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The West Point Professor Who Contemplated a Coup


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The West Point Professor Who Contemplated a Coup

After calling his intellectual opponents treasonous, and allegedly exaggerating his credentials, a controversial law professor resigns from the United States Military Academy.

No, these professors are far more of a threat (the post has multiple embedded links):


THEY OUGHT TO BE FIRED: It’s back to school time, and progressive professors at Washington State University are gearing up to suppress speech they personally find “offensive,” such as saying “illegal alien,” using the terms “male” or “female,” or failing to “defer” to the “experiences of people of color”:

In his “Introduction to Multicultural Literature,” for example, professor John Streamas informs students in his syllabus that he expects white students who want “to do well in this class” to “reflect” their “grasp of history and social relations” by “deferring to the experiences of people of color.”

The taxpayer-funded critical studies professor also writes in his syllabus that Glenn Beck is a member of a group of “insensitive whites.”

Streamas, who obtained his Ph.D. at Bowling Green State University, is most notable because he told a student who supports limits on illegal immigration: “You are just a white shitbag.” . . .

A second Washington State faculty member, Selena Lester Breikss, warns students in her “Women & Popular Culture” course this semester that they risk “failure for the semester” if they use the terms “male” or “female.” . . .

“Students will come to recognize how white privilege functions in everyday social structures and institutions,” Breikss adds.

Finally, not to be outdone, Washington State American studies professor Rebecca Fowler similarly warns students that she will lower their grades if they utter the phrase “illegal alien” at any time in her “Introduction to Comparative Ethnic Studies” course.

The taxpayer-funded Fowler proclaims that she bans students from using the phrase “illegal alien” because the Associated Press stylebook “no longer sanctions the term.”

The Associated Press stylebook is purely an advisory publication for professional journalists. It has no force of law whatsoever. . . . Public university students who dare to use the phrase “illegal alien” “will suffer a deduction of one point per incident,” Fowler warns.

Apparently these sensitive little snowflake professors cannot tolerate any disagreement. For their failure to tolerate a diversity of views and engage in actual teaching (rather than proselytizing), they should be terminated for “cause.” Parents and students should avoid this university at all costs, unless/until the University’s administration takes appropriate disciplinary action to ensure that all viewpoints are welcomed, even those that are “offensive.” It’s called “free speech,” and yes, it protects offensive speech, too.

Both ends of that particular spectrum are both:

    1. Too common, at least they get far too much attention; and

    2. Unacceptable in any institution that even pretends to have a measure of intellectual (and moral) rigour.
Thucydides said:
No, these professors are far more of a threat (the post has multiple embedded links):


That's what you get when you take a bird degree.  I have a degree in Political Science, it will be the last Arts degree I ever take.  If I do end up going back to school, it will be for a professional trade or some sort of engineering degree.  Far more useful for job prospects and that way I don't need to worry about offending some high strung professor.
It's fun to compare an MD with a PhD - one's a trade school degree, the other is academic.

Should universities teach trade skills, or should they teach thought and examination?  We are currently trending towards the first, in part because it's easier, and since we've opened the gates and decided everyone should get a degree, whether they are suited for it or not, and whether they will beenfit from it or not.

There are far worse things in the world than to study the arts and learn to consider differing viewpoints, discover ways to deal with intransigent individuals (professors and students), learn to research and weigh the value of different information sources, and recognize that the world is non-binary.
tomahawk6 said:
Drew there is a shortage of CDL A drivers. ;D

My girlfriend's father drives long haul trucks.  He owns his own truck and is an independent contractor.  Makes quite good money.

I'm not adverse to that sort of work.  Long term goal would be to own my a company with a fleet of vehicles.
dapaterson said:
It's fun to compare an MD with a PhD - one's a trade school degree, the other is academic.

Should universities teach trade skills, or should they teach thought and examination?  We are currently trending towards the first, in part because it's easier, and since we've opened the gates and decided everyone should get a degree, whether they are suited for it or not, and whether they will beenfit from it or not.

There are far worse things in the world than to study the arts and learn to consider differing viewpoints, discover ways to deal with intransigent individuals (professors and students), learn to research and weigh the value of different information sources, and recognize that the world is non-binary.

Very well said, thoughtful and reasoned. BA eh!  :)
RoyalDrew said:
My girlfriend's father drives long haul trucks.  He owns his own truck and is an independent contractor.  Makes quite good money.

I'm not adverse to that sort of work.  Long term goal would be to own my a company with a fleet of vehicles.

Well, your degree in political science has been wasted Drew. Obviously, it didn't teach you that you would not be "averse" to working as a driver.

RoyalDrew said:
That's what you get when you take a bird degree.  I have a degree in Political Science, it will be the last Arts degree I ever take.  If I do end up going back to school, it will be for a professional trade or some sort of engineering degree.  Far more useful for job prospects and that way I don't need to worry about offending some high strung professor.

I would agree here.  I think that liberal arts degrees make good complements to other degrees such as law, engineering or business admin.  On their own though I'm not so sure.  I suspect though that they are cash cows for universities.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Well, your degree in political science has been wasted Drew. Obviously, it didn't teach you that you would not be "averse" to working as a driver.


LOL!  Good catch!

I said I have a degree, never mentioned anything about striving for excellence  ;D

Crantor said:
I would agree here.  I think that liberal arts degrees make good complements to other degrees such as law, engineering or business admin.  On their own though I'm not so sure.  I suspect though that they are cash cows for universities.

I agree, Arts degrees are excellent if you want to broaden your horizons.  If you plan on doing anything other than working at Starbucks after your done, you might need to re-evaluate your education plan.

I'm happy with my choice because I think it compliments my trades training (infantry officer) but if I were to go back to school it would be for technical training.
RoyalDrew said:
LOL!  Good catch!

I said I have a degree, never mentioned anything about striving for excellence  ;D

I agree, Arts degrees are excellent if you want to broaden your horizons.  If you plan on doing anything other than working at Starbucks after your done, you might need to re-evaluate your education plan.

I'm happy with my choice because I think it compliments my trades training (infantry officer) but if I were to go back to school it would be for technical training.

OTOH, if you want innovative thinking, hire from the humanities: https://hbr.org/2011/03/want-innovative-thinking-hire
RoyalDrew said:
I'm happy with my choice because I think it complements my trades training (infantry officer) but if I were to go back to school it would be for technical training.
Wait a second- that there are university academics who openly and proudly hate Western Civilization and are disturbingly sympathetic to Islamist causes is somehow a shocking and unusual opinion? That sounds about right actually, judging by my own 6 years of experience in post-secondary Humanities. If I didn't already know the the Atlantic was politically on board with the average [blank]-studies professional academic I'd swear that the author hadn't once been in a classroom for the past 70 years. This Bradford fellow comes off as a bit of a weirdo and a crank but he's not nearly as wrong as the article seems to want him to be.