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Electronic-Optronic Technician ( EO Tech )

guitargod1227 said:
I know as an EO Tech we maintain and repair scopes, weapon systems etc... But if on patrol and everything is a go are we just infantry until something breaks them we fix it? Or is it only in self defence?

You are taught basic section movements and small arms intricacies for a reason. You won't always have a protection group assigned to you.

If you are separated, from your usual tasking, you will be expected to fall in with the first sub unit that comes past your location. 

They will endevour to get you back where you belong, but in the meantime, you're expected to be a basic soldier, take commands and perform to the best of your ability.

There is no "Hey I'm a RCEME, I don't do this shit."

Check your ammo, water and rations. You just became Infantry.
wajones542 said:
Does someone have any insight on where the FET/POET is now for EO Techs? i have heard that it is all now being done in Borden.... as well as that EO Techs still do the FET in Kingston. My wife will be attending courses this fall and i would like to know where it will be.

EO Tech's do not do the formal POET course any more, the elements that we required have been integrated into the DP1 course.  So you will go directly from BMQ to the RCEME School in Borden, and right on to the next DP1.  If there is a delay then you will just spend some time on PAT Pl.

CET - Common EME Training (Convoy ops, field workshops, core history etc)
CETT - Common EME Technical Training (Tools, Garrison workshops)
EO DP1 takes a very long time and is not run very often he will likely spend a long time in PAT
The EO techs that just arrived in Petawawa from Borden had been in Borden for roughly 2 years.  Your husband can put in a request to move you to Borden with him, usually that will occur at your own expense though.  I had to drive 1400km round trip every weekend for 2 years to see my wife, all part of the joys of the training system.

Tollis said:
CET - Common EME Training (Convoy ops, field workshops, core history etc)
CETT - Common EME Technical Training (Tools, Garrison workshops)
EO DP1 takes a very long time and is not run very often he will likely spend a long time in PAT
The EO techs that just arrived in Petawawa from Borden had been in Borden for roughly 2 years.  Your husband can put in a request to move you to Borden with him, usually that will occur at your own expense though.  I had to drive 1400km round trip every weekend for 2 years to see my wife, all part of the joys of the training system.

I don't think it's a matter of EO DP1's not being run that often, as there are 2-3 per year, but that they have a max load of 10 students, due to equipment and staff limitations.  And at the same time we are running DP2's, Leo OSQ, etc.  It is always a balancing act trying to configure what courses are run at the RCEMES withing the resources they have.  So yes you can spend some time on PAT Pl, but it's all pensionable time in.  I spent 8 month on PAT in Kingston waiting for POET back in the 80's and it didn't hurt me any.....well except my liver :-/
Im doing my QL3 right now for EO

First, POET (going to kingston) is not a part of the trade anymore, it is a part of the QL3.
He will be going to CFB Borden right after Basic, he will be a part of Apprentice Platoon (formally known as PAT platoon).
He will be waiting to go on first BMQ Land (formally known as Soldier Qualification ((SQ)) ), if hes lucky he will go on it right away, like within 2 months.
Then he was to go on CET, then CETT. Comman eme training, comman eme technical training.

In total honesty he probably wont be going on his QL3 until the following year probably in Jan or Apr (usual start times for EO QL3).

Then the QL3 is 10-11 months long.

Also somebody mentioned that you can move to Borden at personal expense. You dont have to pay for the move, when he gets to Borden he has to submit a memo to change his posting message to Restriced from Prohibited, usually takes 2 months, then you can do a move on the crowns dime. I did this, many people here with family's have done this.

I waited in Apprentice Platoon for 11 months (in the mean doing those for mentioned courses and taskings).

Should clarify things a bit.

Hey, so i have a couple questions about EO tech and whatnot.How often do you get to be out in the field with the troops?What is the training like, what courses do you do? I'v read/heard some stuff which does not really connect. Compared to POET, how challenging is the course material?What is an average day on garrison like?Best and worst part of job?Thank you in advance!

If he doesn't respond i'd shoot sidemount a pm, he's the EO Tech knowledge expert I've spoken to before, friendly dude!

e: unfortunately your post was moved into a thread that is half outdated eo tech information and half EO tech ( the scope brand, not the trade ) theory crafting. I would send sidemout a PM as this thread is basically no man's land lol.
EpicBeardedMan said:
e: unfortunately your post was moved into a thread

"EO Tech Questions" was merged with "Electronic-Optronic Technician ( EO Tech )".
EpicBeardedMan said:
e: unfortunately your post was moved into a thread that is half outdated eo tech information and half EO tech ( the scope brand, not the trade ) theory crafting. I would send sidemout a PM as this thread is basically no man's land lol.

We use this Sticky as a guideline when merging Original Posts with existing mega-threads.

Necroposting - Not always a bad idea

Pretty much any post that has to do specifically with an EO tech sight really has no place in this thread as its supposed to be about the EO tech occupation

That being said, like EpicBeardedMan has said, feel free to shoot me a pm with any questions you have that are EO related. I've been an EO tech for 12 years before jumping ship to the Officer world recently.

Spyder, I'll try and answer your questions as best as possible.

Training is all done in borden now. EO techs used to do POET but some of it was geared more towards the sigs side of the house. So now POET is all integrated into the QL3/DP1 course. You start out doing an RCEME common course which teaches you the history of the corps along with doing some mobile repair team drills and responding to repair recovery request. You also do some tools training as well.

After that you will move onto the EO tech specific course. You will learn AC/DC and a bunch of other electronic theory. You will do some soldering. You will do a lot of optical theory and practical work on artillery sights. You will also do some power distribution. You will then put it all together while working on the turret of the LAVIII, and the surveillance system of the Coyote/TAPV. I believe there is some M777 and RWS stuff but I can't remember. It is a very academic course, not very heavy on Army stuff besides morning PT and marching to and from the barracks to the school. There are room inspections every so often but nothing crazy.

