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Not sure what topic this should go under, But discuss.

I was wondering if anyone has travelled through airport security, after 9/11 in thier 1A's and if thier experiance is similar to mine.

Saturday went through security at halifax international airport in 1A's (on my way back from a funeral).

The screener asks about my belt and I remove it.

My tunic has metal (name tags and buttons) ~ Not asked to be removed.

Go through scanner It goes off like an air raid siren.

He scans me, asks to pat me down .......... I allow but am not impressed as after all I have photo ID showing me in this same uniform.

Than asks me to remove my parade boots .........

So i says to him. " I realize your doing your job, but this uniform was issued my The Department of National defense and I assure you there is no bomb in my boots. Furthur more I have photo ID proving I'm in the Military and the picture shows me in this exact Uniform."

I remove them .......... really not impressed.

He seats me and scans my legs ...... now just plain pissed off, tell him that this is rather embarassing, to serve your country and be treated like a criminal.

Grab my boots put them on and take off. Now i realize he was doing his job, but it seems a tad odd for that kind of treatment to an active serving member. Anyone else have a similar issue or know the policy on security when it comes to uniformed members with valid ID showing thier active duty?
While I can appreciate your frustration, I would like to mention that faking a military ID card and hooking yourself up with a uniform would be pretty easy if you were determined to do so.

What if you were sent to test him?  He has to treat everyone the same regardless what you are wearing.  I felt the same (initially) way while leaving Winnipeg back in Feb, I practically got the full meal deal even though I used my military ID (not in uniform).  We had a great conversation during the whole thing, and when he was finished, he apologized for holding me up.  I just told him don't worry about it, you are doing your job, I should have also thanked him for the massage.

Good on airport security for doing their job.  You on the other hand should not have been giving them any grief over having to do it properly.  There is only one 'legal' way that someone from the CF is ALLOWED to get any special treatment at airport screening, and that is if they have a courier certificate.  Not saying special treatment hasn't been given before, but that is a privilege extended at the moment, and should not be expected - a screener is putting his/her job at risk if they allow special treatment.  Not to mention a possible risk of being 'duped' and putting an aircraft at risk.  Besides, you don't think anyone from the CF hasn't "flipped out" before?

What would you do if the CF were called in to protect some piece of vital infrastructure in Canada?  Would you give a pass to someone who approaches your check point just because they are in a uniform - regardless if you recognize them or not? 
I am sorry about the circumstances (coming from a funeral), but saying the word "bomb" in a conversation with airport security staff is not a good idea, nor is getting snippy with them because they are doing their job.
I'm actually amused that you left your tunic and belt on despite the fact they didn't "ask" you to remove it. Doesn't the airport have signs saying "place all metal objects into container" posted? If not, it's the first airport that I'm aware of that doesn't. (Aside: perhaps airport security guy was thinking to himself ... can this guy not read?? Why is he trying to make my day difficult?? Why is he "testing" me?)

Given the bells and whistles adorning such -- it would have been the obvious move to make. That way, the sensors wouldn't have gone off like Westminster, and you'd probably have continued merrily upon your way.
In 1976 as a young reserve cpl I was on security duty at Bromont Park equestrian centre when Princess Anne showed up with some of her staff? associates? aides?, (never did find out) They tried to enter without the correct credentials. While she was allowed to enter two of the individuals with her were not properly credentialed. I refused them entry got a verbal bollocking from her personal aide. I refused to back down and made them go to the credentials area to obtain the right ID\Passes. I was threatened with the usually don't you know who I am etc, we are going to take this up with your CO... etc etc. I figured I was in some deep deep sh-----! But I was following the orders we were given. Later on my Section Comd tells me that I have to report to the CSM's office and I figure that I am about to be hung drawn and quartered. Instead I was commended and told that the whole incident was observed and recorded by surveillance cameras and the aide to HRH was taken aside and threatened with having his credientials removed.  [size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt]The man was doing his job. You never now when or where a threat may come from. He deserved your respect and support in making his job easier to do. [/size] [/size] [/size] [/size]
I was in the same situation in 2004; the belt, the ankle boots, and tunic all had to come off.  The ankle boots have
a metal support shank embedded in the outer sole.
ArmyVern said:
They also happen to be lined with a steel toe.


