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PERs : All issues questions...2018-current


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Hey guys,

                        I've been asked to write my div notes as well as my per for practice is there anywhere I can look or can someone help me with this process??
I'm having an issue getting the MOS files installed on my home laptop.  I am away from the motherland right now and am hoping to get my PERs drafted.

- before I left, I installed CFPAS with no issues on my Win7 laptop.
- a few days after I got here, my laptop died so I bought a new one at the NEX.  It has Win10 on it...everything works except I can't get the MOS files to download.  I keep getting the error in the pic below.

I verified I had the right stuff in the right places IAW...

Instructions for updating CFPAS MOS files after installation of CFPAS on a personal computer
After the installation of CFPAS on your home PC is completed, you may set up CFPAS to automatically download any new MOS files from the CFPAS internet web site each time it is launched. Use the following procedure to set up the automatic download.
Launch the CFPAS program.
Select the “tools” menu from the toolbar and then select “options”.
Click on the “URL” tab in the popup window.
The second text box in the window entitled “Internet URL”. In that text box, type in the following address: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/cfpas-sepfc/en/index.asp
The third text box in the window entitled “Updates URL”. In that text box, type in the following address: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/cfpas-sepfc/doc
Ensure that there is only one check mark in check box next to “check for MOS updates at start up”.
Click the “apply” button.

Anyone else have this issue recently or on a Win10 machine?


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Eye In The Sky said:
I'm having an issue getting the MOS files installed on my home laptop.  I am away from the motherland right now and am hoping to get my PERs drafted.

- before I left, I installed CFPAS with no issues on my Win7 laptop.
- a few days after I got here, my laptop died so I bought a new one at the NEX.  It has Win10 on it...everything works except I can't get the MOS files to download.  I keep getting the error in the pic below.

I verified I had the right stuff in the right places IAW...

Instructions for updating CFPAS MOS files after installation of CFPAS on a personal computer
After the installation of CFPAS on your home PC is completed, you may set up CFPAS to automatically download any new MOS files from the CFPAS internet web site each time it is launched. Use the following procedure to set up the automatic download.
Launch the CFPAS program.
Select the “tools” menu from the toolbar and then select “options”.
Click on the “URL” tab in the popup window.
The second text box in the window entitled “Internet URL”. In that text box, type in the following address: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/cfpas-sepfc/en/index.asp
The third text box in the window entitled “Updates URL”. In that text box, type in the following address: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/cfpas-sepfc/doc
Ensure that there is only one check mark in check box next to “check for MOS updates at start up”.
Click the “apply” button.

Anyone else have this issue recently or on a Win10 machine?

Could it be because of the DWAN address you have in the intranet location?
I got the same error on win 10 after I updated CFPAS, I vaguely remember something about the update wanting an encrypted storage device so I assumed it had to do with that. I was only using the word picture so I didn’t really look into it much.
NFLD Sapper said:
Could it be because of the DWAN address you have in the intranet location?
That's exactly what it is.  Used to have that problem in the Embassy because the DFAIT system wasn't connected to DWAN.  I could still manually input the MOSID info as I was filling out the rest of the tombstone info though so it was no biggie.
Question- I am an NCO in a PRes unit. I have a couple soldiers on 89 day Cl Bs externally. I have been told that those Cl B employers are expected to do the PERs for these soldiers, with me to provide input. That doesn't seem to jive with what's in the CFPAS help file (Ch1 104.3)- as the 'parent unit' I thought we did that. I'm understandably getting some uncertain noises from the other supervisor, and I don't blame them one bit. Anyone have a policy reference at hand to cover this situation? One or the other of us is going to need to be able to go to our leadership and say 'here's what's supported by policy'. The most recent CANFORGEN 010/17 on PERs references the help file, so I take it that the help file carries some authority.
NFLD Sapper said:
Could it be because of the DWAN address you have in the intranet location?

I don't think so....there's nothing in their install steps that mention that.  I did the exact same process on this Win10 laptop as my now-dead Win7 one......
garb811 said:
That's exactly what it is.  Used to have that problem in the Embassy because the DFAIT system wasn't connected to DWAN.  I could still manually input the MOSID info as I was filling out the rest of the tombstone info though so it was no biggie.

