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Politico - "Young Trumpies hit D.C."

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Not a serious discussion, like in Global Politics, so I put it down here.

Politico, July/August 2018.


Young Trumpies Hit D.C.

By all accounts, the Trump White House is a stressful place to work: Turnover is high, competition is fierce, and every day, its occupants know that the boss might undo everything on which they’ve worked for the past several weeks with a single Fox & Friends-inspired tweet.

And now according to a new report from Politico, none of these demerits compare to the single most difficult aspect of West Wing employment: It’s really hard for people who work in the Trump administration to get a date.

When it comes to disclosing their affiliation with Trump, no ground is more fraught than courtship. “Trump supporters swipe left”—meaning “don’t even bother trying”—might be the single most common disclaimer on dating app profiles in Washington.

mariomike said:
. . .  It’s really hard for people who work in the Trump administration to get a date.

It's just natural selection functioning as it should.
Jarnhamar said:
So anyone who supports Trump shouldn't have kids?  Nice.

Apparently it's a progressive thing........




It would be neat to see a male/female/party affiliation breakdown of the Washington political staffer/functionary establishment. Young male republicans moving to Washington and having trouble getting laid is amusing and I guess predictable now that I think about it... Talk about throwing yourself into the shark tank.
Larry Strong said:
Apparently it's a progressive thing........




Larry Strong said:
Apparently it's a progressive thing........




Totally a progressive thing.  ::)  Lets not pretend that one side is less awful than the other at times ;)

Fox News Readers Bash Obama's Daughter With Racial Slurs, 'Ape,' 'Monkey' /
Brihard said:
It would be neat to see a male/female/party affiliation breakdown of the Washington political staffer/functionary establishment. Young male republicans moving to Washington and having trouble getting laid is amusing and I guess predictable now that I think about it... Talk about throwing yourself into the shark tank.

The D.C. Beltway (495) in Virginia and Maryland is heavily surburbanized and pretty white-collar, with the city doubling in population each day with (mostly) government workers commuting into the capital.

Look at how the 2016 election went to get a figure for the breakdown in how the functionary establishment vote (who lives in North East Virginia). 
Brihard said:
It would be neat to see a male/female/party affiliation breakdown of the Washington political staffer/functionary establishment. Young male republicans moving to Washington and having trouble getting laid is amusing and I guess predictable now that I think about it... Talk about throwing yourself into the shark tank.

It seems that difficulty in the DC dating scene is not a new phenomenon.  Throw in the "Trump effect" and selection criteria is that more restrictive.

06/17/2013 08:46 am ET  | Updated Aug 17, 2013 

Washington, D.C.: It’s a Small Town for Dating

By Eli Lehrer

Rachel Ryan is absolutely right to say that D.C.’s dating scene is full of people who have exceptional resumes. And she’s also right that this doesn’t always lead to easy love connections. But I think she overlooks something too: D.C. is actually a very small town particularly when it comes to dating. I’m married and have been off the dating scene for nearly a decade now myself. But, when I was looking, the numbers weren’t very much in my favor.

Of course, it doesn’t seem this way at first blush. The city has about 625,000 people — that’s a lot. In the city proper, furthermore, 52 percent of people aren’t single and childless. This leaves about . . .

[for the discussion of the breakdown of the demographics to reach the following conclusion go to the article]

This results in dating pools that aren’t enormous. A single, heterosexual, 27-year-old white man with a bachelor’s degree who wants to date a single, white, college-educated woman between 25 and 29 would actually have only about 7,000 choices in D.C. — about the same number he would find on the campus of a big public university in a flyover state. If he has some other preferences (say, he’s average height for a man and prefers to date someone shorter) or considers religious/political compatibility a must, the list would grow shorter still. And this is a pretty easy case. For example, there are likely fewer than 800 single, straight, Asian, college educated men between 25 and 29 who live in the District.

.  .  .

But, when it comes to dating, D.C. is, in many ways, a pretty small town.

It was even a story back last year when the Trump administration were relatively fresh on the ground.

Has Dating In D.C. Changed In The Trump Era? Dating Apps Data And Singles Say Yes

WAMU, Apr 18, 2017
Mikaela Lefrak

In the District of Columbia, where over 93 percent of residents did not vote for the current president, singles are increasingly advertising their political preferences in online dating profiles and shying away from looking for love outside party lines.

The District is in the midst of a transition that happens every four to eight years, in which a new crop of politically minded young people moves to the city to work for a new presidential administration. Although the number of newly arrived Trump Republicans has not shifted the city’s demographics, single liberals in D.C. have begun screening for conservatives more aggressively than before the election.

How to Signal Your Politics With a Profile Pic

“I wouldn’t date a Trump supporter,” said JoAnna Wendel, 26, a freelance writer who lives in Petworth.

Since the election, politics have become more of a deal-breaker for both conservative and liberal singles, according to data from a number of popular dating sites. Of the 20,000 D.C. members of dating app The League, two-thirds said finding a partner who shares the same political views has become more important in the past year, according to a survey the company sent out in April.

On Match.com, over 60 percent of singles reported being less open to dating across party lines than they were two years ago. The percentage of OkCupid users in D.C. who say their partners’ political beliefs are “very important” has increased by nearly 40 percent since 2013.

“When somebody has beliefs that you think are just morally wrong, it feels like a personal attack on you,” Wendel said.

Liberals in particular have become less willing to take a chance on someone from the other side of the political spectrum. On multiple dating sites, liberals reported being significantly less interested in dating conservatives than vice versa. On OkCupid, 92 percent of D.C. liberals said they do not want to date a conservative, while only 71 percent of conservatives said they felt that way about liberals. Twice as many Democrats as Republicans on The League said they do not want to date someone with opposing political views.

. . . .

WAMU reached out to TrumpSingles.com and self-identified Trump supporters, but none would go on the record for this story.

And if a real nerd and Trump acolyte wanted to do the scene back in 2015, he could probably have surveyed some of the local talent at this event.

https://www.cato.org/events/economics-dating-how-game-theory-demographics-explain-dating-dc  (there's a video of the presentation, exciting  ::) )
The Cato Institute and the Network of enlightened Women invite you to a Book Forum Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Economics of Dating: How Game Theory and Demographics Explain Dating in D.C.

And what did single, young Trump administration staffers expect would be their romantic opportunities once they hit the bright lights of DC to live out their "West Wing" fantasies?  It's laughable actually, or would be if every aspect of the president's persona didn't totally consume all the oxygen in the room.  Here, in a Radio Chatter thread, this should be an opportunity to have a laugh and take the piss out of a relatively small group of political strap hangers whose dreams of impressing (and getting their leg over with) the locals with their temporary White House jobs are dashed by reality.  Somehow the response of some individuals is to conflate the actions of seriously misguided arseholes who step over the line by involving children in their social media rants with people who have no interest in dating individuals with widely different beliefs.  No wonder Mike shutdown all the political threads.
I can see the toilet bowl this thread is going into, and I'm just going to lock it.
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