After the course you get posted to one of the main Army bases Service Battalion to do a year or so on the job training. During that time you will work at various different pieces of kit. Afterwards you will go back to borden for QL5/DP2 which I think is advance optics, and some more M777 stuff and some more in depth electronics.
Afterwards you go back to your base and will likely get posted to a first line unit. first line units are maintenance at places like infantry/armoured/artillery units.
Most of the time that these guys go to the field, maintenance pers will deploy with them. I've spent lots of time out on the line with the artillery and at gun camps with the LAVs.

Other specialty courses include leopard tank and now the UAV drones.

Best part of the job for me would be the tech work at a first line unit. Gives you the opportunity to think and fix problems for users and get their equipment up and running when they need it. Worst part can be the paperwork and bureaucracy that seems to pop up everywhere in the Army these days. That and last minute work that needs to be done because someone planned very piss poorly.

Average day in garrison for me when I was still in Pet was PT every morning, then to the shop and fix stuff that needed to be fixed.

I think that's about it. Like I said, shoot me a PM if you have any other questions.

sidemount said:
Pretty much any post that has to do specifically with an EO tech sight really has no place in this thread as its supposed to be about the EO tech occupation

EO Tech sight discussion here,

EO Tech sight

The original title was, "All things EO Tech ( merged )". Hopefully, separation of the trade and sight discussions will help.

mariomike said:
EO Tech sight discussion here,

EO Tech sight

The original title was, "All things EO Tech ( merged )". Hopefully, separation of the trade and sight discussions will help.

Should be good, thanks!
Hello there! I was wondering if there were any EO techs here that would be willing to answer some questions.

A little about me: I'm currently serving in the RCN  as a Marine Technician, Electrical Branch. I'm looking for a bit of insight into the world of EO techs, the ease of a VOT into the trade ( PLAR through what I believe is called POET portion of the QL3 and progression to QL5 with past experience ) and future postings.

I'm thinking of VOTing into the trade but wish to have some lingering questions answered before I make my decision.

Thanks in advance!

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Hey, was an EO tech for 15 years before recently commissioning, feel free to ask away.

Btw, POET is no longer a separate course for EO Techs, it is integrated into the QL3/DP1 course so I'm not sure how a PLAR would go in this case.
Thanks for the reply! I have quite a bit of questions.

First question I have is what's a day to day look like in Garrison look like? I want to have an idea of how it differs from the navy to the army.

Next is how much of a stress is there on physical fitness for the trade? Part of the reason why I'm thinking of leaving the Navy is because of the lack of attention to physical fitness--something I value and something I believe anyone in the forces should value.

How often does an EO Tech shift around from base to base over the course of their career?

Finally is there any kind of PLARs for the QL3 if there one has previous electrical experience?

Thanks for your response.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

brandon_sage92 said:
Thanks for the reply! I have quite a bit of questions.

First question I have is what's a day to day look like in Garrison look like? I want to have an idea of how it differs from the navy to the army.

Next is how much of a stress is there on physical fitness for the trade? Part of the reason why I'm thinking of leaving the Navy is because of the lack of attention to physical fitness--something I value and something I believe anyone in the forces should value.

How often does an EO Tech shift around from base to base over the course of their career?

Finally is there any kind of PLARs for the QL3 if there one has previous electrical experience?

Thanks for your response.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

EO Tech's as are all RCEME trades, hard Army, so we generally do Army PT, 5 days a week in most units.  The FORCE Test is still the min requirement, but like the BFT before it, people getting LDA have to do the Combat Force Test as well. So while we are quit busy fixing the Armies kit, we still have to meet the Armies physical fitness requirements.

In Garrison it depends on the unit, but generally speaking you will do PT, then work in a Maint Pl at first line(this is after you become DP2 qualified) and will spend 5 hours a day on average fixing the units equipment, be that LAV Turrets, Tank turrets, generators, M777, night vision etc.  There is never a lack of kit to fix believe me.  You will work with the other RCEME trades, Veh Tech's, Wpns and Mat Tech's as a team to accomplish the priorities of the unit you are posted too. And later on in your career you will work in the Control Office or unit Ops cells and broaden your experience.

Normal postings happen on promotions, so for most 3-4 years in a job, as a Cpl you really need to concentrate at just mastering your trade. As you progress the CM and ETSM will try and ensure that you get a good breath of knowledge and experience, but moving you around to get 1st line, 2nd line, base, school, etc jobs.  In the end we are in the Army and moving is part of the deal.

Hard to say about the PLAR, you may do a shortened DP1, but EO Tech's no longer go to Kingston and do a separate POET package.  CTC/RCEMES will look at your file and determine what if anything we can fast track for you.

If you have any questions let me know, I've been a EO/FCS/ELM tech for 31 years now....time flys...

Well Old EO Tech pretty much spelled it out right there. Like he said, the kit you work on is dependent on the unit you are at.
Just to add a bit, first postings off of QL3/DP1 are generally to a Service Battalion in either Edmonton, Petawawa, Gagetown, and Valcartier. There are other spots but these are the main starting points. From there you will do an on the job training package that will see you get farmed out to various first line units to gain experience on the different types of kit they have. This takes about 1-1.5 years to finish. You then head back to Borden for QL5/DP2 training. After which you are likely to be posted to a 1st line unit at the base you came from. Again, there are other spots to be posted to, or even stay at the Svc Bn.

Its hard to say about the PLAR, you may be able to bypass some things. However the QL3/DP1 is pretty heavy in Optics and Optical theory as well, so you will still be spending a good amount of time in Borden on training.

Fire away more questions!