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Rick's Napkin Forces Challenge


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
FJAG, Kirkhill, KevinB and Anyone interested, Are you UP for a challenge? Test your brain matter and decision making skills. Or enjoy high levels of frustration.

In Holistic Management for farmers and ranchers, we are trained to develop your next year's farm or ranch operating expenses based on a budget that is half or less than your current years income levels. It forces farmers and ranchers to assume the worst financial scenarios and actually start earning a profit.

SO, lets apply it to this exercise. This based on a light of the brilliant thinking I have seen on the Force 2025 thread.

Here we go.

The Woke Party of Canada has won the 2024 federal election and major sweeping changes are coming through. They have determined that Canada will focus solely on home defence and domestic operations.
The current real threat is perceived as Russia (Foreign), however the USA has signed a treaty (for a portion of Alberta's oil) to provide a full military force assistance in the event of a conventional invasion. The other threat is Russian air, sea and possibly land troops sneaking into Canada (in small SF teams) to gain intel on Canada for a possible invasion.
The next threat is a growing separatist movements in Quebec and Alberta-Saskatchewan that are starting form significant domestic threats with small arms (AK, RPK, Old FNs, RPGs) smuggled in from the USA. The RCMP and police forces are on it but have warned the situation may escalate requiring military assistance.

YOU are the new Chief of Defence staff (or Commander Army/Navy/Air Force pick one) and will design a new armed forces structure

You will either
(a) Design a new Armed forces structure (If CDS role) with a man power budget of 15,000 total. Yup, WOKE Party is putting their foot down. Your free to arm as you see fit but the woke party has said NO nuclear weapons, bomber aircraft, aircraft carriers or rocket artillery. Too unkind in their ill informed opinion.
(b) Design a Navy/Army or Air Force with man power budget of 4,000, same constraints in para a
(c) BONUS is to include human management of recruiting, training, career development, postings, etc

The WOKE party has removed the P Res and the Canadian Rangers and reassigned them to the newly formed Canadian Civil Defence Force which will do search and rescue, disaster assistance, wild fire fighting, garbage sweeps, etc. They are no longer your concern. You will have ZERO reserve force.

Service and Support
The Woke Party will purchase the toys you want. However they want real results.
The Veterans Affairs department has actually been re-vamped (miracle) and will handle any and all disabled vets for everything, they will handle the JPSU or whatever it is called now
You will have to designate what bases, airfields and harbours will remain or opened up.
The RCMP is offering up assistance if you wish to remove the Military Police

Command and Sigs
The Woke Party is in charge.
You are the boss of the Military, so respect their policies above and they will let you have free reign.

Are you guys up for the challenge? Can you do with less?

15,000 is just slightly bigger than the Irish Defence Forces, but their defence priorities are different than ours. They are focused on being distinct and apart from their larger neighbour (the UK), in our case, in our relationship with the US, we are focused on integration and access. So the model is probably a bigger version of the New Zealand Defence Force. I’d prioritize SOF, Military Intelligence, SAR and air defence fighters. Maybe some coastal patrol vessels — but that’s about it. Such a military wouldn’t be able to generate large quantities of manpower for fire, floods, ice storms and internal security — that’s an implied task for… someone else? An expanded RCMP with a Continental European style gendarmerie doesn’t seem very ”woke” in the days of “defund the police”, and besides, Canada doesn’t have enough soccer riots to keep them busy in between major crises. So private security contractors it is. SNC/LEN (l’eau noire) will appreciate the business.
15,000 is just slightly bigger than the Irish Defence Forces, but their defence priorities are different than ours. They are focused on being distinct and apart from their larger neighbour (the UK), in our case, in our relationship with the US, we are focused on integration and access. So the model is probably a bigger version of the New Zealand Defence Force. I’d prioritize SOF, Military Intelligence, SAR and air defence fighters. Maybe some coastal patrol vessels — but that’s about it. Such a military wouldn’t be able to generate large quantities of manpower for fire, floods, ice storms and internal security — that’s an implied task for… someone else? An expanded RCMP with a Continental European style gendarmerie doesn’t seem very ”woke” in the days of “defund the police”, and besides, Canada doesn’t have enough soccer riots to keep them busy in between major crises. So private security contractors it is. SNC/LEN (l’eau noire) will appreciate the business.
At the end of the day, the armed forces obeys the political masters. Logical or not.
And the US isn't considered a threat a la "Exxoneration"?
The Woke party does not. Political masters. Their is a point to this challenge. Its not telling me in this scenario how inaccurate my political observations. Please move past the political situation presented and attempt or don't attempt the challenge.
You will either
(a) Design a new Armed forces structure (If CDS role) with a man power budget of 15,000 total. Yup, WOKE Party is putting their foot down. Your free to arm as you see fit but the woke party has said NO nuclear weapons, bomber aircraft, aircraft carriers or rocket artillery. Too unkind in their ill informed opinion.
(b) Design a Navy/Army or Air Force with man power budget of 4,000, same constraints in para a
(c) BONUS is to include human management of recruiting, training, career development, postings, etc


I assume you want us to do either option (a) or option (b), the difference being in (a) it's a unified structure whereas (b) is separate services. Am I correct?

If I am, in scenario (b), do I understand tht it is 4,000 man power budget per service, for a total of 12,000; and if so, can we move some around so long as it comes out 12,000 total.
Interesting - I am like others having trouble with the B definition - is that a total of 4k? - as in a significantly chopped down version of A?
I'm game.

