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Army.ca Server Hardware Replacement Program

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

As you've probably noticed at times, we are starting to 'outgrow' our current hardware, and the time has come to consider a replacement. To date, we've been able to get by with a mid-range desktop system (2.8 GHz Pentium 4 and 3Gb of RAM) but we're hitting the limits of this hardware more regularly.

During past couple of weeks, I have been shopping around for replacement hardware, and I think it's finally time to kick off the Army.ca Server Replacement Program. With that in mind, I've pulled together some specs for a potential server replacement. This is true server class hardware, capable of seeing Army.ca through continued growth in the coming years. Due to the speed with which we were able to raise funds (thanks!) we are now looking at a system with the following specs:

Processors:     2 x Intel Dual Core Xeon 5150 2.66ghz 1333mhz FSB
Memory:     4Gb (2x2Gb) DDR2-667 RAM
Motherboard:        Asus DSBF-D/SAS Server Motherboard ---- Dual Xeon Socket 771, Intel 5000P, 1333FSB, 8D. DDR2, ATI ES1000
Power Supplies:   550 Watt EPS Power Supply
Hard Disk Drives: ST3500630AS SEAGATE 500G 7200RPM SATA-300 16M
Case:                  TITAN550 SERVER BOX ANTEC TITAN 550W EATX
Total Cost:     $3,717.72

Through the generous donations of several Army.ca Subscribers who wish to remain anonymous, coupled with some savings from subscriptions and advertising, we're on the way. I have set up a simple page to track our progress towards the new server hardware, here:


As we raise more money we'll get closer to the goal of faster hardware. I'm also confident over time we can find a better deal than the one we're starting with, so the "goal" amount will likely change but at least this is a "starting point" to kick things off.

This is a big project, and I'm hoping we can be on to the new hardware sometime in 2007 but I understand it could be a while given the costs involved. So please... be patient!

Update: Kendrick has now placed the order for the hardware listed above. It should be ready for pick up in a week or so, and it will likely take another couple of weekd to get it to Ottawa, get it assembled, etc. From there it will take at least another couple of weeks to get services up and running on it, but I promise you... I will hurry! A rough ETA for the new server is mid-May.

riggermade said:
Can we do a donation thru Paypal?


you beat me to it by seconds.

Or perhaps donate via e-mail money transfer.

This seems like a very good cause, as army.ca is a very invaluable resource to many of us.  :salute:  :army:
Well Mike, you will get some more cash for the server soon, the money for the swag will be sent off on Tuesday  :D
I had withdrawls yesterday with the power outage ...no control over that but if Mike can update I am all for it..just had to drink more beer
Thanks guys... I'm not trying to solicit donations so much as track our progress, but at the same time, I appreciate the help if you have a few bucks to throw at the cause. Anything sent via PayPal or Certapay to Army@Army.ca will go directly to the upgrade program.

I've just sent in my 2c (plus or minus) to help keep this place going - thanks again for all your work, Mike.
Wow... Thank-you HitOrMrs/HitOrMiss, riggermade, dapaterson and PipersWife for those donations, the bar has moved already!

I consider this a long term project but with support like that it's sure moving along!

Thanks again

I don't think there will be a problem to raise the funds...I for one don't always post but am on here a few times a day to see what is happening

What link do you want me to use to fire a few bucks into the kitty.  New techie toys are always good.  Especially in pursuit of a good cause.

I am a bit on the cheap side..must be the Scottish blood ...I believe that all the Army.ca junkies can make this happen sooner than later...I don't believe there is any of us who doubt the work Mike puts into this site and for the many of us who are on here daily it is a worthwhile investment...let's see how fast we can put Mike's link out of commision for money raised
Old and Tired, if you're a PayPal user, you can use http://PayPal.com, if you have online banking you can use http://certapay.com, otherwise I think the options are limited to the old fashioned approaches.

TN2IC, unfortunately I can't accept credit cards directly, only through PayPal. :(

There Mike,

I fired some "bling" your way.

Yes and it would be better for me to contribute in cash. I am on student loans so Big Brother is monitoring my bank account transactions. Stupid government.  :mad:
Maybe army.ca needs to be a registered charity, then you could offer tax receipts.  ;D

A few shekels have been tossed in via Paypal for the cause.

Wow we are almost half way there! Way to go everyone! I will help too  ^-^