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A couple months ago I was put on the merit list at CFRC Saskatoon. Since then I've moved from Saskatoon to Hamilton to spend some time with family. After my file was transferred I was taken off the merit list, and still here I am trying to figure out why... to no avail!  :facepalm:
And now for my own personal problem. I have been putting so much into working out, especially running. I have been running 5,10,15, and 20 kilometers regularly until a few weeks ago. I apparently have a tight IT band causing some crippling discomfort and the most I can run now without any pain is 2.5-3km. I picked up some info off youtube on certain stretches but I can't say I have noticed any remedy.  :facepalm:
If anyone has gone through this or can give advice I'm all ears  :salute:
Foam roller, ice, golf ball (same purpose as foam roller)
Stop running for a bit. Don't worry about fitness factor, it's great that you're running those distances. But not if it's injuring you. Remember fat people can pass basic. But they can't pass either if they are injured.

I would suggest strengthening your leg muscles. I had a similar issue, and it all went away once I started getting near a 1.5x body weight squat.

If you need a book, Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe is the best resource.
Thank you both! For a foam roller would a pool noodle suffice or should i go find one with a larger diameter? As for weight training I believe that could be the issue as I'm only squatting about 2/3 my body weight.
No a pool noodle won't do. If you're going to do foam rolling you need to actually buy a foam roller ( a pool noodle just isnt stiff enough). They're not that expensive and you can find them at any sports store. Also go buy a lacrosse ball not a golf ball or tennis ball to really hit specific spots.
Who told you you have a tight IT band? If it's a self diagnosis you should go see a physiotherapist to get a professional opinion.
Ultimately you NEED to figure out what caused the tight IT band if that is indeed the problem. These things usually crop up because of muscular imbalances i.e. some muscles firing too much and others not enough, or in a case like mine where I broke my ankle I have poor dorsiflexion in my ankle so my hips and knee's have to compensate for that lack of mobility by carrying extra load.

So again...go see a sport specific physiotherapist.

Also, I'm assuming you're fairly new to running on a consistent basis and if so I can firmly say you're running too much. You'd think running was as simple as putting one foot in front of the other but it takes YEARS to learn how to properly execute that motion in an efficient manner as to produce optimal power whilst keeping your joints and ligaments safe. Most people who run have TERRIBLE form and are setting themselves up for failure.

I would use YouTube to look up foam rolling techniques and other myofascial release techniques as well as videos on how to properly run.

BTW I ran competitively for 6 years up to the University level. And have had about every running injury their is. 
Went and picked up a foam roller at the running room... Its painful so hopefully it works lol! I started running close to everyday since Dec 2012 and other than that I've always been physically fit and somewhat active even as a smoker but I've quit now. Thanks for all the advice and just out of curiosity how long did it take you to recover from your IT band syndrome? I went to the chiropractor/physio therapist to find out it was the IT band at first I had believed it to be my LCL. He had just given me some advice on stretches that didn't  work and i had to pay it became my bet interest  to look elsewhere.

Thanks again!
Scorp2586 said:
Went and picked up a foam roller at the running room... Its painful so hopefully it works lol! I started running close to everyday since Dec 2012 and other than that I've always been physically fit and somewhat active even as a smoker but I've quit now. Thanks for all the advice and just out of curiosity how long did it take you to recover from your IT band syndrome? I went to the chiropractor/physio therapist to find out it was the IT band at first I had believed it to be my LCL. He had just given me some advice on stretches that didn't  work and i had to pay it became my bet interest  to look elsewhere.

Thanks again!

The roller will help with shin splints too.  My osteopath passed off a tennis ball type object with a point -  hurts like a ....when applied just above and to the right of  the Achilles and to the side of the calve. Try rolling  a tennis ball too around the IT band. Give yourself a good 45 minute stretch if not more. 
Despite conflicting information I've found on the net with this foam rolling and ball, they seem to be working well! I'm only on day three and was doing hill sprints last night. The ball i bought is one from pet smart "kong" brand it's hard rubber and seem to be doing the trick. I'm going to head out tonight and attempt a 5k run... I'm feeling pretty confident. Also as for squatting 1 1/2x my body weight I'm doing my exercises at home I just don't have the equipment to get 225lbs in a safe squat position. I guess my training is a little more based towards cardio/endurance opposed to strength training. I'll post how my run goes tonight.

Thanks again
No pain! Did 5k last night the only thing I felt was that I'd taken too long off of running to deal with this ITBS issue. This was great information! Now if i can just get back on the merit list next week!?!?

Thank you all and best of luck  :salute:
I have in the past suffered with IT band issues, and a word of advice from someone now healed and reinjured numerous times: if it comes up again, see a physiotherapist. They can work wonders. Trust me, I am now injury free for almost a year after about 5 months of physio, not that long considering I suffered with pain for almost 3 years.