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All Memo Templates: (AVOTP, ED&T, File Number, OJT, OT, Release, Retention)

brokendude said:
I received a disclosure package in early June 2016.  I chose to submit written representation with a request for period of retention of 2 years.  I met the 15 business day timeline to submit my written representation/memo on 22/June 2016.  I have constantly asked my assisiting officer, DSM, CSM & chief clerk where my package/representation is.  I was told on 29/August 2016 that it seems to have been "lost" somewhere at some point and the unit would do what they could to track it down and carry on with the process.  Fast forward to today, 12/Sep. 2016....my CSM came to speak to me and told me they still dont seem to know where it is or what is going on with it.  Then told me I can just resubmit my written representation and they will make sure it goes forward this time.  It has now been 82 days since I submitted my representation, & I have not been provided with the C.O.'s response or his minutes to either support or not support it.  I know I am entitled and have a right to see what was said by the COC and C.O. before it is sent to the career manager and DMCA.  I also do not believe I should "resubmit" my written representation as they told me.  I have had administrative issue after issue with my unit and medical professionals on this base numerous times....one after the other after the other.  I feel as though someone is due to be held accountable at this point.  If I do as they say and resubmit my written representation again, all is forgotten and the unit gets away with losing and/or forgetting about my admin that should have been taken care of months ago.  I'm tired of chasing after it and I feel as though I am making waves.  At least that is how the unit makes me feel.  I suffer from PTSD, & all this added stress from my unit is causing me undue and unjust anxiety.  If the unit does not find my written represention, & I refuse to resubmit it again to them, does this put the unit in a position to be investigated for making these issues occur and accept the liability?  I have a copy both hard and electronic showing the exact date I submitted it through the COC.  Someone needs to be held accountable for all this drama and BS.

Regretably, things such as this do happen from time to time.  DMCA is usually very watchful for submissions and when relevant timelines are not met, they are all over the Unit for the required follow-up.  Your initial response to the Disclosure Package is when you notify your CO that you would like to "be considered" for a period of retention and it is their responsibility to submit the accompanying letter to DMCA.

If you did your part, then you have nothing to worry about.  The longer it takes your Unit to do their part, the longer you get to serve.  :P  If you are seeking a period of retention, then it's merely a matter of your CO submitting a letter supporting this indicating that you can still be "gainfully" employed by the Unit within your current occupation and within the restrictions listed.

Don't lose sleep over lost paperwork but stay on top of things with regular reminders and keep copies of everything you submit.  The clock doesn't start "ticking", until all the checks are in the boxes and a decision has been rendered.  Good luck!
Yes, I realize all of which you stated.  But why should I be told I have to resubmit all my paperwork and retention request memo again?  I did it all once, & truthfully not many people helped me with it or through the entire process.  It is not my mistake.  Also, the longer it takes, yes it benefits me in the long run, however, these admin errors and such from my COC is getting a bit old and somewhat ridiculous.  My question is when DMCA comes knocking for the paperwork, and the unit cannot provide it because they lost it, would it be best to let them cook over it, so that maybe it helps ensure others like me dont get strung up like I did going forward.  Because, as it stands, if they cannot locate my paperwork, I am refusing to resubmit it all again.  I fail to see where THAT part is my problem.  Yes I am bitter.  But justly. 
brokendude said:
Yes, I realize all of which you stated.  But why should I be told I have to resubmit all my paperwork and retention request memo again?  I did it all once, & truthfully not many people helped me with it or through the entire process.  It is not my mistake.  Also, the longer it takes, yes it benefits me in the long run, however, these admin errors and such from my COC is getting a bit old and somewhat ridiculous.  My question is when DMCA comes knocking for the paperwork, and the unit cannot provide it because they lost it, would it be best to let them cook over it, so that maybe it helps ensure others like me dont get strung up like I did going forward.  Because, as it stands, if they cannot locate my paperwork, I am refusing to resubmit it all again.  I fail to see where THAT part is my problem.  Yes I am bitter.  But justly.

You have every right to be bitter, who wouldn't be when their livelihood is on the line?  Redo your paperwork, make copies and give them what they are asking for.

