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A few questions (didn't know where to put them)


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Okay I have a few questions I would like answered. I'm gonna say sorry in advance if any of these questions have been answered before or there's a better place to put them.

Alright my first question is that if I were to slap on a backpack with some wieghts in it (in their case of course ;) ) and go jogging with it, what muscles would I be building up? and is this a good way to go about building them up (remember that I live in rural Manitoba, no gyms, and no money to slap down for equipment)?

My second question is, are there any other exercises I could do to build up my forearm strength than using the grips? I have one that I use regularly but I just want to know what other things I could do.

My thrid is that I want to build up my upper body strength and I just want to know how I could do this without a gym or expensive equipment. Particularly I want to build my back muscles up.

Another thing, I play hockey a lot and I have a small frame (15 yrs old, 5'6", 128ibs) and I get banged up pretty good while I'm on the ice. The last season I played in I was injured twice, the injuries were first hyper-extending my right knee, and my second being hyper-extending my right elbow. I was just wondering, what exercises could I do to reduce the chances of injury?

CdnPhoenix, welcome to the boards. I suggest you go check out the training forums, just go to the top of the page under forums, scroll down and click on training. It literally has thousands of pages of info on cardio, strenght training etc. I'll answer some of your questions here, then you can go over there to get the ball really going.
1) you will be building your heart muscle by running with weight on, and maybe some leg muscle, but it will probably be negated by the running.
2) You have no gym or equipment. So the best thing to do is body weight exercises, push ups, sit ups and chin ups. You can also do body weight squats. If you could invest in a dumbbell set you'd get even further along.
3) To help build you forearm strenght, when doing chin ups, wrap a towel around the bar, the thickness makes you work your grip harder.Also any form of deadlift will help.
4) Upper body strenght can be developed through the push up and sit up routine, your back (lats) will get stronger with the chin ups.

5) Injury related workouts should be developed by a professional, I.E. a doctor and a physiotherapist.

Good luck!
Thanks, I have some exercises my physiotherapist gave me when I was injuried, so I suppose I'll continue with them. And about the chin ups I'm using a pretty big pipe that runs across my basement, luckly it's at just the right height so it works out great. The pipe itself is bigger than what my hand can wrap around so is this okay?
If the pipe is too big, you may but too much strain on your forearms. I suggest not going any bigger than a couple of inches space between your grip when you wrap your fingers around. Cheers
We were told by our course officer on BMQ that one good way to train to avoid injuries was to use a Bosu ball (one of those half-ball things), you can do all sorts of exercises on it that helps build balance and reduces the risk of you falling and hurting yourself. But I'm not a professional physiotherapist, so don't come after me if this doesn't help...