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Australian navy's hunt for new sub to replace Collins class

re-open the Cape Breton mines? Stable jobs for the east coast. That would be a voter getter for Trudeau for sure
Not sure the Capers want to also get ‘Albertanized’…. (Some call it ‘F’d over!’)


whose next in line? Joint production of a nuclear submarine with SK? Technical support from France a la Brazil?

whose next in line? Joint production of a nuclear submarine with SK? Technical support from France a la Brazil?

The whole thing is US political games. What that budget is not even close to what the final thing will be. The Administration knows that the current R's want thing's and leave them out to have the them negotiated back in and/or added to the line. They put in or leave out things on propose. Say cutting the F-15EX build, or retiring a carrier early.

One point about this proposal is that the idea of cutting some future things for readiness today......e.i. the Navy F/A-XX put on hold for now for money to fund the current fleet readiness. You can take as they know something bad is coming sooner than thought or they are just more serious than...others?

problems with older subs and keeping them going is not just a Canadian thing
Definitely not just us. The Collins class had a not-so-great reputation before some work was done.