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"Worst Movie Of All Time"

We can't have a "worst movie" discussion without bringing up "Torque".

Fast And the Furious with an even more pathetic a plot, motorcycles, and lesser named actors with lesser acting abilities. The movie can be boiled down to one scene: leaders of two rival biker gangs, on top of a moving train, on their bikes, swinging their front tires at each other like swords...

Oh lord, take me now...
benny88 said:
Some of which I haven't seen but am confident giving this dubious award to:


Big Momma's House (1 and 2!)

Are we there yet? (1 and 2)

Are We There Yet chronicled the largest public castration in history. Anyone who doesn't believe me, check out Ice Cube circa 1988 and then that movies

I'll reserve the 'if you haven't seen it then you can't really say it's bad' comment and say that Are we there yet/Are we done yet were not bad comedies at all and are good movies for children to watch.. which incidentally are the audiences they were made for.. imagine that.
Hmmm I would have to go with Brotherhood of the Wolf and Bladerunner (if I want to sleep I put that one on--puts me out everytime).
PMedMoe said:
Speaking of water, anyone else watch Open Water and cheer when the shark finally attacked?  ;D

Thanks a lot, Moe.  It's taken me 6 long years to purge my memory of this miserable excuse for entertainment, and here you've gone and refreshed it.  The only regret I have that's bigger than sitting through this movie, is that I paid more to see it in a theatre.

When the movie ended, all you could hear was 100-odd people whispering "Do you think we can get our money back?"  ;D
I have a pretty high tolerance for bad movies and will generally sit through them in their entirety. However Pathfinder had me walking out part way in. I just couldn't take 'Eomer' seriously in that movie
Ex-Dragoon said:
Hmmm I would have to go with Brotherhood of the Wolf and Bladerunner (if I want to sleep I put that one on--puts me out everytime).
I have never heard of Brotherhood of the Wolf, but Bladerunner?  One of my all-time faves!

OK, for worst movie of all time, Saving Private Ryan (in spite of its awesome special effects, the story line was full of fromage and stereotypes galore).  Pales in comparison to The Thin Red Line.  They Live is another horrible movie.
Here's one so bad I don't even remember its name.

SITUATION:  A giant meteorite is on a collision course with earth.

MISSION:  It's up to Japan to save the planet.

EXECUTION:  A Japanese expedition goes to Antarctica where they install huge rocket engines at the South Pole and, with split second timing, fire the engines to edge the planet out of harms way.

ATTS & DETS:  Assorted scientists, engineers, contractors, sailors, ships, tractors, etc. etc.

Made in the '60's.  On the tube very late one sleepless night.  (It didn't help)

I would have to say my pick for the worst would have to be Kung Poa Enter the Chicken, tied with any David Spaed film.
Kung Pow was hysterical - I did however see "Observe and Report" last night and would certainly add it to the list.

I saw 'Knowing' tonight at the movie theater, and would definitely say that it's in the top 5 for the worst movies I've ever seen.

The Ford F-150 promotion was over the top, the story was completely ridiculous, and the movie further cemented my opinion that Nicholas Cage couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag.

My worst three:

Event Horizon
Joy Luck Club - This was particularly bad as I was on a 747 and couldn't exactly storm out in disgust
Well, after a few nights of randomly throwing in VHS tapes I have a couple new additions.

Village Of The Damned
End Of Days
Children Of The Corn
Land Before Time # 3-13

I saw "Blindness'' recently...what a horrible disturbing piece of excrement that was!

Midnight Rambler said:
I have never heard of Brotherhood of the Wolf, but Bladerunner?  One of my all-time faves!

OK, for worst movie of all time, Saving Private Ryan (in spite of its awesome special effects, the story line was full of fromage and stereotypes galore).  Pales in comparison to The Thin Red Line.  They Live is another horrible movie.

You guys really need to learn to set aside your sense of disbelief and just enjoy the movies for what they are: mindless entertainment.  They're for escapism, not education.

In The Name of The King. What a waste of time. I guess I should have checked online before buying but I thought having Jason Statham in it would make it pretty good but Burt Reynolds as a King???
You guys really need to learn to set aside your sense of disbelief and just enjoy the movies for what they are: mindless entertainment.  They're for escapism, not education.

I have to agree, take it for what it is , 120 or so minutes away from, your mortgage payment that was due last week, your car loan thats coming due, your kids tuition that's bankrupting you, maxed out credit cards... These are some of the reasons why people go see movies, at least thats why I do...  :nod:
Michael O'Leary said:
You guys really need to learn to set aside your sense of disbelief and just enjoy the movies for what they are: mindless entertainment.  They're for escapism, not education.
I wish I could, but I can't.  Except when it comes to watching pr0n, of course.  >:D
Midnight Rambler said:
I wish I could, but I can't.  Except when it comes to watching pr0n, of course.  >:D

What do you mean?  Aren't they all documentaries?  :D