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Boys I'm bored...


Army.ca Veteran
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Somehow I got some address on MSN... started talking... here is the message. I had to have fun. BTW....I'm Timmy


Blinky says: who are you

Timmy says: Edit name

Timmy says: u?

Blinky says: Edit name

Timmy says: how did I get your email then? hehe

Timmy says: where ya live?

Blinky says: no idea

Blinky says: surrey

Blinky says: you?

Timmy says: Surrey BC?

Blinky says: eh?

Timmy says: Surrey.... where is that?

Blinky says: south of london

Timmy says: Holy crap...I'm talking to the other side of the Ocean!

Blinky says: american?

Timmy says: Hehehe... nah... his quite neighbour above.

Blinky says: canadian

Timmy says: Canadian Eh...

Timmy says: hehe

Blinky says: where abouts

Timmy says: Nova Scotia..

Timmy says: We are the unspoiled Amercains..

Blinky says: lol

Timmy says:h mm...

Timmy says: May be someone gave me a wrong email addy..

Blinky says: probabaly

Blinky says: who were you looking for

Blinky says: not that id know them i guess

Timmy says: Hehehe... unless you visit Nova Scotia..

Blinky says: nope

Blinky says: never set foot in canada

Timmy says: Ah.. it's a big place.

Timmy says: I live in an iglo..

Blinky says: awesome

Blinky says: i live in a house

Timmy says: Problem is in the summer it came melt with the gloabalwarming.

Timmy says: can*

Blinky says: whish we had sun in the summer. we normally do but this year its bene raining every day

Blinky says: sunnys up in the evenings though

Timmy says: Right on.

Timmy says: We get the summer for half a year...then darkness the other half since we are near the north pole.

Blinky says: you dont get complete darkness

Timmy says: Nope.

Timmy says: It is more like sun setting look... but dark.

Blinky says: cool

Blinky says:although

Blinky says: depressing

Timmy says: Suicide rate here has been down since we just got free health care.

Timmy says: The doctors come visit us once a week when the run way is clear.

Blinky says: live in a remote place eh? is it all free? we apparently have free health care but now im 19 i have to pay for most things

Timmy says: Yeah I do.

Timmy says: Everything is free.

Blinky says: like five igloos and a igloo tavern remote?

Timmy says: Nah..the tavern is a trailer.

Blinky says: =(

Timmy says: Keep your beer and moonshine cool.

Blinky says: yeah

Blinky says: yum toasted marshmallow

Timmy says: That is always good.

Blinky says: yup

Blinky says: cept lighters dont toat them too well

Timmy says: Hehehe... find some wood.

Blinky says: nh its all damp...and i cnat really light a fare in my room

Timmy says: fare?

Timmy says: Your from England?

Blinky says: *fire

Blinky says: sorry

Blinky says: yes

Timmy says: Ah...

Timmy says: I scared myself.

Timmy says: Since most of us here speak French too.

Timmy says: The French over ran the UK colonies that cover Upper and Lower Canada.

Blinky says: lousy french

Timmy says: Back way way way... back.

Timmy says: Ah... yes.

Timmy says: I am one of the few that still keeps his Anglo name.

Timmy says: It is sometime frown apond here

Timmy says: Sounds like something should be brought up to the United Nations.

Timmy says:What do you think?

Blinky says: what should be

Timmy says: Human Rights here in Canada...

Blinky says: well having a anglo name shouldnt be fround apoon

Blinky says: *apon

Timmy says: Then the draft... we have a conflict in Utah.

Timmy says: Aren't you folks at war too?

Blinky says: with iraq i think. to be honest i dont pay too much attention

Timmy says: Really? I know my internet is slow.. but I have been paying attention to it.

Timmy says: Such a shame.

Blinky says: how old are you

Timmy says: 22

Timmy says:Why? Getting a face to the name?

Blinky says: more an age

Timmy says: Ah right on.

Timmy says: Now where did you get the name Blinky from?

Blinky says: three eyed fish off the simpsons. just had as my screen name for a bit six years ago........and it caught on

Timmy says: Ah ok..I know what you mean.

Timmy says: It kind of sounds like a swear word around here.