Also, have a closer look at the Disclosure Information Package you were provided with which was issued by DMCA, specifically para 3. where it says:

3.  The CO is responsible to:
a.  Designate an officer of the appropriate rank to assist the CAF member

I'm thinking that in or around para 8. of that letter is contact info?  Can't see the use of that contact info being restricted to only your CoC.  You want to talk about the process, feel free to PM me.  Been there, done it, got the T-Shirt.    :)
Mariomike....that past post you added here from me is actually not relevant at all.  It is a completely separate situation and not related at all. 

DAA....I was given an assisting officer, he doesn't give one iota.  I submitted it to him and I have followed up numerous times with him.  Each person I ask or inquire to about this iny COC gives me a different response and answer.  But in reality, they don't have a clue.  Nobody is doing their due diligence and getting me the correct information or truly looking into it. 
brokendude said:
DAA....I was given an assisting officer, he doesn't give one iota.  I submitted it to him and I have followed up numerous times with him.  Each person I ask or inquire to about this iny COC gives me a different response and answer.  But in reality, they don't have a clue.  Nobody is doing their due diligence and getting me the correct information or truly looking into it.

I'd suggest you contact your local JPSU/IPSC and ask them for advice.
definitely contact JPSU/IPSC so you can get proper support.  By the sounds of things between you and the unit I suggest you request an attach posting to JPSU which tends to take better care of these things than the units.  You should have a case manager assigned to you (not the assisting officer) and the ones I have dealt with have been very good at taking care of the members.
Update:  Received my memo back today and my written representation was supported by the C.O.  it was stamped and received by DMCA the last day or so in August.    How log now before I receive word back from DMCA whether or not they approve my requested period of retention and release date? Also, nothing in my disclosure package indicated which release I fall under...ie: 3B or not.  It simply stated I breached UOS and high risk. 
brokendude said:
Update:  Received my memo back today and my written representation was supported by the C.O.  it was stamped and received by DMCA the last day or so in August.    How log now before I receive word back from DMCA whether or not they approve my requested period of retention and release date? Also, nothing in my disclosure package indicated which release I fall under...ie: 3B or not.  It simply stated I breached UOS and high risk.

The entire package, including your representation will be reviewed by DMCA and CAF Medical personnel prior to a decision being rendered. There is never a Release Item listed in the package, as a decision on your career hasn't yet been decided on.

When I received my Disclosure Package, there were a few "hiccups" with the paperwork also prior to everything going back to DMCA.    ;D  Once all was said and done, it took about 6-8 months before the decision was rendered and the message was released and given to me.
brokendude said:
Update:  Received my memo back today and my written representation was supported by the C.O.  it was stamped and received by DMCA the last day or so in August.    How log now before I receive word back from DMCA whether or not they approve my requested period of retention and release date? Also, nothing in my disclosure package indicated which release I fall under...ie: 3B or not.  It simply stated I breached UOS and high risk.

Brokendude, nothing wrong with asking your CoC to contact your CM to get an update.  The CMs are just a floor away from the analysts of DMCA.  I do it all the time for the trades I look after.
So, upon looking further into my retention and written representation memo, I have discovered that it was submitted to DMCA  before the C.O. & R.S.M. supported and minuted the memo.  I was given a copy of the memo that was allegedly "Received by DMCA" on August 29th 2016.  However, the C.O. and R.S.M. did not sign the memo until September 14th 2016.  I know this because the R.S.M.'s support is written around the DMCA Received stamp.  Also, the C.O. dated his minutes for September 14'th 2017.  A year from now.  I have requested multiple times now through my chain of command for the memo they told me was "resent" to DMCA  with the C.O. & R.S.M.'s comments on September 14 or 15th, but they will not provide it or show it to me.  I have valid reason to believe that my memo was NEVER sent to DMCA with the support remarks from the C.O. & R.S.M.  I contacted my base IPSC/JPSU unit, & was agreed with that the situation seemed off and that it should not have been done this way.  However, there was not much they could do for me at this point other than to redress the situation if it returns unfavorable or my retention request is denied by DMCA.  Asking my COC for help is like asking children to grow up.  My COC has been an absolute nightmare throughout this process and has caused me more anxiety and stress than imaginable.  They very clearly do not care about members in the unit.  That is a fact.  And lastly....does anyone know approximately how long between when DMCA receives my disclosure/written representation & retention request  and when I will receive their response and release message?
I am looking to write a NOI memo to start my OT process but I am having a rough time finding the right file number to put in the memo. Honestly I am not even sure if they still use file numbers because our writing guide is very outdated. The only thing I have been able to find that may be it is;

