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Intelligence Officer / Operator

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Dija said:
We saw quite a few guys have their elements switched to get loaded on course, I wish the branch wasn't so bottlenecked for QL5 training. There are people who have been waiting for YEARS.

A guy I know has been stuck on BTL for a whole year and got loaded on the current QL5 because the staff at CFSMI pushed for him to be loaded on it, even if he's Army.

Actually Dija, I think we worked together at VA-35. I got an OJE in Val if it rings a bell.
Good Morning,

I just did an OT into the trade. Would anyone happen to know the course dates of the next Int-OP QL5 course?

Thank You  [:D
JJR said:
Good Morning,

I just did an OT into the trade. Would anyone happen to know the course dates of the next Int-OP QL5 course?

Thank You  [:D

This is a recruiting board; you may want to look for an area that is specific for Int Ops now that you're in, or speak with your chain of command. 
The search feature on here is fantastic.

Best of luck in your career :-)
JJR said:
Good Morning,

I just did an OT into the trade. Would anyone happen to know the course dates of the next Int-OP QL5 course?

Thank You  [:D

There is a French course in Quebec city on May 10th however it is (mostly) for reservists. There is also a French course in Kingston around the 18th of May. The next English course is likely to be in August/September in Kingston though they might run one in May as well.
For int. officers posted at embassies, does anyone know what their duties specifically entail? And would reservists be posted at embassies?

I'd ask my recruiter, but there won't be any replies until after next week (owing to vacation).

Thank you!
E. B. Korcz Forrester said:
For int. officers posted at embassies, does anyone know what their duties specifically entail? And would reservists be posted at embassies?

See also,

Embassy Question 

OJT at an embassy?

Working In an Embassey, and everything else!

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of up to date  information.
I have been put on the Merit list for Int Op, and was granted to bypass BMQ and BMQ Land due to prior service in the reserve infantry.
I know there is a course running army/navy int ops from someone I know who is a Int O and am wondering if I still have a shot at getting on this course considering its still at least a month away. Does anyone know when the next selection could take place?
I find the Int threads on the forum are pretty dated, or isn't talked about much so if anyone has any information pls msg me or post!
Jumped on this opportunity the moment I saw the trade open and hoping with past Infantry training (5 years) I have a shot at getting in before the new year.
Currently im in the SuppRes, with my "membership" there extended to middle of September with the possibility of another extension. Ive been told ill keep my rank and pay so im worried if I don't get in before then ill possibly lose my RSBP and I don't really care to start over..

thanks all any insight is helpful.
im familiar with hurry up and wait but the anxiousness is growing lol.

JJR said:
Good Morning,

I just did an OT into the trade. Would anyone happen to know the course dates of the next Int-OP QL5 course?

Thank You  [:D

I was told this past weekend the next course is September 2017 for Int Op.  Congrats on the OT btw, Im on the merit list hoping to get the course soon as well.
hope that helps.
bobthewarrior said:
I know there is a course running army/navy int ops from someone I know who is a Int O and am wondering if I still have a shot at getting on this course considering its still at least a month away. Does anyone know when the next selection could take place?

With the next Crse being run within the next month, it will already be Course Loaded with candidates.  Unless there is a last minute withdrawal from the Crse, your chances would seem to be very slim (and that goes for any course being run) to none.
Shrek1985 said:
What, if any are the differences between NAVRES INT OP and other PRES INT OP?

NAVRES INT will focus solely on Naval matters.

PRES INT OPs will focus solely on the Air/Land scenarios.
So, how would that be for a choice for "Get in the trade, get the course, begin career progression?"

I had understood INT to be near totally purple.
Shrek1985 said:
What, if any are the differences between NAVRES INT OP and other PRES INT OP?

Navy Reserve Intelligence 
4 pages.

Intelligence branch
3 pages.

Military Intelligence - Primary Reserves 
2 pages.

Reserve INT 
5 pages.

Intelligence reserve 


Shrek1985 said:
So, how would that be for a choice for "Get in the trade, get the course, begin career progression?"

I had understood INT to be near totally purple.

You asked about PRES and NAVRES. 

Reg Force bounces back and forth between being totally PURPLE and Element Specific.
New question; why in the hell would my grade 11 English mark be of sudden importance to the Intelligence trade?!

Of all the random things; I am a university graduate (BA SocSci/Military Science) WTF do they care about HIGHSCHOOL ENGLISH for?

More importantly, does anyone know what threshold they would be looking for?

My entire school career has been a nightmare for me, but higschool english was an especial low point. But I write for fun; I read voraciously. Surely I could submit essays or something?! Four years in this process and this is the first I've heard of this.
That's odd considering you have post secondary education. I can see the importance of it in Int. Did you take an English elective for your degree?
PuckChaser said:
That's odd considering you have post secondary education. I can see the importance of it in Int. Did you take an English elective for your degree?

Odd would be an understatement.

And no; I have a degree in military science (cross-disciplinary). So I wrote tons of good essays, but I never saw one single additional word of Margaret Atwood or Shakespeare ever again.
George Wallace said:
With the next Crse being run within the next month, it will already be Course Loaded with candidates.  Unless there is a last minute withdrawal from the Crse, your chances would seem to be very slim (and that goes for any course being run) to none.

well I have beat the odds. Got the offer about joining through recruit bypass. Enroll in august start September 11.
Man, glad I held off on my VOT schemes; I got my offer and my CT to INT Op is going through.

Now that I have my message, could anyone tell me where they are posting Int Ops after course?

Thank you for your time.
Shrek1985 said:
Odd would be an understatement.

And no; I have a degree in military science (cross-disciplinary). So I wrote tons of good essays, but I never saw one single additional word of Margaret Atwood or Shakespeare ever again.

That's why they want it.

The ideal entry standards for Intelligence Operator is
1) Secondary school graduation certificate or Secondary V certificate of Quebec, including: English or French course at the gr 12 or Sec V level in Quebec
2) Any baccalaureate degree or post-secondary diploma.

The acceptable entry standards for Intelligence Operator is
1) Gr 11 high school Secondary V certificate of Quebec or equivalent secondary school education, including: English or French course at the gr 11 or Sec V level in Quebec

These entry standards are put into effect by the appropriate occupational advisor.  As you've stated you do not have an English credit at the university level, so without proving that you have English at the Gr 11/12 level you are not eligible to apply for Int Op.

You could request a PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment) based on your University experience however it would be up to the PLAR coordinator for your occupation and will lengthen your recruiting process by at least 4-6 weeks, if not longer.