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Little bit of Naval Aweseome (HMCS OTTAWA ships moral badge)


Army.ca Veteran
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Just wanted to share this amazing bit of awesome.

It's from HMCS OTTAWA's instagram page and is the coolest thing I've ever worn in my naval career. The new morale patch.

Scroll left on the images to see what I'm talking about. This is what true reconciliation and familyhood is all about. These two sailors spent two years! working their way through edits, revisions and negotiations going all the way from local FN communities to the FN Advisory Council to the PMO for this. They wanted to to it right and respectfully. And they knocked it out of the park!

When OTT goes over the horizon this summer, KEEWAYTINOOK OMAA is the phrase we're bringing to the world. The North is Here.
THAT is what I want sailors to look like - and do. (Besides visit death and destruction upon the enemy) Bravo Zulu!!
The big guy on the right is S1 Wieler. On his off shift he has one of the other sailors (wearing boxing gloves) use him as a heavy bag as he holds onto the wireway braces. He says its invigorating, like a nice massage. I told him that I would probably be vomiting with amount of abuse he takes. He's a very tough individual, but perhaps the most gentle caring person onboard.
The big guy on the right is S1 Wieler. On his off shift he has one of the other sailors (wearing boxing gloves) use him as a heavy bag as he holds onto the wireway braces. He says its invigorating, like a nice massage. I told him that I would probably be vomiting with amount of abuse he takes. He's a very tough individual, but perhaps the most gentle caring person onboard.
He also has some serious time underway for a killick.

I love that the CAF is starting to lean into the First Nations heritage of Canada more, it's well worth celebrating.
THAT is what I want sailors to look like - and do. (Besides visit death and destruction upon the enemy) Bravo Zulu!!
That (the uniform) is what I want aircrew and maintainers to look like too.

Easy to care for, fire-retardant, able to take shirt off and put on easily...

There is an RCAF initiative to look at the operational uniforms. Is one of the COAs "adopt the fire-retardant NCDs in green"? Because it should be.
What happened to “use the Tac Hel CADPAT FR 2-piece flying suit more widely?” 🤔

Edited to add: NCDs don’t have nearly enough pockets and zippers! 😆
NZ is the gold standard. They do have a big advantage though. Maori are for the most part culturally and liguistically uniform. Same legends, language and religion. And they were a militant people, in the middle of a large conflict over resources when the Europeans arrived.

Canada not so much. But that doesn't mean we can't adapt. Frankly I think that's an opportunity, where if you were to name ships you can touch different cultures and parts of the country.
NZ is the gold standard. They do have a big advantage though. Maori are for the most part culturally and liguistically uniform. Same legends, language and religion. And they were a militant people, in the middle of a large conflict over resources when the Europeans arrived.

Canada not so much. But that doesn't mean we can't adapt. Frankly I think that's an opportunity, where if you were to name ships you can touch different cultures and parts of the country.
But - remember to use the names that the Nation itself wants, not what others have called them.

Example: Iroquois, which some suggest that it was what its enemies called them, rather than "Haudenosaunee" (the name they called themselves).

What happened to “use the Tac Hel CADPAT FR 2-piece flying suit more widely?” 🤔
AFAIK only 1 Wing is allowed to wear them. I've seen the jackets on others, but almost always on folks who were Tac Hel and then went to other fleets.
... Example: Iroquois, which some suggest that it was what its enemies called them, rather than "Haudenosaunee" (the name they called themselves) ...
And make sure you have consensus on the accepted spelling of Anishinaabe/Anishinabe/Anicinape/Nishnaabe/Neshnabé/Anishinaabeg/Anishinabek BEFORE you go to the printer/product maker :)
AFAIK only 1 Wing is allowed to wear them. I've seen the jackets on others, but almost always on folks who were Tac Hel and then went to other fleets.
I guess “expand RCAF scales and increase production of existing air environmental FR clothing” is a less likely COA than “amend design and pattern of naval clothing to use different material and add design feature for use in air environment”. 😉
Is that actually authorized for wear? I'm sure that the Canadian Heraldic Authority would have something to say about that.