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St Barbara wept


Army.ca Dinosaur
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The US DoD just tweeted:

Ready to roll out the big guns! The tanks of the @UTNationalGuard  are lined up and ready to participate in #AfricanLion20, #AFRICOM’s largest multinational exercise spearheaded by @USArmyAfrica  & hosted by the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces!! #KnowYourMil

...with a picture of M109 Paladins...

dapaterson said:
The US DoD just tweeted:

Ready to roll out the big guns! The tanks of the @UTNationalGuard  are lined up and ready to participate in #AfricanLion20, #AFRICOM’s largest multinational exercise spearheaded by @USArmyAfrica  & hosted by the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces!! #KnowYourMil

...with a picture of M109 Paladins...


On the one hand I like all the comments;

on the other hand - Utah National Guard - 65th Field Artillery Brigade - Paladins - HIMARS - National Guard - Drool!

Why can't we have pretty things? Oh, yeah. Liberals and Hillier.

FJAG said:
Why can't we have pretty things? Oh, yeah. Liberals and Hillier.

Still waiting for the nuclear subs Mulroney promised... no Canadian federal party is a particular friend of the military.
dapaterson said:
Still waiting for the nuclear subs Mulroney promised... no Canadian federal party is a particular friend of the military.

So very true. Unfortunately I lived through Hellyer and Trudeau and that somewhat coloured my viewpoint from then forward. I joined just when the Army was at its peak. After that everything went downhill. (although I do think the personal gear these days is infinitely better than 51 Pattern and 64 Pattern webbing. I even like the M777 when it's used right - but it ain't no M109 - there's something about the smell of diesel in a pre-dawn gun park)

And the knowledge that you have some level of survivability and rapid mobility in the event of counter battery.
dapaterson said:
And the knowledge that you have some level of survivability and rapid mobility in the event of counter battery.

Counter battery is not an "if" thing; it's a "when" thing.

I really haven't been able to understand our weapons buyers for two decades now. If the Dutch could get PzH 2000 to Afghanistan ...

FJAG said:
Counter battery is not an "if" thing; it's a "when" thing.

I really haven't been able to understand our weapons buyers for two decades now. If the Dutch could get PzH 2000 to Afghanistan ...


I remember a US Marine looking at our 113's down in 29 Palms on fine day with disgust and looked at me "I thought y'all built our LAV 25's - why don't you have them?"  I said "Because your government is willing to pay for them; our's not so much"

FJAG said:
Counter battery is not an "if" thing; it's a "when" thing.

I really haven't been able to understand our weapons buyers for two decades now. If the Dutch could get PzH 2000 to Afghanistan ...


South Korea has something like 1600 105mm M1A1 in reserve stock, we could replace the whole fleet of reserve artillery with those and keep the C3 for deployment . The US has a large number of M109 variants in Reserve, we could lease a battery or two from them.
FJAG said:
I joined just when the Army was at its peak. After that everything went downhill.


Don’t be so hard on yourself.  I’m sure it wasn’t all you.  ;)
FJAG said:
On the one hand I like all the comments;

on the other hand - Utah National Guard - 65th Field Artillery Brigade - Paladins - HIMARS - National Guard - Drool!

Why can't we have pretty things? Oh, yeah. Liberals and Hillier.


The comments were quite enjoyable. Massive "fail" on the part of whoever runs that twitter account, though.  :facepalm:

The comments that neither party has been a particular friend of the military is well taken, but it's a fact that Trudeau the First was the one who really started the process of gutting our Armed Forces. I was looking at a graph the other day that showed Canada's military budget was 4.19% of GDP in 1960. During the Trudeau the First years it dropped down to 1.7% then stayed roughly the same until the early 90s then during Chretien's tenure it slowly dropped down to 1.11%. The spending amount in dollars went up a lot during Harper's years (for example in his first year, 2006, it went from $14.81 billion up to $17.42B) but the GDP was growing too, so as a percentage it only went up very slightly. We're currently at 1.25% of GDP

EDITED TO ADD: Source for the above-listed figures: https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/CAN/canada/military-spending-defense-budget
Much to my everlasting regret I actually voted for Trudeau in my first election. It was also the one and only time I ever voted Liberal. I might not have been too bright but at least I learned from my mistakes.

To be fair to you FJAG, the CPC was working hard to piss people off at that point, and screwed up what otherwise could have been a sound re-election.
Trudeau just gutted the Cold War military. Don't forget there were just over 3000 members of the "Permanent Militia" in the years prior to WWII....
When I joined way back when, the plan was to deploy a division to the nuclear battlefield in Europe in time of crisis. Over the years thinking (?) led to a single battle group with a very few guns. The thinking seemed to be that air-delivered guided weapons made guns obsolete (see Gen Harris's book re Medusa) and we are stuck with not much more that a scattering of tubes.
Been FRASER, who commanded in Kandahar in 2006. I forget the name of the book, and I am 4000km from my library in Arizona. In anywise, he described artillery fire as ineffective, which is one of his reasons for ordering LCol Lavoie to attack prematurely on 3 Sep.

I just sat straight up and said "Fraser." Brain Fart Mk One.