordon AM,
Good to see you back! Thought your lines may have burned down. Sounds like the only place left is in the outback or on the beach. Good Luck!
Thanks for this,

Things have been pretty bad over the past three weeks and look like getting worse. As of this Saturday well over one million hectares have been burn out around the Sydney area.

In the incrediably rough terrain that spreads from the Blue Mountains National park across the Colo and Putty valleys (some 170-180K) to the Hunter Valley, the fire is totally out of control as the whole unexplored area is burning out. Quite terrible.

Apart from the initial first fire before Christmas, it would appear that all the fires have been deliberately lit.

Whilst fortunately,at the moment, only a few hundred homes and other buildings have been destroyed, things are undoubtely going to get worse. The fire authorities are unable to think laterally in obtaining from overseas specialised fire fighting air craft (many sitting idle in Canada) and are relying upon helicopters to give support to those on the ground. Our situation could be much better if we had ten or so C415 fire bombers dumping seawater on the fires!

It is a sad reflection upon our society that without exception all of the volunteers, irrespective of service are of Anglo-Saxon/Celtic, European origin, the multi-culturals (who in the main live in Sydney, rather than elsewhere in the Nation) are conspicuous by their total absence. This makes you think what would happen in time of National Emergency, where do their loyalties belong???

Jock in Sydney who is taking two days off
I know for sure there are about a dozen CL-215/415 sitting at the Québec city Int‘l airport. I also know they have been around the world on firefighting tasks before. Are the Aussie authorities doing like the Russians with the Kursk? Or is it the Cdn authorities being picky? I certainly hope things get better very soon in your beautiful area...
As for the volunteers, I am not surprised. And these people will be the first to go ballistic if their house is burned down...
Good luck Gordon, and take care.
:cdn: Jungle
To bad you could‘nt just go to the local Unemployment/ welfare office or nearest ma jong joint and press gang any one not holding jobs. Coveralls, hard hat and a shovel. All the water, vegimite and the accololades of a grateful nation you can handle.
Just thought I would give an update.

The majority of the fires in the state of New SOuth Wales are now out, the only ones remaining are those in totally inacessable country which are going to be left to totally burn the areas out.

Altogether some 2.5million hectares of forest, National Parks and bushland have been totally burnt out.

Some US dollars 770 million worth of damage, damage to wildlife and the bush environment irreplacable.

Every one of the 200 odd fires, except the first, deliberately lit.

We are now having totally unseasonable monsoon type rains here in Sydney.

Jock in Sydney