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Moving Spouse after BMQ - Kingston Thread

kratz said:
The site’s search function is poor, but using this search term with Google usually finds many useful topics:

"site:navy.ca [insert question]"

I tried searching with "site:navy.ca family training" and came up with:


and came up with "site:navy.ca move family" :


and came up with "site:navy.ca wedding" :


It may help if you added the links to those topics.  [ url=__________ ]navy.ca/forums/threads/100684.0[/url ]
General insight...
During training you usually live on base unless you already lived there.
If you can take leave you can travel during your leave eg. On weekends, long weekends or breaks between courses.
If you get deployed, you may be able to take leave to return home if there is enough people to sail without you, the ship is in a long port visit, and you may even be able to claim the trip and get some money back. Usually leave to travel home could only happen once or twice in a 6-7 month deployment.
You can take leave for your wedding if it's approved by your chain of command- so you'd request it early or as soon as possible- chances of getting approved leave are better if you're not on training, but even on training you may be able to take a few days if you can catch up on the course material. Sometimes it's tough to negotiate time off early, sometimes it's easy.
The CAF will try to keep you together once you've lived together as a Common Law or married couple. Sometimes this can't be accommodated for service reasons eg. a hard-sea trade marries a hard-field trade while they live apart. Sometimes it can be accommodated. Some trades are more compatible than others for service couples. Hope this helps! If you want to talk you can pm me:)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Keep in mind the CAF is going to eventually expect your spouse to move with you. During training, depending on trade and course length you'll likely be not able to move your family to you. Your husband should take that time to get ready to move on completion of your course. If you start your career by wanting an IR move, it will reflect well. You may also request your first posting to where your husband is (if there is a base with positions there), provided its reasonable that a brand new person in the trade would go there. To secure better chances of that request being granted, be at, or near the top of your course.

If you find a few years into your career that you have too many conflicting priorities between yours and your husband's work, you'll need to sit down and make some hard choices. The RegF lifestyle is not for all family situations, and you may be able to consider the Reserves or changing trades (if you're able) that might match your situation better. Never expect to be able to stay at a base for 15 years because your husband has a good job.
Just noticed it should have said "IR as first posting won't reflect well". I hope the rest was clear enough with that horrible typo in the middle.
neacha67 said:
What does IF stand for?

IR = Imposed Restriction

As in,"IR as first posting won't reflect well".


Imposed Restriction (IR)

You will read many acronyms and abbreviations on this site. Perhaps you will find this helpful,

"Acronyms & Abbreviations of The CAF"

Canadian Military Acronyms