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Biden Presidency 2020-?


Army.ca Dinosaur
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This could be the end of Biden...

The political tides are turning against the Biden presidency​

Further, given the tragic terrorist attack that occurred outside the Kabul airport on Thursday, which killed 13 U.S. troops and 170 Afghans and wounded hundreds more, we can expect that Biden’s ratings on Afghanistan — and his overall ratings — will continue to decline.

Well with Harris waiting in the wings, that might not be a good thing.

And this could come back to haunt him, which would leave her with the main prize:

Opinion: It’s fair to speculate whether Biden is mentally fit to be president​

After a disastrous performance in his first debate with Walter Mondale, many in the media began to openly question the then-73-year-old Ronald Reagan’s mental fitness. Writing in the New York Times, James Reston pointed out that Reagan “got his figures mixed up, and didn’t seem to be mentally alert in dealing with Mr. Mondale’s arguments.” The Wall Street Journal noted that “the president’s rambling responses and occasional apparent confusion injected an unpredictable new element into the race” and pointed out that at age 75, "10 percent of people suffer from significant mental impairment — senile dementia, or senility.” The networks ran montages of Reagan stumbling over his words and brought on doctors to discuss the effects of aging on mental capacity.

When the second debate came around, Reagan put the aging question to rest with his now famous line: “I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.” A decade later, Reagan announced to the world that he had Alzheimer’s disease.

Joe Biden is 77, four years older than Reagan was during the 1984 campaign. If Biden is elected, he’ll be older on the day he takes office than Reagan was on the day he left office. So yes, his mental fitness is a legitimate issue.

This could be the end of Biden...

The political tides are turning against the Biden presidency​

Further, given the tragic terrorist attack that occurred outside the Kabul airport on Thursday, which killed 13 U.S. troops and 170 Afghans and wounded hundreds more, we can expect that Biden’s ratings on Afghanistan — and his overall ratings — will continue to decline.

I mentioned this earlier, this is going to define his presidency.
It's literally his first year of his presidency, otbis fairly premature to judge the political landscape in 2024.
Just follow through on what some of his supporters have written to defend the Afghanistan withdrawal: "it could have been worse". True, and also, something as yet undone could be worse. Must be a comforting thought for Democrats.
a well-connected Dem who asked a White House confidant how Biden could have chosen such an uninspiring roster of top aides was told Biden didn’t make the choices.

Similar reports of a detached president and a staff-run administration have ricocheted around Washington from the very start,

Given all the antics of the former guy, and the fact that his presidency survived the full four years, I’m surprised to see anyone seriously questioning whether Biden will ride this out. Afghanistan has definitely been an ugly crisis, but likely not one to sway many votes. I suspect most of those making the loudest noise about Biden through this probably had their opinions pretty firmly set already.

People will vote self interest in most cases. Afghanistan doesn’t do much for that.
Given all the antics of the former guy, and the fact that his presidency survived the full four years, I’m surprised to see anyone seriously questioning whether Biden will ride this out. Afghanistan has definitely been an ugly crisis, but likely not one to sway many votes. I suspect most of those making the loudest noise about Biden through this probably had their opinions pretty firmly set already.

People will vote self interest in most cases. Afghanistan doesn’t do much for that.
Oh, I doubt he’s leaving any time soon. But his normally supportive media (at least in his honeymoon phase) are being critical. And that leads to more critique of other things that may come up now.
Does anyone actually think Biden is not being told what to say it, when to say it and how?

He's on the record being worried he'll make his staff mad at him (or words to that effect).

He's a puppet. Right now he's probably concerned about a warm breakfast and his slippers (seriously).

Putting this on his shoulders seem weak.
The presidency is stressful. Biden is 78 in his first year. Trump is 75, and was 71 at this point of his administration. My observations of people in their 70s lead me to conclude that decline through that decade of age is not linear; it accelerates. It's entirely serious to question whether Biden will have the stamina to execute the job for three more years, and to postulate that the stress might kill or incapacitate him.
I expect, if articles of impeachment are not forthcoming, they will be in 2022 when the Republicans take the house and senate. Harris' own impeachment won't be long in coming after that. The Speaker of the House, third in line, will be a Republican. Pure speculation of course, but more likely to happen than Biden or Harris hanging in to 2024.
Does anyone actually think Biden is not being told what to say it, when to say it and how?

He's on the record being worried he'll make his staff mad at him (or words to that effect).

He's a puppet. Right now he's probably concerned about a warm breakfast and his slippers (seriously).

Putting this on his shoulders seem weak.
I think the words you were looking for are 'Empty Vessel'
I expect, if articles of impeachment are not forthcoming, they will be in 2022 when the Republicans take the house and senate. Harris' own impeachment won't be long in coming after that. The Speaker of the House, third in line, will be a Republican. Pure speculation of course, but more likely to happen than Biden or Harris hanging in to 2024.

Bold to assume that the republicans can get a two thirds Senate vote to impeach Biden. Trump set the bar exceptionally low for what you can do in that job and still keep it between elections. Just as is the case up here, not many Americans likely give a shit about Afghanistan whose political opinions aren’t pretty firmly cemented already.
I expect, if articles of impeachment are not forthcoming, they will be in 2022 when the Republicans take the house and senate. Harris' own impeachment won't be long in coming after that. The Speaker of the House, third in line, will be a Republican. Pure speculation of course, but more likely to happen than Biden or Harris hanging in to 2024.
So how are they going to get around the 2/3 of the Senate has to vote in favour of the impeachment thingy.

I don't think any party has held 2/3 majority since 1968. There are 34 Senate seats on the line in 2022. to get a 2/3 majority the Republicans would need to win all 34 or 32 with the two independents voting with them. Them's long odds. Even the Republicans can't gerrymander things that well.

My guess is that some Republican senators would vote against impeaching Biden just to ensure that a woman of colour wouldn't sit as president regardless of how briefly. 😁

Perhaps you missed the 'pure conjecture' part. No firm statement, just a hope. Never say never, right? It's the Democrats who are the party of slavery and Jim Crow, not Republicans. It is Biden himself who has a proclivity for the N word. As long as a woman of colour is capable of the job, which Harris isn't, I don't think the Republicans would be too worried, well maybe some RINOs, but I don't think they'll be around much longer either.
Perhaps you missed the 'pure conjecture' part. No firm statement, just a hope. Never say never, right? It's the Democrats who are the party of slavery and Jim Crow, not Republicans. It is Biden himself who has a proclivity for the N word. As long as a woman of colour is capable of the job, which Harris isn't, I don't think the Republicans would be too worried, well maybe some RINOs, but I don't think they'll be around much longer either.
Glad you saw the tongue in cheek side in what I said - that's why there was a smiley face. Some take these political circuses much too seriously which is why I've stayed out of these threads for some time now. Couldn't help but tweaking that one though.
