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Supply Tech - merged

Does anyone know the dates for the QL3 Supply Tech course for 2013? is it September?
td_2013 said:
Does anyone know the dates for the QL3 Supply Tech course for 2013? is it September?

Reg Force - 23 Sep - 19 Nov (obviously subj to change and anytime...)
Res Force - 26 Jun - 22 Aug (same caveat as above)
BinRat55 said:
Reg Force - 23 Sep - 19 Nov (obviously subj to change and anytime...)
Res Force - 26 Jun - 22 Aug (same caveat as above)

Thanks !

I thought it was the end of Sep, so knowing the official dates (for now) is awesome.
Good day all,

I am going on my QL3 in less than a month and I have a question. If this has been answered before and is current please point me in the direction of that post.

Ok so I have been in CAF for over a year now SQ/BMQ-L are complete and I was told from several people after my QL3 i should be getting my first hook because I have been in over a year. If this holds merit could someone inform me because apparently I may have to notify the staff that I would be due for my hook by grad parade.

Have a good day

cnobbs84 said:
Good day all,
I am going on my QL3 in less than a month and I have a question. If this has been answered before and is current please point me in the direction of that post.
Ok so I have been in CAF for over a year now SQ/BMQ-L are complete and I was told from several people after my QL3 i should be getting my first hook because I have been in over a year. If this holds merit could someone inform me because apparently I may have to notify the staff that I would be due for my hook by grad parade.
Have a good day

For the "Regular Force", promotion from Pte(B) to "Pte(T)" requires a minimum time in of 30 months (ie; 2 1/2 years) of qualifying service plus QL3.  So unless you had prior Reserve Force time and were granted TCP/IC Credits on enrolment, you can pretty much take your enrolment date, add 30 months and add any LWOP granted on enrolment and that will be your eligibility date.
Greetings everyone,

I couldn't find much info on the boards about the supply tech?
i tried to get on the navy reserve as a BOSN but the spots were already filled up (only 4) :facepalm:
Surprisingly i found the opening on craigslist with a bunch of other openings.
After countless unanswered emails and calls, i finally had a day off to visit a recruitment center.
By luck the navy recruiter was there (she was replacing the other recruiter who is away).

I had my heart set on BOSN (and still is).  However the recruiter told me that the reserve BOSN
opening would open up probably sometime next year. :o
(however I've heard to keep checking in every month to see if there would be an opening).

She suggested taking something else that Isnt full like supply tech .
I did some research on it and it would be something secondary i would consider.

I'm not sure on how the Role of Supply Tech works with the Navy Reserve. From the info on the forces site, supply techs can or are able to work
for the navy army and airforce. The vid discritpion didn't really go into great details about it, and the recruiter pretty much said
it is like a BOSN because you still do BOSN like duties, you are part of the dive team and damage control, and you are in charge of
the ships stock and maintenance (ammunition, food supplies, uniforms, stock/clerk/warehouse type duties , etc).

If anyone has any info regarding the role of the supply tech for the navy reserve would be greatly appreciated!
Also, if the BOSN trade is similar to Supply Tech in terms of the ship duties?

Im a bit hesitant in applying because i was told by  friends in the forces "don't take anything you don't want, and don't settle"
sure you can always re-muster but isn't that frowned upon? you waste the forces resources and the spot you took could've been given to someone else who wanted it".

Thanks a bunch  :salute:
Hey ZeroDark30,

To keep it short if Boatswain (Bos'n) is what you really want then wait for it.  Don't take Sup Tech just because its offered if you think its not really what you want to do.  Remustering can be hard and its not for sure that you will get the trade you want.  No its not frowned upon, or shouldn't be anyways.

Although Sup Tech is a purple trade that is primarily for the reg force as we are generally posted to different elements throughout our careers.  While NavRes Sup Techs are purple as well they do not get the same level of opportunity to serve with the CA or RCAF.  It does happen but not as often.

As well NavRes Sup Techs aren't employed on ships much at all .  Your job will primarily be shore based.  In my 4 ships, I sailed with one reserve Sup Tech and that was when we were so short we were sailing with a PO2 and 2 LS in Supply.

Lastly Dive teams and Damage Control teams are not Bos'n jobs.  These tasks can/are filled by anyone in the ships company.  You may do seamanship tasks but those are just that seamanship tasks not Bos'n jobs.

