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Best Cop shows?


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Hmmm....I'd say, in no real order:

1) Kojak - Who loves ya baby?
2) Hill Street Blues
3) Adam-12
4) The entire Law & Order franchise
5) NYPD Blue
6) High Incident
7) Homicide: Life on the Streets
Dude, you missed one of the best...

Third Watch... and High Incident NEEDS to come back to Television.
Serve and Protect...focused mostly on the Edmonton PD, it's great.  I'm a HUGE Third Watch fan....not just cops, all aspects of the job, love it!
I agree with Sh0rtbUs on Reno 911, but ya, you can't forget about the show Cops...Only because of the theme song Bad Boys

To Serve And Protect
Third Watch
NCIS (they're cops too!)
I see I'm not the only one that can't stand that new CSI:  Miami.  Are all the actors dead?  They certainly have no personality.  No one can beat Grisham though!  I love CSI and Third Watch. 

One of the things I didn't get about the few episodes of CSI (not sure if it was miami or the origional), is that they do all their work in very dim lighting.

Maybe it's just me, but when I'm doing something that requires catching fine details, I use a lot of light. But maybe I'm just not cool enough.  ::)
I'll add 24 to the list!!!  I only watch last year's episodes but what a show!!  BTW, the season premiere is tonight!!!

  I've never seen 24, maybe I'll watch the season premiere tonight and check it out.
  And, if you have dim lights around you....and a spotlight over what you're looking at (which they have like 99% of the time), the light is brighter, thus making finer details more obvious.
CSI Miami is narsty... Hmm ok...we have some carpet hair...we will just put it in this expensive looking machine that will analyze it and will then be able to tell us suspects skin colour, age, and wether they have showered wothing 3 weeks...
  Don't scoff, most of what goes on there is actually correct....a lot is a little stretched, but believe me, police services and higher are more than capable of determining any information on you that they want.
Gilligan said:
  I've never seen 24, maybe I'll watch the season premiere tonight and check it out.
  And, if you have dim lights around you....and a spotlight over what you're looking at (which they have like 99% of the time), the light is brighter, thus making finer details more obvious.

Its called oblique lighting and does not always work mainly for Finger Prints and Foot Prints. 

And no a lot of the stuff on the show is crap and has to be crap, would you watch a show that takes up to 2 yrs to solve a murder???

One on the best shows is on A&E and is called something like the first 48 where they count down from the time the call comes in to the 48th hr ( the most crucial time) in order to piece together the crime.  Real life no acting and no scripts.

But i do like the car chases in cops it is fun to see just how dumb people are tough to out run a radio and a helicopter Serve and protect has its moments.
Love 3rd Watch and I was disappointed when they took that show Hawaii off. There was a show on last year about an FBI team in south going against a crime family anyone remember that?
Thinking of KingPin??? I loved that, even though it was just a mini series..
Ex-Dragoon said:
There was a show on last year about an FBI team in south going against a crime family anyone remember that?

Would that be Growing Up Gotti??  ;)

That is the stupidest show on tv today and I just want to smack those kids around and force them into to a boot camp!