I have to disagree with you, Pte. Bloggins. Reservists and Regular force members are -not- apples and oranges. We‘re all in the same business of serving Canada. The whole point of the reserve force is to suppliment, support and augment the regular force on operations, and (with budget cuts, attrition, etc etc) in day to day operations. Reservists are expected to perform the same job as our regular force counterparts. This is not an easy thing sometimes, as we‘re not trained to same standard (but still expected to -perform- at the same standard) and, frankly, our basic soldier training sucks.
As for the whole "bad reserve soldier" thread, our basic training standards stink (at least they did 5 years ago when I did mine...). The problem is how reserve brigades conduct basic training serials.
In the regular force, you join with the intent of joining a specific trade, but you are posted to the recruit school until you graduate. The school owns you, so it‘s easy to turf you if you aren‘t suitable for further training. Easy Peezy.
No so for us poor rentals. You join a unit, -then-you are usually sent to another unit and they train you. Back home, the local infantry battalion hosted the training. I work in a support trade, and we just don‘t have the cabability to run our own serials, and we contract it out, so to speak. What happens is that the course staff may really not like a candadate, but they have no authority to turf another units recruit. It remains the home unit‘s responsibility to do so. Consequently, if the unit doesn‘t screen it‘s fledgling troopies adequately, they‘re kinda stuck with them unless they volunteer to pull-pin. Not wanting to be seen as abusing another units soldiers, the course-staff pretty much has their hands tied. As much as they probably hate to do it, it‘s easier for them to give up and send the soldier back to their home unit. "Not my problem..." At least, thats how things work at the reserve bde back east. Unless they change that system by having the brigade run the basic course, with the authority to recourse-fire unsuitable candidates, things will likely not get any better.
Ask any reservist, and I bet most of them would love to do a tougher, longer basic. My course sucked, and I felt like a ‘pretend soldier‘ for years because of it.