Blinky says: lol

Timmy says: Basic say it the same.... but it means "to be dumb"

Timmy says: Honestly..

Blinky says: lol

Timmy says: Have you been off the island before?

Blinky says: yah

Timmy says: Where have you been too?

Blinky says: spain, tunisia, florida, italy, ireland

Blinky says: france

Timmy says: Wow...

Timmy says: You speak french?

Blinky says: no. i learnt french from age 5-12 at school....was ok at it.....better in latin and spanich though then went to secondary school
and had to start right fom the begining again so got bored, didnt pay attention and now have forgotten it ll

Blinky says: *all

Timmy says: Ah zut!

Timmy says: What did you think of the USA?

Blinky says: really good chinese food  heh it was good. went to orlando for disney land then to tampa bay its seemed a lot freidnlier
there, like strangers would smile and say hi. doesnt happen a whole lot here

Timmy says: Wow.

Timmy says: We are the most friendly village around here.

Timmy says: You just have to watch for the Ottawa clan.

Timmy says: They can be mean once in awhile.

Timmy says: But it is ok.. since our capitial has changed to Toronto a lot of our poltical wars are settle now.

Timmy says: But we still have a tad of a conflict during the cold season with the Toronto Maple Leaf and the Montreal Canadiens.

Timmy says: I am personally cheering for the Canadiens.

Timmy says: Have you hear of these two parties?

Timmy says: I am sure you must watch it on your tube television with BBC.

Timmy says: My tube television just broke the other day when one of my sled dogs knocked it over. Boys was I mad. Now I have to mail
order a new one from Sears.

Timmy says: Well G2G and get my sled ready fo work. See you.

Blinky says: ok bye bye


Yup....I was really bored...

Okay... Yes, he may be from the UK, but he is sure to have heard of the single worst hockey team on the planet, and known you were kidding about it all whe you mentioned you were cheering for Les Canadiens.  ;D
:rofl: :cheers:

I'm obviously just as bored as I sat here, gripped by the intense conversation from the Bluenoser.

Naughty boy!


In fact, I haven't seen such an intelligent exchange around here since V2007 and Not In My Name were banned.  ;)
Funny that they said they didnt know anything about Iraq. Kind of thing i would have thought people in the UK would be up to date with.
I had the same thing happen. Actually, it happens a bit on MSN doesnt it? My best was getting added by a really cool Swedish chick. I world is a very small place these days...
Weel, !!!

I can't believe I spent 10 minutes reading that thinking TN was going somewheres with it. 
TN, stop teasing the under-educated about our country.  Not everyone can have it as nice as we do.  Now leave the little ones alone and go play with your trucks.    ;D
BYT Driver said:
Weel, !!!

I can't believe I spent 10 minutes reading that thinking TN was going somewheres with it. 
TN, stop teasing the under-educated about our country.  Not everyone can have it as nice as we do.  Now leave the little ones alone and go play with your trucks.     ;D

As long as you"re doing SNIC right now.  ;D
A good BS story for an ill-informed target, carrying on the finest in Canadian military traditions...  :salute:
GreyMatter said:
A good BS story for an ill-informed target, carrying on the finest in Canadian military traditions...   :salute:

midget-boyd said:
Okay... Yes, he may be from the UK, but he is sure to have heard of the single worst hockey team on the planet, and known you were kidding about it all whe you mentioned you were cheering for Les Canadiens.  ;D
I'm not sure they are the worst. Australians have to practice their hockey in sand because it never snows.
i'm oreganaly canadian, but now i live in guatemala central america and u should here how many people think i ride an elaphent
wirrell said:
i'm oreganaly canadian, but now i live in guatemala central america and u should here how many people think i ride an elaphent
I wish I could go to latin america to practice my latin.
Hale said:
Does that mean that your a Japanese paper Canadian? I wish i was an Oragame Canadian.
I dunno, I'm pretty sure we'd make a paper cutout of Kyle Sandilands from you and then set fire to it. Not sure what that would do to your hairstlye.
i'm only 15 i can't spell for crap but you know what i mean... i hope
I'm digging you mate. I just have an awful sense of humour and couldnt resist.
wirrell said:
i can't spell for crap

Try the second button at the left of the "post" one : Spell Check. It's a good beginning...