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Air Canada Passenger Left On Her Flight


Army.ca Legend
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I guess there were witnesses but I cant believe the flight crew left a person on the airctaft after landing. O well if they give her free flights or $50000 she will grab it.

I’m calling bullshit.

I read one news story that stated she had the row to herself, so she lifted the arm rests to stretch out.

I’ve never been on an airline where they let you just lay there stretching out for landing.  She also claims she woke up freezing, yeah, it was cold that night, I think it got down to 14.

She is saying all the right things, there is no way she slept through the landing (which is usually a good jolt), and the passengers deplaning.

I don’t know where she hid, but that’s the only explanation for this. 

“Night terrors”.  Go fuck yourself.

Dolphin_Hunter said:
I’m calling bullshit.

I read one news story that stated she had the row to herself, so she lifted the arm rests to stretch out.

I’ve never been on an airline where they let you just lay there stretching out for landing.  She also claims she woke up freezing, yeah, it was cold that night, I think it got down to 14.

She is saying all the right things, there is no way she slept through the landing (which is usually a good jolt), and the passengers deplaning.

I don’t know where she hid, but that’s the only explanation for this. 

“Night terrors”.  Go fuck yourself.

Yup. I’m very curious to hear the staff side of things. Most of us have flown several times, on many different airlines and especially on AC. Obviously something was missed, yes. But I’m having a very difficult time believing she was simply asleep in her chair and was left there.

”Night terrors”.  Go fuck yourself.

Given that I've experienced Air Canada losing my carry-on, I am never inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt...
The whole story stinks.  Her first call is to her friend?  Via FaceTime?  My phone is at 3%, I better piss away my remaining battery by FaceTiming my “bestie” to give her the low down. 

Then her friend does what?  Sits on her ass and says to herself “Oh that Tiffani is such a card, always getting into trouble.”

I don’t know why she just didn’t deploy the door chute.   

I also don’t know how airlines work, but I would assume that the aircraft would be cleaned and ready to go for the morning. 
BeyondTheNow said:
Obviously something was missed, yes.

Doesn't the cabin crew check the cabin is empty before turning out the lights?

Any Flights Attendants here?
Thing is no one noticed she was still onboard until long after aircraft was towed from gate and parked
Not many places to hide either

So I’d say some her story is possible, the extent of the “trauma?” Well....
Maybe she was forgotten on a freezing school bus long ago?  Maybe that memory just resurfaced while she was on the flight (school bus/economy class - easy to confuse)?

Yup.. something's not right here, but who am I to doubt the MSM these days?
tomahawk6 said:
I cant believe the flight crew left a person on the airctaft after landing.

Air Canada had this to say about that,

"The airline confirmed the incident took place, but declined to comment on its disembarking procedures or how the passenger may have been overlooked."
I'm so glad to read these comments, as I was about to write something similar to the above but didn't want to run the risk of sounding like the incentive jerk. 
Sorry, still getting used to using Apple everything.

How on earth does someone sleep through the noises, announcements, pressure changes, jolts of landing, passengers walking by and talking, people getting their bags from overhead compartments, etc etc...and just sleeps right through it?  And like said, 3% and your first call isn't to 911?

My first thought was "how stupid is this person?"  I'm glad I'm not the only one with that sentiment...
CBH99 said:
My first thought was "how stupid drunk? is this person?"  I'm glad I'm not the only one with that sentiment...

My thought was that she is a nervous flier and loaded up on all kinds of medications (prescribed and not).  That is the only way I could imagine sleeping through the usual de-planing stampede. 
This caught my eye,

Adams said she attempted to call for help using the radio in the plane’s cockpit, but it wouldn’t work without power.

I'd be tempted to check out the bar cart while waiting for the cleaners / or next crew.  :)

Reminds me of the uproar when we left a recently deceased person in their chair on an airliner.



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I flew to London with a bad head cold and took some medication prior to boarding. I missed the entire flight, and I was only awake for the landing because my wife woke me up.

Flying from Vancouver to Winnipeg for a brigade ex, I was asleep before the pre-flight announcements were done and I only woke up when the wheels hit the ground. The flight attendants never tried to wake me at any point. So it is possible...but most people would likely wake up when the wheels hit. Unless the pilot was that good....

As for the rest of it...I'd be trying to get ahold of someone at the airport, not my friend.

CBH99 said:
Sorry, still getting used to using Apple everything.

How on earth does someone sleep through the noises, announcements, pressure changes, jolts of landing, passengers walking by and talking, people getting their bags from overhead compartments, etc etc...and just sleeps right through it?  And like said, 3% and your first call isn't to 911?

My first thought was "how stupid is this person?"  I'm glad I'm not the only one with that sentiment...
Ah yes, Night Terrors. Most people get that from dealing WITH AirCanada.

Wonder if she thinks her night terrors are worth cash.
Jarnhamar said:
Wonder if she thinks her night terrors are worth cash.

I wonder not if, but how much?  :)
Aviation experts question security, passenger safety after woman left on plane

...Aimer, who has roughly four decades of aviation service, said he's never heard of such a situation and that multiple errors would have to be made to overlook a passenger during disembarking...

...Sometimes the crew will do a cursory clean, as well, he said, or a cleaning crew will arrive to do a more thorough job before a morning flight.
Neither of those things seem to have happened here, Aimer said, and it's possible the crew failed to check all the seats in their excitement to leave...

...Aimer said a cleaning, catering or flight crew would have discovered Adams in the morning had she not been so proactive, but it's possible someone with malicious intent could hide on a plane in this manner...

More at link:

“Each airline has its own procedure, but typically, the last step would be for a flight attendant to start at the back of the aircraft,” Eugeni said.

Global News asked three of Canada’s major airlines what kinds of procedures they follow when it comes to ensuring no one has been left on board.

Air Transit has an internal procedure which states “that the minimal number of flight attendants required by the legislation and at least one pilot remain on board until all passengers have disembarked.”

WestJet said its cabin crew does a “post-flight cabin check.” The airline also has what it calls a “unique grooming policy” that involves checking each seat.

Air Canada would not provide any further information on this incident.