basic description:
Human Resources Administrator – The HRA job is an entry level job performed at the Private/Corporal rank. The job is performed in an orderly room or office environment, and on deployment, in support of the Sea, Land and Air elements. The primary responsibilities are to provide human resource services to military members and provide information on benefits, entitlements and allowances. Main task activities include: maintain a member’s personnel record; maintain pay records; and process documentation.
Financial Services Administrator – The FSA is an entry level job performed at the Private/Corporal rank. The job is performed in a comptroller setting, or office environment, and on deployment, in support of the Sea, Land and Air elements. The primary responsibility is to provide financial management services. Main task activities include: monitor expenditures; generate financial reports; pay invoices; process claims; and maintain the receiver general deposit facility.
There are specialties at the Pte/Cpl level and as you advance in rank but this is your start point.
and yes I find it annoying with how much notice we had for this the recruiting site has not been updated. They could at least use the above which was published over a year ago.