Hmmmm.  I can't enter MOSID info at all, I think it auto-fills that field from the drop down menu to the left of it. 
Can an OCDT sign a PER as a Supervisor?  Also, what is the reference for this?

jitterbug said:
Can an OCDT sign a PER as a Supervisor?  Also, what is the reference for this?
The reference is the CFPAS help file.  In the chapter describing how to complete the PER, you will find instructions on who can sign for each section.
If a member is injured while participating in the FORCE Test, and is unable to complete the test afterwords due to TCAT, what should there PER say for the fitness test portion?

I feel it falls under the Not Tested category as the member was unable to complete the test to things out of his control.

From CFPAS - Not Tested: A person was not tested for any reason with the exception of a medical category that covered the entire reporting period. Comment must be made in the narrative.
Oh man, I just saw this again. ;D

60 pages going back to 2003!!  :o

I'm so glad they're making it easier  ;)

I'm also glad I'm retired.  :whistle:
HULK_011 said:
If a member is injured while participating in the FORCE Test, and is unable to complete the test afterwords due to TCAT, what should there PER say for the fitness test portion?

I feel it falls under the Not Tested category as the member was unable to complete the test to things out of his control.

From CFPAS - Not Tested: A person was not tested for any reason with the exception of a medical category that covered the entire reporting period. Comment must be made in the narrative.

Not Tested Bullet, then use part of one of the precious 9 lines of the performance text to state that "an injury occurred during Force Test prevented completion during reporting period".
Simian Turner said:
Not Tested Bullet, then use part of one of the precious 9 lines of the performance text to state that "an injury occurred during Force Test prevented completion during reporting period".

Thanks for the reply. It took a lot of digging, but we finally found the same answer. It's just unfortunate that the people who are supposed to know never seem to know, and give the wrong advice.

In this instance, went out of their way to change a members PT result from Not Tested to Failed.
If I were the member in this case I would be more content with a Not Tested and an explanation than a Failed with no explanation, if the injury was beyond my control.
With the extra room in the box, it'd be nice if the 'not tested' lines didn't count as part narrative.  It'd be easy enough to drop a hard return after and put in the mandatory bit to explain that they were injured.  Maybe that would be a helpful suggestion to send into the good idea fairies?  Would be an easy and minor change that wouldn't hurt anyone else, and actually apply a bit of common sense to the PER process.
Pretty sure this is the last year, or one of the last years for the PER in its current form. All the RUMINT I've heard is that narratives will be completely gone, so unless there's more options for PT than currently listed, you won't be able to explain why the member wasn't tested.
Here I go again!!!
  Every year for the last 4 years, my PER had been written by a officer who has never did any PER's. I have requested to meet common ground 3 out of the 4 years, and have gotten what I deserved with some compromising involved. It gets very frustrating having to face this over and over again!
  I have been delegated on three separate occasions as A/CSM for a total of 1 month, received emails stating - "Good Job, etc". Somehow, those never make it on my PER. When asked, The response I got " I didn't think it mattered because you are not an CSM". One would think, this would be great under section 5 (Potential).
I think it should be included.

504. Section 3 - Details of Employment/New Qualifications

1.  Official Appointments/Duties. List the primary duties assigned to and performed by the person throughout the reporting period.  Primary duties assigned while away from the parent unit must be included. Abbreviations and job titles may be used. Duration for particular duties may be noted by parenthesizing the number of months (e.g. (3))

506. Section 5 - Potential

1.  General.  ....Potential assessments are ratings of the individual's ability to perform at the next rank level. Reviewing officers must use the potential factors and rating scale in Section 5 when evaluating the subordinate's potential. A description of the potential factors (PFs) and rating scale is contained in annex B of this chapter. Where possible, these evaluations should be based on observations made of the person when performing tasks or jobs normally performed at the next rank.

An acring position (as in when your boss is away, you fill in for him) doesn't belong to section 3, but certainly does in Section 5.