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Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

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To current AEC's

I should be writing my Air Crew Selection by the end of November 2015. By the time I hopefully get merit listed it's already going to be January 2016.

From the Forces.ca website, it shows that Aerospace Control Officer is in demand. Can anyone currently serving as an AEC kindly confirm the current shortage for AEC?

Will the shortage continue after next financial year?

Reason I'm asking is because my application is moving very slowly, and I'm hoping that the shortage isn't filled by the time my application is complete.

Thank you kindly!
Kenshi said:
Can anyone currently serving as an AEC kindly confirm the current shortage for AEC?

Refer back to your recruitment center for up-to-date numbers for the trade. They may also be able to provide you with the date of the selection board.

PeterL said:
Would a former AC Op be favoured for AEC upon completion of a bachelor's degree?

I can only speak to the Air Traffic Control side of AC Op/AEC. Undergoing AC Op training would certainly give you an advantage when training as an AEC, as both trades work side by side. Whether or not that gives you an advantage in selection, is a question best posed to a recruiter.
Good morning,

I'm just waiting to be merit listed and was reading through some of the topics in this section and just have a few general questions.  When I started my application process back in July 2015, I was divorced and single.  Since then, I've gotten into a serious relationship, and my girlfriend (who is not from a military family or background) had a couple of questions about working hours and moving.

1) What are working hours generally like for AEC Officers?  I'm committed to working whatever hours are required, but we were just curious as to what a "normal" work week looks like.

2) Can she live with me for VFR/IFR/Wpns training in Cornwall?

I did a search and found some of these answers for other trades, but not for AEC specifically.

Thanks for your time,

Work hours are going to vary depending on which unit you're posted to. Some units may have you working 8 hour shifts, some might have you working 12s. It's nearly guaranteed your first posting after training will involve shift work.

As for living with you while in Cornwall... yes, it is possible. If she stays at the Nav Centre, there's an additional fee per day she stays which covers meal service. She could also move into a rental in town. In either case, trust me when I say don't do it. The courses are intense, and having a significant other present would be a significant distraction. Have her come spend a weekend or two if she's not far away, or just settle for skype.
Thanks for the advice, Guy.  Though it will be a bit yet in regards to Cornwall, I think by that point she'll be good for just coming on weekends (we live in Belleville, so it's only a three hour drive away).    Take care!
Hey All,

My current situation is as follows:
- previously in as MARS, currently supp res,
- application is nearly complete, Interview/Security Clearance done. Waiting on medical to be reviewed in Ottawa,
- it's been confirmed I don't have to redo basic trg,
- waiting to be merit listed then will do either OJT or Cornwall.

My questions are: Do we know if there is still pre-course work to be done as of 2017? (I can find threads referring to it as of 2012, just wondering if there is any change)

Is there any unclassified material that could be suggested to better prepare myself for the upcoming course and subsequent career? (Currently bouncing between various Wikipedia pages on orders of battle and the book 'From the Ground Up'). I'd prefer a more focused approach if people have more relevant suggestions.

There is still pre-course work in 2017.  There is a Common AEC Course to do and then when you are selected for your Control Environment (Weapons/IFR/VFR) you will have more pre-course work to do before that specific controller course. 

"From the Ground Up" is a good start but unless you know what type of course you're going on any prep until then would be futile IE why study what a Tower Controller does if you get loaded on a Weapons Course. 

Good luck with the re-enrollment process

See you in the Ops Room
Thanks for information. Is the common course component done in Cornwall or as OJT? Where is the pre-course work for the specific control environment done? Do you happen to know the time frame these typically follow (duration and typical time between). I guess I'll continue with 'From the Ground Up', is there any other things to look at that would be similar across all three control environments to focus on?

Thanks again for your time and assistance!
Common Course in Cornwall is about a month, Pre Course while you wait at which ever base you are sent for OJT will probably last 3 months.  IFR/Weapons are 5 months and VFR course is 4 months.  I think the only other thing you can study are military and civilian aircraft identification and identifier codes. 
Do you happen to have a link where I could find those handy codes? I've googled them but come up with all kinds of clutter instead of what I'm looking for.
If you get streamed IFR/VFR there'll be a pre-course in Trenton for a couple weeks immediately before going to Cornwall.  The first 2 weeks in Cornwall will serve as a common course for general aviation information.  Both the IFR and VFR courses are changing dramatically, so a lot of the stream specific pre-course material won't be as useful to gloss over.

I wouldn't worry too much about trying to get ahead before starting.  Try to get a good OJT at an operational unit, it'll help.
Thanks for the additional information, looking for study material more to fill my time productively than out of worry. Any suggestions on a good placement for OJT that's close to the east coast?
AlwaysWaiting said:
Any suggestions on a good placement for OJT that's close to the east coast?

This may help,

AlwaysWaiting said:
Thanks for the additional information, looking for study material more to fill my time productively than out of worry. Any suggestions on a good placement for OJT that's close to the east coast?

Are you looking to Weapons or ATC? ATC wise the only operational unit would be Greenwood.  I've never been there, so I can't comment on how effective the stay would be in preparation for your course.
I'm interested in Weapons but as far as I understand I don't get the option. Greenwood would be nice on that side of things. I've asked this in other threads but never received an answer, do you guys know when the next selection dates are for AEC, or when the next common course is being run?
AlwaysWaiting said:
I'm interested in Weapons but as far as I understand I don't get the option. Greenwood would be nice on that side of things. I've asked this in other threads but never received an answer, do you guys know when the next selection dates are for AEC, or when the next common course is being run?

Refer to a recruiter for selection dates.

Wrt which stream you'll be entered into:  you submit your preferences and they take that into consideration.  I haven't seen many that were made to go ATC when they wanted Weapons or vice versa.

The master course calendar can be found from any dwan computer: Borden mil site -> 16 Wg -> CFSACO -> "Master Calendar 2017".
Looking for a VFR AEC officer who wouldn't mind sending me a direct msg to answer some questions I have regarding the common phase.

Would greatly appreciate your time :)
I've looked through the various forums and I've got part of an idea of what is upcoming. I recently was told that my file was selected from the competition list and will be receiving an offer shortly, since I'm bypassing BMOQ what is the next step? I know trades training for the AEC typically occurs in July and January, however I'm skeptical that I'd be able to be loaded on the course this short notice and I'm under the impression there is pre-course work to complete regardless. That leaves OJT as an option, or is there another course I'm missing that needs completion? I remember when I was in the Navy we had Naval Environmental Trg, is there an equivalent? I'm trying to figure this out to A) see if I'm going to be waiting a while for the offer (til say a week before an environmental course opens up) and B) the likelihood of going immediately onto OJT near my family to begin studying/DL/anything else required.

Any illumination into the matter would be appreciated!
If there's anyone still using this thread, would you be able to go through the general taskings, prep work, officership courses etc. that would take place on OJT prior to trades training for AEC?