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PRes Officer Apps


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Alright, I have kind of a specific question here, so thats why Im not searching the database... although I have looked at the FAQ... the DND site is pathetic for info, so here I am.

I was already an OCdt in the RMC program.. left this summer for a variety of reasons, but I have the LCol‘s blessing to return to the Forces if I so desire (Ie, I wasnt kicked out, and I had an impeccable pers file).

Anyway, Im now working full time in Ottawa, and would like to get back to school part time, but so far its not working out financially. I would also like to get into the reserves, but as an officer...

My questions are ‘O‘ specific.. none of the sites really discuss this...:

1. What is the education requirement re: commissioning... Ive heard so many variations on this.. the most popular that as long as you are in school they will commission you.. (Reserves only) is this true? And is it FT school only or PT?

2. Is summer training a requirement, or can training be done over the course of the year? Im just wondering if Im going to have to beg my employer for 2 months leave...

3. How tight are the positions.. there cant be that many.. Ottawa has the Guards and the Grenadiers.. Id prefer armour, but its a french only regiment in Hull and Im not too prepared for that... If anyone from Ottawa is around please feel free to send info my way.

As far as I know, you can get commissioned in the Reserves without a degree, if you are going to school and have completed the courses necessary. We have an OCdt at our unit who is attending university.

Some of the courses must be taken in the summer. At the moment, I think, officers can take the BMQ with the NCM and then take an additional course to cover the leadership stuff. CAP (R) (Commom Army Phase) is offered in the summer by should be, by next summer, be broken up into 3 2 weeks blocks. You would need to complete, at least for now, the BMQ with the additional leadership and all of the CAP blocks to be commissioned to 2Lt.

I can‘t comment on the availability of the positions. I would suggest you contact the Recruiting Cells of the Reserve Units in the Ottawa region.
CAP(R) and the Reserve Platoon Commander course were both scheduled to be offered in blocks this past summer. Whether that actually happened or not, I‘m not sure.
You do not need a completed degree, although it certainly is an advantage in the competition for a commissioned possition. Realistically one should at least be in University completing a degree. All of our officers are degreed.

Yes, it is competitive. Positions are few, and we recommend some time in the ranks before applying as an officer (this is not a requirement, just a recommendation).

Speak to the units directly and gauge their interest. There are a large number of recruits these days that currently hold a degree, and CFRC will ask your post secondary status.

Good Luck
As far as courses, the summer time is when most of the officer courses are held. This can present some problems...as the courses are few and fill up fast. If you wish to be on course, register 6 mos prior. I was in this situation this summer, and did not get on. Murph, as I recall, did the BMQQ at the unit (as I remember from another conversation on this unit), but I was recommended not to do it this way. Checke it out. You will need to do a second component (leadership) if you do BMQ with the ranks.
thanks guys..

as far as a degree, I have post-secondary education completed, but at the Cegep level, not the university level.. I was an ROTP junior last year...

I completed 4 weeks of BOTP before being medically recoursed... (THis issue has been cleared up)..... so basically I have no solid courses completed...

I think if I can impress enough to make it into ROTP.... But, thanks for the input
There are 2 alternatives for prospective officers to complete their basic course. One is to do a 5 week course (held at various places, depending on your brigade). The other is to do the BMQ at your unit with the NCM recruits, then do a 1 week leadership add-on course.

I would agree that there are definite drawbacks to doing it the way I did. You are f***ing up in front of your instructors, as well as your course-mates, whom you will shortly be commanding. When you‘re giving orders in the field, Bloggins will remember that you weren‘t good at drill, or had an ND on the range, or whatever fault it is that you committed (none of us is perfect).

By taking all of your courses away from your unit, your troops only see the ‘final product‘ (as my OC told me once), not the f***-ups that you had along the way.

However, by taking the BMQ, you get to know some of your future troops (including instructors), and what makes them tick. It also affords you the opportunity to show what you‘re made of in front of them. And, it was kind of refreshing for a 29-year old Accountant to smoke & joke with 18-year olds, with them asking me about how things were ‘back in the day‘.

The route you end up taking will largely depend on your personal situation. I was employed full-time, so getting 5 weeks off work was not an option. Therefore, I did option 2 (BMQ + leadership week). As I said, each situation is different.