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A Deeply Fractured US

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CPIP (RFC 1149) is the way to go.
I was more a 6214 guy, but had to revert to 1149 when IPv4 was replaced with IPv6. Mind you, 1149 had a binarily-appealing Steampunk-esque feel to it, so turned out well in the end.
I was more a 6214 guy, but had to revert to 1149 when IPv4 was replaced with IPv6. Mind you, 1149 had a binarily-appealing Steampunk-esque feel to it, so turned out well in the end.

You expected the CAF to be using IP6? #dreamer
That disposes of the mistaken point that it was released.

It doesn't dispose of how the picture came to be.
Except now you're contradicting yourself. You support the idea that this photo was staged for political reasons, but then you now acknowledge that they weren't leaked, and were only made available after an appeal by Trump. How could it be designed to sway public opinion if it was never going to be released?
Looks like another one might be put off till after November, if it happens at all.

"No date had yet been set for it to begin, but the appeal makes it increasingly likely that the trial will take place after November's presidential elections. Mr Trump is the presumptive Republican standard-bearer."

On top of that all, Willis is being investigated herself.
Voters can write in names on ballots. Electors cannot, but they can vote for a candidate other than that to which they are pledged ("faithless electors"). Penalties for doing so, if any, vary between states. Persuading some electors to not cast their votes for Trump was one of the gambits tossed around in 2016.
I dont understand the distinction here. How do electors vote for someone else to which they are not pledged? Unless you mean that the elector must vote for one of the Presidential candidates or Vice-Presidential on the ballot? But that doesnt seem to be the case at all
With Trump polling higher in Washington State than any Republican has in decades, this next election could be in landslide win territory for 45.

"Too big to rig"
Except now you're contradicting yourself. You support the idea that this photo was staged for political reasons, but then you now acknowledge that they weren't leaked, and were only made available after an appeal by Trump. How could it be designed to sway public opinion if it was never going to be released?
It's still a bit puzzling. From the response:

"The investigative team has reviewed all the materials in the containers that the privilege review team did not segregate as potentially attorney-client privileged. Of the Seized Evidence, thirteen boxes or containers contained documents with classification markings,and in all, over one hundred unique documents with classification markings—that is, more than twice the amount produced on June 3, 2022, in response to the grand jury subpoena—were seized. Certain of the documents had colored cover sheets indicating their classification status. See, e.g., Attachment F (redacted FBI photograph of certain documents and classified cover sheets recovered from a container in the “45 office”)."

Unclear is when/where the photo was taken - on site, or later to provide an illustrative attachment for the response - unless I missed an annotation/description somewhere.

The statement is clear: documents in cover sheets in the photo were part of the seized evidence.

The hack of a MAGA sycophant reports that Bratt subsequently provided a modified accounting: "“[If] the investigative team found a document with classification markings, it removed the document, segregated it, and replaced it with a placeholder sheet. The investigative team used classified cover sheets for that purpose.”"

Why was that clarification needed? I suppose both statements could be true: that documents in cover sheets were photographed, and that additional empty cover sheets were added as placeholders. That hypothesis strikes me as thin.

Above all of this hangs the fact that outputs are sometimes produced with a view to exposure, and part of the source-reporter relationship includes helping reporters uncover interesting stuff.
I dont understand the distinction here. How do electors vote for someone else to which they are not pledged? Unless you mean that the elector must vote for one of the Presidential candidates or Vice-Presidential on the ballot? But that doesnt seem to be the case at all
The electors meet and each vote for a particular candidate. If there was literally no option but their pledged candidate, they would be completely unnecessary; just count the votes in each district (and have some mechanism for deciding who wins the 2 state-wide votes). Obviously they were thought necessary. I don't know why they settled on that system, except that with the technology of the time it was easier for votes to be tallied the congressional district level and then reported to local electors - a kind of delegate - who then met, voted, certified, and transmitted their results to Congress.
James Carville : "Nothing's working. Me included. I don't matter!"
Probably because they're doing things they want to do, rather than things that will make a favourable impression on voters who can be moved. Some of the things they do to suit themselves are pissing voters - including independents and some Democrats - off.

