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Sup Res to PRes CT


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Member is DP2-qualified, Sup Res since 2018, wishes to CT back to Primary Reserve. Same trade, same old unit willing to employ him. Available for immediate employment.

Member has been directed to CFRC, which is of course at minimal manning. Member says he thinks he's "just supposed to re-enroll like normal, but let them know that I'm Sup Res" and will try to apply online.

My suggestion was to call his local CFRC, with the following concise message:

"I am Cpl XXXX
Svc #
Contact info

I wish to CT from the Sup Res to PRes.

I am available for immediate employment as part of Op Laser/Op Lentus in response to the Covid-19 crisis.

3X XXX Regt, UIC xxxx has a position available and is wiling to employ me. The Chief Clerk may be contacted at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

I have been Sup Res since 2018, and am qualified DP2 XXXXX. Please advise what further action is required.

Contact Info"

I'm not sure CT is the right terminology. Both PRes and SupRes are the same component. That being said, when I moved from SupRes to PRes, I walked into the unit and effectively said "sign me up". They found a position, took my documents, and fired off a request to their HQ. Several weeks later, I was in. I really should be that straight forward. After all, he doesn't need to be recruited... he's already in. This should be a simple administrative action.
ModlrMike said:
I'm not sure CT is the right terminology. Both PRes and SupRes are the same component. That being said, when I moved from SupRes to PRes, I walked into the unit and effectively said "sign me up". They found a position, took my documents, and fired off a request to their HQ. Several weeks later, I was in. I really should be that straight forward. After all, he doesn't need to be recruited... he's already in. This should be a simple administrative action.

So where's the initial point of contact? At his unit or at CFRC?
It's probably going to depend on the unit, but I would try the Sgt Maj/Coxn as an NCO, and the DCO/Adjt/XO as an Officer. AS I said, this should not be a recruiting issue.
Brasidas said:
So where's the initial point of contact? At his unit or at CFRC?

If helpful, there were a couple of examples of that in my unit. In both instances, initial POCs to get everything initiated was the CClk. At no point were they required to get in touch with recruiting.
20+ years ago I "heard" that people on Sup Res were occasionally pulled in as staff to instruct at Borden for the summer.  No idea whether that was true or not; but, if true, it suggests that the effort required isn't onerous.