Back to you in a couple of days (I need to shrink my napkin!).
Interesting - I am like others having trouble with the B definition - is that a total of 4k? - as in a significantly chopped down version of A?
No. If you don't know anything or do not wish to comment on services your unfamiliar with, than pick army, navy or air force only and customize your service. 4K is your man power budget. And just for you, I was going mandate they must use M27 IAR but thought that was cruel, so no.
Interesting - I am like others having trouble with the B definition - is that a total of 4k? - as in a significantly chopped down version of A?
Option A, your CDS and get the whole CAF (15k manpower, oops, people power)
Option B, your only a service commander (4K people power)
I'm game.

Back to you in a couple of days (I need to shrink my napkin!).
I'm not going to compete in this because Kirkhill cheats....he'll have 4,000 troops each controlling a squadron of RC Tanks, a wing of RC attack drones and a fleet of RC UUVs...all backed by a 31 million strong all-volunteer "sportsmans" club armed with Canadian-made disposable, 1-shot MLRS launchers!

I assume you want us to do either option (a) or option (b), the difference being in (a) it's a unified structure whereas (b) is separate services. Am I correct?

If I am, in scenario (b), do I understand tht it is 4,000 man power budget per service, for a total of 12,000; and if so, can we move some around so long as it comes out 12,000 total.
You will note for those tackling a CDS role, you get 3K extra. You have to factor HQ, SOF, Admin, Ops planning, whatever. If tackling the CAF, you can still keep the names CA, RCN and RCAF (hell the tri-service trades can stay bound to their uniform services in your version of the CAF)
4,000 Army, 4,000 RCAF and 4,000 RCN....but that only leaves 3,000 HQ staff! C'mon...let's at least be realistic about this!
You can if you wish decide that each service will have 3,999 HQ staff and 1 field soldier/sailor/pilot. Up to you. Your the Boss.
I'm not going to compete in this because Kirkhill cheats....he'll have 4,000 troops each controlling a squadron of RC Tanks, a wing of RC attack drones and a fleet of RC UUVs...all backed by a 31 million strong all-volunteer "sportsmans" club armed with Canadian-made disposable, 1-shot MLRS launchers!
MLRS are out. Check my constraints.
OK, I'm jumping early (And no MLRS or RC cheats!)

Step 1 - Take all issued kit into inventory. Add inventory and toys at whim. Apparently Wokers don't mind spending money.

Step 2 - Transfer the RCAF and the RCN to the Civil Defence Force.

Step 3 - Paint all Aircraft Yellow and all ships white (with a jaunty dazzle stripe in red) They're our skies and waters. We don't need to hide.

Step 4 - Buy GBAD kit for inventory with lots of 35mm projectors and NASAMs MMLs, Munitions to include lots of birdshot, frangibles, PFHE (for larger foreign objects) and High Speed Loitering Drones (for reconnaissance of course). Must keep the skies open and airports operating, free of drones, to permit emergency services to operate, families to visit and take vacations, receive their expedited plastic stuff from China. One downside is businessmen would be free to travel.

Step 5 - Buy F35s for inventory and for SAR / SovPat purposes (NORAD to supply missiles if they absolutely insist we have to shoot something down).

Step 6 - Buy for inventory RPAS, High Altitude Pseudo Satellites and a constellation of navigation, comms, radar and observation satellites to keep track of the fields, the fires. the floods and all the other global warming catastrophes

Step 7 - Transfer the civilians to the Civil Defence Force

Step 8 - Transfer CANSOFCOM to the Civil Defence Force (they can come in hand domestically too - and if they end up taking a vacation in Ukraine who's to know?)

Step 9 - Buy for inventory multiple sets of small arms modelled on the New USMC pattern. Enough to equip all 217 Ranger Patrols of the Civil Defence Force, the entirety of the 10 DART brigades of the CDF, and all support personnel. As well as enough for the Canadian Peace Keepers Expeditionary Force. Issued for personal defence and local security. Grenade launchers and Carl Gustavs issued to the Civil Defence Force Armouries with non-lethal ammunition. Mortars and Machine Guns for managing disgruntled rednecks stored locally.

Step 10 - Buy Canadian ATVs, Snowmobiles and weird looking vehicles that will go anywhere. For Inventory.

Step 11 - Distribute all log vehicles in inventory equally across the 13 Provinces and Territories to depots.

Step 12 - Store all F Echelon Vehicles in 4 depots - Edmonton, Petawawa, Valcartier and Gagetown.

Now that lot is sorted out - What to do with the 15,000 Peace Keepers.

Step 13 - Retain CJOC

Step 14 - Combine all elements under 1 Cdn Div.

Step 15 - Establish a Sigs Regt under 1 Div with a Div HQ and 3 or 4 Bde HQs and a bunch of Unit HQs.

Step 16 - Fall in the remainder in light order

Step 17 - Draw from inventory kit necessary for training and for missions

Step 18 - Buy necessary stuff that isn't available.

Step 19 - Ask for volunteers from the Civil Defence Force and the RCMP.

Step 20 - Wait for a change of government.

Beyond that? I got nuffink!

:eek: ;) :giggle:
Oh. I forgot. We could also buy lots of small high speed boats. For inventory of course.

Might buy a bunch more utility helicopters to paint yellow. And maybe some VTOL type stuff. Only if its produced in Montreal of course.