The latest one is Biden's announced intention to withhold ammunition from Israel. That killed some support among people for whom "always support Israel" is high on the list of imperatives (including above Ukraine), and against which Trump's flattering remarks about Putin mean nothing.
Probably because they're doing things they want to do, rather than things that will make a favourable impression on voters who can be moved. Some of the things they do to suit themselves are pissing voters - including independents and some Democrats - off.

The latest one is Biden's announced intention to withhold ammunition from Israel. That killed some support among people for whom "always support Israel" is high on the list of imperatives (including above Ukraine), and against which Trump's flattering remarks about Putin mean nothing.
Was just watching some of that on TV. Nobody except terrorists are happy with him. The WH tried walking it back, but it didn't work. This one is going to hurt him. He may have damaged relations beyond repair, at least til Trump gets back in. 🤞You can't tell Israel how to conduct war in their own country against a genocidal enemy. And he needs to stop calling Netanyatu, Bibi. That's a name friends use.
Was just watching some of that on TV. Nobody except terrorists are happy with him. The WH tried walking it back, but it didn't work. This one is going to hurt him.
The biggest vote-killer issue I've ever seen, I think. Some of them are very mad. They'll settle down with time, but the WH isn't going to be able to convince any experienced political observers that this is about anything more than placating a few voters on the extreme left and among pockets of "pro-Palestinians" (ie. Michigan). But Michigan's worthless without a bunch of other battleground states in which Biden is trailing even further, which makes pandering to them potentially worthless.
Politico interviewed Mike Johnson. No gotcha moments on either side.

But there was this:

Lizza: President Biden told CNN that if Israel invades Rafah, the U.S. will stop supplying it with artillery shells and other offensive weapons. His quote was, “If they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons.” Very, very clear. What’s your view of that?

I was informed about that about 10 minutes before I walked in this room.
And my reaction honestly, was, “Wow.” That is a complete turn from what I have been told, even in recent hours. I mean, 24 hours ago, it was confirmed to me by top administration officials that the policy’s very different than what he stated there. So I hope that’s a senior moment.

Lizza: Wait, can you just explain that?

I was in the SCIF having classified discussions with some top administration officials. The subject matter of my concern, I can tell you, was we got word about the shipment of munitions being delayed. And that was a great concern to us because I got commitments from top administration officials before we passed the supplemental package for the aid to Israel that that would not happen. And there would be no delay whatsoever. They repeat it to me in writing and verbally, no delay in the delivery of weapons to Israel because it’s so desperately needed.

So yesterday I talked with Prime Minister Netanyahu about it, and I wanted to get confirmation from him exactly what’s happening. And he described exactly what was happening — before the news was confirmed.

Lizza: Before Biden’s statement?
Well, this is well before the statement. We were just hearing rumors [about the delayed munitions]. So I confirmed it with Prime Minister Netanyahu. And then I went straight to the White House and I said, ”What gives? Somebody’s going to have to explain this to me because it’s very different than what I was told.”

And they said, “Oh, this has nothing to do with the supplemental package that you all passed. This is the earlier weapons tranches.” “Well, Israel needs it right now.” “Well we’re working on that.” “Well you better work on it quickly.”

So this statement by the president, I hope — I believe he’s off script. I don’t think that’s something that staff told him to say. I hope it’s a senior moment because that would be a great deviation in what is said to be the policy there and in the very critical relationship we have with Israel.

Lizza: Do you feel betrayed by this then?

I got to say that I do. We’ve been very deliberate. We’ve been very open, very much in good faith. The Congress expressed its will through that vote. And so for the administration to make such a huge deviation in policy without any consultation with us and in defiance of what we quite literally just voted on here, days ago. To me, it raises a lot of alarm.
If the Dems aren't winning they need to look at what they are offering in people and policies.

Or at least this is what was used to explain why the CPC lost the last couple elections.
Honestly Biden's a horrible candidate at this point. That its even a question is only that Trump is horrible as well.
Biden's managed to piss off the pro Israel and pro Palestinian democrats and then theres his weak on Russia act. Combine that with people being tired of being told the economy is doing great when they dont believe it or see it personally and it would not surprise me if Trump won
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