I think that this is more a part of the "social experiment" that the CF continues itself to be a part of. By undertaking these types of initiatives, we seem to be, IMO, diluting the strength of the Forces, rather than doing any to make it any more effective. As Lance mentioned, could you imagine (the average) 59 year old Sgt leading a section attack, or doing most battle related tasks. "Well, he won't have to do that, he can just teach." Well, once his walker gets bogged down whilst showing the young bucks how to do said section attack in the field, then what?!? :'( We always seem to find a job for people that can't cut it. Can't load a HESH round in a Leopard on the move? we'll make you a driver. Can't lift a road wheel? We'll make you an Iltis driver. Can't drive because you lost your license for DUI? We'll make you a canteen guy..... and the list goes on.....
Where does it end? Ever hear of Universality of Service? As it is, we already have people who can't go to the field, on tour, on taskings because they are unfit physically and/or medically, and somebody else (ie. fit, non-adminstrative burdened, etc soldiers) have to take up the slack. Every unit has the "usual suspects" who couldn't find the closest training area or training center with a truckload of GPS' and all the maps in the world. They still get the same pay/benefits/career progression as the guys who do all the heavy lifting, and help create the promotion log-jam that almost all trades experience, without really contributing to the CF.
If anybody thinks that career progression is slow now, wait til you have to wait another 5 (or more) years for CWO's, MWO's, WO's, etc to retire...... If they think that it is going to help retention, I think they will actually find it will discourage people from joining (the 20 year pension sounded pretty good to me 16 years ago......) and will push out people because they don't want to see what becomes of the Forces after this latest fiasco in the making..... As it is, I am seeing less and less of the "lifers" (guys who stay in for more than 20 years) because of the BS that is coming down the pipeline. And too many guys who stay on seem to be the prime candidates for FRP (Forced Retirement Plan).
Sigh..... Is it 2008 (or 2013 if I'm feeling particularly giddy if they offer me a 5 year CE) yet?????