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Braces and Retainers In The Army


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Just a question: are braces and/or retainers allowed in the armed forces or are they non-reg.?
Just a question because I‘ll be stuck with braces and a retainer for a while..
I don‘t know but im going to find out one way or another. A few of my front teeth relapsed so I am getting my front uppers put back on in a few weeks. I dont think they will care locally, but it might be an issue at summer training. It shouldnt be though, I played 2 years of football with them on and never had any troubles.
Having either shouldn‘t be an issue. I went through 2 months of basic in Dundurn Sask last summer, and managed to wear my retainer enough so that my teeth stayed fairly straight. That was a concern for me as well, just remember to keep it out of sight, and nobody will care.

The same issue comes up if you need an electric toothbrush. They may take your electronic toys away at first, but you will get them back eventually (if you deserve them :evil: )
You "need" an electric toothbrush... Or do you "want" an electric toothbrush?

cause anyone can use a regular toothbrush
If you‘ve spent thousands of dollars on dental work, and an electric toothbrush is going to help you keep your teeth clean around all the hardware in your mouth... they are more effective than a manual toothbrush, and a DMD or DDS may prescribe their use.

Just a thought.

Lexi - you have a few years - don‘t worry about it now :)
Currently braces and retainers are allowed however you aren‘t allowed to go on deployment if you have braces. The dentist told me however this policy will be changing soon if not already. Retainers are fine just a PITA.
I have shitty teeth and am going to get braces soon. But I am also going to be going to basic training in 2 months. Should I get braces before or after basic? I am thinking after, but even if I get them after...will I still be able to go out in the field with them on?? What should I do? :D
depends what you are doing, if you are doing the weekend BMQ, i‘d go ahead and get them now, the sooner you have them put on, the sooner you have them taken off. although if you were to do the summer 10 week BMQ, i‘d wait until you got back, simply because you are supposed to go see the orthodontist every 30 days, and thats not really possible if you are gone for 10 weeks (altho going ten weeks isnt that big of a deal)but also because if something goes wrong with them in the 10 weeks while u are at the BMQ course (ie: broken bracket)you are a long ways away from youre dentist to get it fixed and the CF wont cover any damage, nor fix them for you.

and yes you can go into the field, with braces on, just keep youre mouth shut, wouldnt want any light reflecting off those braces and giving ure positon away to the enemy. :D
thanks, im goin reg army infantry rcr. leavin for basic in may. i will get them after when im rich with all my blood and sweat money haha. thanks again.
Better watch out with you‘r braces, they could get caught in a trip wire ;)
Sorry to disturb the mood but isnt this a Personell locating forumn....WTF doses braces have to do with Perssonell locating. Although you point is helpful too mee to plz help the forums keep organized and postthis either in recruiting or infantry or off topic section...and yeah those trip wires are sure as **** dangerous ;)
Originally posted by leopard11:
[qb] depends what you are doing, if you are doing the weekend BMQ, i‘d go ahead and get them now, the sooner you have them put on, the sooner you have them taken off. although if you were to do the summer 10 week BMQ, i‘d wait until you got back, simply because you are supposed to go see the orthodontist every 30 days, and thats not really possible if you are gone for 10 weeks (altho going ten weeks isnt that big of a deal)but also because if something goes wrong with them in the 10 weeks while u are at the BMQ course (ie: broken bracket)you are a long ways away from youre dentist to get it fixed and the CF wont cover any damage, nor fix them for you.

and yes you can go into the field, with braces on, just keep youre mouth shut, wouldnt want any light reflecting off those braces and giving ure positon away to the enemy. :D [/qb]
FINALLY, the question I‘ve been asking forever‘s been answered. Well, as for the broken bracket, if it‘s broken in the way that it‘s popped off your tooth.. two words: SUPER GLUE.
And if you‘re going Infantry, I wouldn‘t recommend getting glow in the dark braces. Reason‘s obvious. Another thing to keep in mind is that after you get braces you‘re stuck with a retainer.

Every 30 days? Pfft.
Mine‘s more like every 60. And I‘ve been in trouble a few times for numerous broken brackets from all the crazy sh!t I pull. 11 brackets in one sitting.. :D

[Edited because I cannot spell]
60 days lol wow ure lucky, i only broke one bracket in the 3.5 years i had my braces. i wouldnt have broken any if i hadn‘t had a basketball thrown at my head.
now i no longer have braces which is absolutley wonderfull, but i have two permanent retainers (just wires place in-behind my teeth) i also have a mouthguard style retainer im supposed to wear at night, but on my BMQ weekends i dont even bring it, too much of a bother.
*points and scolds*
Your orthodontist‘s going to have your head for that.
This doesn‘t belong in the Personnel Locator Forum. Moving to Recruiting.
A friend of mine asked a good question.

He wants to join the Army and I was explaining a lot to him until he brought up a good question.

"I have braces and I need to go to appointments and checkups every so often. How will I do that in the Army?"

I honestly did not know what to tell him so I decided to come here and get some answers from people with more knowledge about this topic.
ThatsLife said:
A friend of mine asked a good question.

He wants to join the Army and I was explaining a lot to him until he brought up a good question.

"I have braces and I need to go to appointments and checkups every so often. How will I do that in the Army?"

I honestly did not know what to tell him so I decided to come here and get some answers from people with more knowledge about this topic.

You've been on the site awhile yourself, so you know there is a search function.  Alot comes up just putting in braces:
Yes, I've used the search function and came up with those results along with "knee brace" results but nothing that answers the question at hand, or maybe I worded it incorrectly.

He wanted to know how he would go about doing the check-ups/appointments that come hand-in-hand with braces. He's wanting to go Reg Force so it's not like he's able to go see his usual dentist back in Vancouver all the time...will he be getting looked at by dentists in the CF as opposed to his original dentist?
Its not an issue.  they even let guys deploy with braces now (that's from the CF dentist).
Such a trivial matter really.  The CF has "professional" Dental Technicians and Dentists.  Braces are not a serious matter.  Once in the CF, there is likely no need for a member to go back to their old Dentist for any reason, except an emergency while home on Leave.  Remember that all Provincial Healthcare Coverage you had as a Civilian NO LONGER APPLIES to you when you enter the CF. 

I am sure that you must have had the opportunity before to read these, but it appears you may have forgot:

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand"http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Tone and Content on Army.ca: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Army.ca Wiki Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions

  • Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
  • Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Infantry Specific FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Google search of Army.ca - http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=+site%3Aarmy.ca+%22search+term%22&btnG=Search&meta= (follow the link then replace "search term" with what you are looking for)

Army.ca wiki pages - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.