5320-1 Service Personnel - Employment - General
5600-1 Service Personnel - Postings and Transfers - General

It also got mentioned to me that it may not be a file number just your last 3 and (pers)

Any information would be greatly appreciated.
danteh said:
I am looking to write a NOI memo to start my OT process but I am having a rough time finding the right file number to put in the memo. Honestly I am not even sure if they still use file numbers because our writing guide is very outdated. The only thing I have been able to find that may be it is;

5320-1 Service Personnel - Employment - General
5600-1 Service Personnel - Postings and Transfers - General

It also got mentioned to me that it may not be a file number just your last 3 and (pers)

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

First, file numbers are very much still used; they are how we sort things in our Central Registry (CR).

Every formation/unit does things a little differently when it comes to personal memos. Since this is a personal memo, and won't be added to the CR, it doesn't really matter what you put there, so I would just put "(UIC)-1000-1 (_____)" where:

Replace "(UIC)" with your unit's UIC;
Replace (_____) with either your position (if you have one, i.e. Trg Sgt, Plans Clk, etc) or if you have no primary/secondary duty position to put there, just put your last three.
Just to be clear, mine would look like this:

1329-1000-1 (AdminO)

Yours could look like:

6528-1000-1 (IC Plans)


5229-100-1 (259)

Note: not every Formation put the UIC in front. Until a year or two ago, we'd put the unit's 3 letter name abbreviation in front (i.e. HAL:1000-1). So, your mileage may vary. Ask your OR!
danteh said:
I am looking to write a NOI memo to start my OT process but I am having a rough time finding the right file number to put in the memo. Honestly I am not even sure if they still use file numbers because our writing guide is very outdated. The only thing I have been able to find that may be it is;
5320-1 Service Personnel - Employment - General
5600-1 Service Personnel - Postings and Transfers - General
It also got mentioned to me that it may not be a file number just your last 3 and (pers)
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

As the "originator" of the memo, assignment of the file number is your responsibility and will dictate where the document is "filed" once it has run it's course.

Personally and based on your post above, you probably should use your SN # as the file number, this way the document will eventually be PA'd to your Pers File and not with the Central Registry.  So something like "A11222333 (Pers)" is more than acceptable.  And for your info, "(Pers)" represents the Office/Appointment of Origin for the document and is an indicator that the correspondence was initiated by an "individual" for personal reasons and to be PA's on the Pers File.

You can add a "sub-file" number in order to have a copy of the document sent to your local CR for repository purposes and if you wish that to happen, then probably something in the "4500" series (ie; Trg) would probably work. 

Simple solution, contact your Unit Central Registry and ask what the currently "active" file number for Occupational Transfers is.

Good luck!
Final Update:

I received my final decision from DMCA.  I was granted a 3B release and requested period of retention and then some.  29 months in total.  Strange and flawed process, but it got done.  Too bad the member has to push it through to ensure everything is taken care of effectively.  Very challenging plate full of mess for individuals whom suffer from OSI's or other hindering disabilities. 
good that you did get it.  Unfortunate that your unit did not help ease your mind and created such stress for you.
Good day,
I'm looking to travel outside of Canada this March break.  Was wondering if anyone could email a memo for outCan travel they might have saved.
PM me!
thanks in advance
Gbert84 said:
Good day,
I'm looking to travel outside of Canada this March break.  Was wondering if anyone could email a memo for outCan travel they might have saved.
PM me!
thanks in advance

If it is during your unit's normal block leave for March Break, just put on the leave pass what country you are visiting. There should not be any requirement for a memo, I would ask if you actually need one. It seems like a waste of time to me to make guys do up a memo.