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Problems and Bugs

xKraven said:
It seems to have sort of fixed itself, maybe it was just a long glitch?

Anyways, it takes multiple attempts to click on a mission in order to do it.  I don't know whether the mission works or not until I refresh the page to see if I lost CR.  It takes quite awhile for the page to reload, but that could be a problem with my browser and not AfghanOps.  Both this afternoon and last night, I've been able to conduct a couple missions but before the page would refresh as soon as I clicked on anything.  Didn't think to take a screen shot before as I was just trying to ride out the problem and see if it would go away on its own.  I managed to get some today but don't know if theyre what you're looking for

Before conducting a mission

After conducting a mission, it'll be like this for about 10 minutes or so

I did take this screen shot back in the middle of June, not sure if it means anything.

I have been having the same issues yesterday for the afternoon and again this morning. It did it a few days ago so I left it alone and it worked again. I too also hit like and after that I had issues with the game.  How did you fix if you got it to work again.

also thank for you creating a game in which I do not have to bug all of my facebook friends to come join it to get extra things!
airmich said:
I am curious about this Chris Kerr guy in the game.  Are his stats really true?  He seems to have a lot of CR (and other items) for the level he is at, despite the bonus awards that he uses.  And looking at the daily stats, he jumps quite a few ranks at times.  I also notice that he has a crazy amount of Sad Pandas (438!!)

He has over 900 unspent merit points now, and has only gone up 10 levels. He's found a bug that is exponentially increasing his merit points, or he's spending a whole lot of money donating to the site to get merit points...

Here's his milpoints profile: http://army.ca/milpoints/?user=610541129 Definite bug abuser.
It showed in stats for yesterday that he went up 155 ranks (which would account for his merit points balance) but he is currently only at 161.  And I see his Sad Panda events has risen too..
WTF just happened to all my morale?  I tried to do a mission and it wasn't loading to I went back to FB and, when I tried to load the game, got the panda.  When I went to load the game again I had 0 CR, which is odd because I only had enough CR for one mission, not two, Nd then negative 28 morale!  I was at 300+ before that!
Unfortunately triggering a sad panda does that, Mike put it in to prevent people from cheating.
Here is an odd one.  When connecting over my mobile network (Bell) or an unsecure wifi network my phone tells me that 'A secure connection cannot be established.' When I connect over a password secure wifi network it loads fine. I have fiddled with my all my phone data settings and nothing seems to have worked.  I am 99%a positive its my phone though. I am just hoping that someone has some idea.
Edit: My old phone, HTC android, did not have this problem and this is occuring on a Motorola Atrix.
I have an Atrix and don't have a problem, other than its hard to get to the main Facebook site instead of the mobile one, as the mobile site won't let me play games.
It sorta worked for a minute.  It loaded a white page with the conduct mission buttons as the only clickable thing, then went back to previous problem.
Ok.. My morale crashed down to -10% over the past few days. I usually only play on my iPhone. Is this now a problem?
I haven't tested this on other smartphones but I have to double push buttons to 'remind' my phone that I have clicked 'conduct mission' or else it will sit there for 5 minutes or more not loading.  When it does that it detects both button pushes and takes a bunch or morale off.
Every time I try to link my account and every time I try to skip it, it says "Facebook user 1 is already registered as Army.ca user [49201]. You are user [50128]!"  I tried logging out of the forums and trying both again, it says "Facebook user 1 is already registered as Army.ca user [49201]. You are user [0]!"  I might have clicked to link my account before I created it.
So from 25 Aug I've gone from a near perfect Morale

      2012-08-25 21:01:21 Your Morale modified the CE gained by 10%

To now so good

    Morale: -486 (-10% CE)

Is it time to quit playing on the iPhone?
FlyingDutchman said:
Here is an odd one.  When connecting over my mobile network (Bell) or an unsecure wifi network my phone tells me that 'A secure connection cannot be established.' When I connect over a password secure wifi network it loads fine. I have fiddled with my all my phone data settings and nothing seems to have worked.  I am 99%a positive its my phone though. I am just hoping that someone has some idea.
Edit: My old phone, HTC android, did not have this problem and this is occuring on a Motorola Atrix.
I was toying with my phone settings and turned on data roaming.  Now I can get to the conduct mission page. All the other pages still gives me the secure connection error.
Clicking on missions doesn't do anything but refresh the pages. Tried it on te iPhone and on a desktop.

Losing a lot of CR here...

ETA: All good now. Must have been a temporary thing.
Mike, I'm trying to up my initiative for my daily challenge and it doesn't seem to want to take. This is on the iPhone. Haven't tried on the iPad or computer.

Update - Just tried on the iPad and computer.  No luck on those either.  Just for Initiative it seems though.  The others work just fine.
Hello Mike

Twice this morning, once around 0200 and just 10 minutes ago I played a turn worth 6360 CR and 2665944 CE. I was successful at both missions yet my CE has remained at 3931233!


Strike said:
Still can't up my initiative.  I can up everything else though.

Initiative maxes at 540:

Combat Readiness: No maximum
Initiative: 540 points (for a CR refill every six hours)
Situational Awareness: 950 points for Officer, 980 for NCO (all missions will be 95% or 98% respectively)
Reputation: No maximum
Attention to Detail: 910 points will guarantee you an Int drop every mission. Anything higher than that would just be an increase to the maximum amount of Int dropped each time.