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Boot cleaning / polishing / care of

I use ice water vice spit as some peoples saliva is more acidic then others and it may be foiling your efforts.
is it true that your combat boots can be to shiny. My sergeant and even my warrant said they were to shiny.  ???
they threw durt on them and then laughed  and said thats better and believe me i was mad.  :sniper:
Presssure also has a great deal to do with the shining process.  Keep in mind that the final stages are aimed at lightly filling any uneven portions of the polish, not applying an entirely new layer.  Good luck. 
this works.. take my word on it.  use a brush and a new can of polish.  brush shine the whole can on the pair of boots.  and rub in every once and a while.  then get a can of parade gloss kiwi polish and do it by hand, using a little bit of spoit on the cloth first.  every once and a while use rubbing alcohol instead of spit.. you will be like a mirror..  promise.
I used to use cold/ice water on my jump boots ( I was in 3CDO), and the were just like a black mirror
I used to use cold/ice water on my jump boots ( I was in 3CDO), and the were just like a black mirror

Hmmmm come to think of it I think it was an ex-airborne who told me about it as well.
Ex-Dragoon said:
I used to use cold/ice water on my jump boots ( I was in 3CDO), and the were just like a black mirror

Hmmmm come to think of it I think it was an ex-airborne who told me about it as well.

Nothing like a shiny pair of jump bootes eh :D
I like to:

apply a very thick coat of polish on the boots
Let them sit for atleasr 30 min to let polish dry
Grab a lighter and melt the polih on an area before polishing, let it dry fagain though.  This will even the polish out nicely

My boots are very shiny.
I've had a few buddies who burn shined their boots, usually it wrecked them at the worst possible time! I saw one guy come to attention, and the polish on his toe cap literally shattered! Same thing happens if you use floor wax. If you use hot water instead of a lighter though, it tends to work better. And remember, it takes a lot of effort, and time to get good boots.
Regarding all the mystical shortcuts out there: they suck. All of them.

I spent a year as a supply officer for an air cadet squadron, and saw some pretty messed up boots come back after some creative polishing methods were applied. Burn shining may save your @$$ in a pinch if done only once and with care, but can go horribly horribly wrong in a split second. Additionally, prolonged burn shining results in boot cancer (yes, it looks as bad as it sounds). Each time I had some kid come back to me with a pair of boots they'd killed with some "great new way of polishing boots in 5 seconds" that they heard about at camp, and that I now had to write off, I had the biggest urge to take the old boots, shine them up real nice and... but then that's why we get all that harassment training, isn't it? Instead I had to settle for a bit of a talk about not being lazy and send them to one of the NCO's for propper guidance.

There's just no replacement for plain old black kiwi polish, a kiwi cloth, some water, and a couple of movies. After a few hours with new boots to get them looking good (mine took 1.5 movies), you never have to put in that much work ever again. All you do is brush off the dust before wearing them, and once in a while give them a quick touch up coat to repair any scuffs and keep them mirror shiny - never more than a couple minutes of work if you do it right the first time, so who needs shortcuts? With just a little bit of practice anyone can master the lost art of shoe polishing. As I recently discovered, it can do more than keep your unit happy... it can also score you bonus points with your gf's mom. "Ooooh they're so shiny. I've never seen anyone's shoes look so nice. Very sharp." That should get me at least one night of forgiveness for getting her home late   ;)
kristina_321 said:
tell me about it my hand are died from polishing for the last 2 days straight.....
That's from the old day's when your boot's had pebbles and needed to be filled in. ;)
Here we can wear the plastic permashine ones, so no pollishing. However, yes me being so anal oover it all, I still wear the original parade bootsd that I got back in 1976! yes I pollish em the way I was taught by my Dad, the same way he did his during the war years. A little bit of water in the lid of the tin, tiny swirls with your Kiwi cloth dipping in water, then a bit of pollish, and repeat. Before you know it, they shine!.

It takes a while, but looks great.