Lastly I echo what I opened with.  If Bos'n is what you want to do then wait for it.  Don't take Sup Tech just because its available.
Thank you Halifax Tar for taking the time to reply on here!

Supply Tech was suggested to me by the recruiter because i did at one point in life have experience in
a warehouse setting. Supply Tech does look interesting and it does give you the experience to work on the outside.

I prefer BOSN because you go out to sea.
I was hoping that with supply tech you would be able to join a ship and travel around with them?

According to the recruiter the BOSN will open sometime next year.
Like most government jobs its hurry up and wait
I dont mind the wait but nothing is guaranteed.
I'm in my 30s and I'd like to commit to the navy
Reserve while I'm in my prime.

Im just checking my other options.
Supply tech seems like a good gig and one im familiar with.
Like someone mentioned on the site
I want the bacon burger but I'm
50cents short but was offered the double cheese burger instead.
It's either I settle or wait till I get $.50
Hopefully I find those .50 cents soon!

Is it usual to find postings on job searches
Like Craig's list? Kijiji ?

Thank a bunch for replying
Can anyone tell me when the next course dates are for Reg Force Supply Tech training?

My wife wil  grad from St-Jean at the end of January, any idea of the QL3 Course Calendar for Supply tech in 2014 ?

Thank you

So I am going to be a Naval Supply tech for a reserve unit in Ontario.

Several questions

1. Anyone here a supply tech? If so how was the training? Are you happy with your choice?
2. I know for Reg forces Supply techs attend a 70 day course in Borden Ontario, is it the same for reserve members after basic?
3. Do naval supply techs in reserve unit tend to get stuck to port duties, or on ship duties? I know for my particular unit we have no ships or even a dock so I can already assume most of my duties will be working at the unit base itself.
4. Lastly any advice for a naval supply tech or anything I should now? The Canadian Forces website does not really give much info on supply techs in the navy it focuses more on army supply techs it seems.

Thanks in advance!
NAVRESSuppyTech said:
So I am going to be a Naval Supply tech for a reserve unit in Ontario.

I saw this,

Halifax Tar said:
Just so you know Naval Reserve SupTechs seldom to never see any sea time. There are 0 (zero) positions for the trade on the MCDVs.

For future reference, perhaps "Naval Supply Tech training/advice" will be merged with "Supply Tech- Navy Reserve Info?"

Halifax Tar said:
As well NavRes Sup Techs aren't employed on ships much at all .  Your job will primarily be shore based. 
NAVRESSuppyTech said:

So I am going to be a Naval Supply tech for a reserve unit in Ontario.

Several questions

1. Anyone here a supply tech? If so how was the training? Are you happy with your choice?
2. I know for Reg forces Supply techs attend a 70 day course in Borden Ontario, is it the same for reserve members after basic?
3. Do naval supply techs in reserve unit tend to get stuck to port duties, or on ship duties? I know for my particular unit we have no ships or even a dock so I can already assume most of my duties will be working at the unit base itself.
4. Lastly any advice for a naval supply tech or anything I should now? The Canadian Forces website does not really give much info on supply techs in the navy it focuses more on army supply techs it seems.

Thanks in advance!

So let's start by saying that by using the search function, you can find out a ton about the Supply trade. I have many posts about Supply and postings and such. Have a read.

Supply is what we call "purple" in that it's not green (land) blue (air) or navy (sea) specific... let me qualify that by saying that what you learn as a Supply Technician can be applied to any element. It's the element specifics that are different. We don't do things the same way on ship as we do in the hangar and on the tarmac as we do in the mud of the field. You learn this at your postings. If you are a "Naval Sup Tech" on base, you will do the job the same way as I do while in garrison. Make sense?

I have been a Supply Technician for 27 years and I have done my job in both land and air environments (never sea) and have absolutely loved every second. The techs who serve aboard ship have my utmost respect as I believe it's one of the most difficult places for us to be.

The training? It never stops!
Anybody know when the next supply tech ql3 is running and how often they're running. Don't have access to DWAN at the moment.
Valken said:
Anybody know when the next supply tech ql3 is running and how often they're running. Don't have access to DWAN at the moment.
What is QL3?

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Ryan_T said:
What is QL3?

Qualification Level 3
Hey, i'm wondering if anyone has more information on a Supply Tech, I've read a bunch of stuff but i'm still wondering do supply techs get deployed frequently? and can you switch jobs in the army or is what you go in for it?