Steel toe?  Mine are plain box toes..........and I don't want to ruin the shine I finally got, to test that they aren't.
Travelling in LWCC is no better either. You stand a decent chance of having the metal grommets on the LWCC and/or MkIII boots set off the alarm. Thusfar my record is 2 alarms and 1 silent pass. Here's to hoping I can even the record on my way home.

At least with the alarms, the agents had a good sense of humour. They were joking with me about it, and despite the slight delay, sent me on my way with a laugh.
I and a troop of sappers were returning from a Demolition exercise in Northern Quebec.
Show up at the airport & the whole troop (myself included) had to remove our combat boots & go thru airport security screening.
Security measures are there for EVERYONE.
geo said:
I and a troop of sappers were returning from a Demolition exercise in Northern Quebec.
Show up at the airport & the whole troop (myself included) had to remove our combat boots & go thru airport security screening.
Security measures are there for EVERYONE.

I guess they gave you the "By" on the 'Explosive sniffer'.  ;D
Agree with everyone else, frankly I am dismayed how you reacted to this individual doing their job. Not sure what your trade is but would you do your job half assed as you expected this person?
George Wallace said:
I guess they gave you the "By" on the 'Explosive sniffer'.   ;D

YTrust me, I had a bunch of people who were bitchin - but it was happy bitchin - cause they had jsut finished blowing a bunch of things up...... VERY Satisfying >:D
George Wallace said:

Steel toe?  Mine are plain box toes..........and I don't want to ruin the shine I finally got, to test that they aren't.

Tis true.  I peeled the leather back accidentally one night in the mess and saw the steel.  Wrecked a perfectly good pair of boots, but felt comfortable wearing them as safety boots afterwards.  <-- Navy and we wore them as work boots way back when.

George Wallace said:
I guess they gave you the "By" on the 'Explosive sniffer'.  ;D

Had some friends come back from an explosive course in Florida.  Some phone calls were made when explosive residue turned up on them by airport security.

My big question would be why you would travel in DEU anyway?When I travel with the military I never even bring army kit bags etc if I can help it.Why make yourself a target.

I've searched the same civilian at one VCP at least 10 times in one day.You never know.

DiverMedic said:
Had some friends come back from an explosive course in Florida.  Some phone calls were made when explosive residue turned up on them by airport security.


I've seen the residue swab come up positive... only resulted in a thurough hand search.
Had issues putting my radiation thingy through the scanners at Pearson before, they were understanding as I explained that I was coming home from overseas.  They offered to "sniff" it and I warned them there may be residue for obvious reasons.  After passing through with no issues, they began to ask all kinds of questions about what goes on over there, how we feel about our mission, etc.. I dazzled the young folks with pictures of HUGE pot plants and killed some stopover time with them.

Then their boss came down and bitched at them for relaxing on the job.  I felt bad.  Meh, at least they were doing their job. 

That reminds me,

I did a ceremony at the National Field of Honour in Pointe-Claire on the 1st of June (Last Post Fund), the MPs were given direct orders to only let vehicles with passes through.  I show up with the branch manager of the Quebec branch (the guy in charge of the ceremony) and lo an behold, he has no pass for his vehicle.  After much negotiation, we got through.  Can't fault the boys doing their job.  WE told them to do it that way in our orders...
So there I was repatreated  early from Afghanistan  in 2002  by 2 weeks and was flown back ahead .  2 barracks boxes 1 rucksak webgear .flackvest w plates duffle bag. and small carry on . Present my Canadian Green passport. and get a "WELCOME TO CANADA , HOW LONG WILL YOU BE STAYING? " from there it went down hill. after gettting someone that speaks english as a Primary language i got to explain im returning from Ops and will be staying here in my home town in Edmonton when i get there. . How long sir . Christ man i live there . Why do you have a green passport ? its what they issued me  .Who issued the goverment im with the DND just getting back from Afghanistan .  .OH is this all yours. YUP all my fighting gear. all the stuff of the trade.  hey how long will this take i have another flight to make in 2 hours. ?  well we' will see if you can make that flight  want to pop all those locks off ad let us look ? not if you dont want to make me miss my flight ..  etc in the end after getting the assisnt chief there i was allowed to only open my day bag ruck sack and then xray everything.  i had the why are there explosives in your kit  probably from all the crap i blew up on the range.... what a pain that airport is maybe if they were originally from this country i might have less hassles getting back into our country