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March 2008 CPGear Contest: War Stories

Vote for your favourite story:

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score
Ok, it's time to spark up another contest. This one's a bit different, but a bit the same. The different part is that March is all about a good "war story"... you know, the kind you tell around the bar at the mess after a few drinks. The "same" part is that the story needs to be enhanced with a photo (or several). The story can be about the time you accidentally caught the RSM's ruck on fire with a malfunctioning paraflare or when a buddy wedged his G-Wagon into an impossible position - as long as you have a picture to add to the story.

Here is a perfect example of a good war story (pic included!). Now on to the administrivia:

  • All stories must conform with the Conduct Guidelines.
  • There are no limitations on when/where, etc. the story took place, but tales that appeal to a military crowd will likely fare the best.
  • The winner will receive an $80 CPGear gift certificate as a prize.
  • You can enter as many stories as you like.
  • Photos must be uploaded into the Milnet.ca Photo Contest album in the photo gallery in order to be eligible.
  • At the end of the month a poll will be created and all registered users can cast their vote. The war story with the most votes takes the prize.
  • The contest closes at midnight ET on March 31st, 2008.
  • OPSEC/PERSEC must be observed at all times. Change names/locations if need be.
  • Stories and photos must be original, or contributor must hold the photo copyright.
  • All uploaded photos will be retained by Milnet.ca and may be used at a later date.
  • Stories must not be offensive in nature. Or at least not *too* offensive. ;)

Related links:

To add a photo into your war story post, simply upload it to the album and browse to it. Right click on the image itself and select "Copy image location" (Firefox) or "Properties" and then copy the address line out (Internet Explorer). From there simply paste the URL to the photo into your post and enclose it in img tags. For example:


Gives you:


If anyone has any questions, just let me know. Good luck!

Question : how did the civilians reacted to the vehicules  :) ?
Don't know that's not my picture! Looks like someone else out there has a story to tell... :D
Sounds like this should be a good one again, Mike.

Come on guys, I want to read some good ones ;D
Yrys said:
Question : how did the civilians reacted to the vehicules  :) ?
Timmy locations near military bases are VERY "used" to mil personnel dropping by for a double, double or two.
Then there are the Timmy locations on military bases that COUNT on their patronage.
geo said:
Timmy locations near military bases are VERY "used" to mil personnel dropping by for a double, double or two.

People working there, or regulars customers , sure.

But I was thinking of 'tourists' customers... Would like to see theirs faces :).

(I know it doesn't happen, but also thinking of : "Sorry sir, you will have to wait until I'm done to get your vehicule out of the parking lot, mine (tank) is blocking it...")
it looks like the gateway in oromocto. believe it or not this wouldn't raise many eyebrows.  good picture though. that place is crazy in the mornings anyways!
Anybody else having trouble getting into the Photo Gallery?  Our server here has been acting up all day, maybe it's a problem at this end  ::)
Not in the gallery, it still doesn't work for her!
Mike Bobbitt said:
Not in the gallery, it still doesn't work for her!

Oh, I'm in now --- and you know it's only a matter of time before I break it again!!  >:D
Pte  Brat said:
it looks like the gateway in oromocto. believe it or not this wouldn't raise many eyebrows.  good picture though. that place is crazy in the mornings anyways!

I dont think so the Gateway in Ormocto didnt have grass that close to the front door, it is all ashphalt down to the curb for the side road.
OK. I'll start. Unfortunately, given the year, I don't have pictures, but I'm sure the story will be appreciated anyway. Some have seen this story here before. Perhaps a generic picture of Leliefontein celebrations in ‘72, without Watch Pig would suffice?

During Leliefontein celebrations in ‘72 with the RCD we acquired the Watch Pig. Small lead in though. Leliefontein lasted for about a week at that time, lots of parties and sports along with the parades. Sports were always accompanied by copious amounts of drink. During the games the MO was always on duty. Two or three guys went to the hospital during the bicycle jousts and another six or seven with sprains and breaks during the Sqn vs Sqn murder ball game. For some reason though, when the greased pig competition started, the MO found it to inhumane and made us stop. So, now what to do with the little pink piglet?

It was decided the pig would be auctioned off at the smoker, figuring one of the guys living on a local farm would buy it for the landlord. Nope. The single guys pooled our money and won the pig. For the rest of the night he kept up with the boys drinking beer. A can would get tossed to him, he‘d bite into it, and drink the beer that flowed out. Within a couple of days he was a raving alcoholic. He‘d roam the hallway of T4 searching for his elixir. He‘d get extremely agitated as he sobered up and attack you if you had no beer for him. Hence the Watch Pig moniker. You had to know how to disarm the guard. As we returned to the shack at night, you always had a can of beer. On entering the darkened shack, you‘d listen for the clip clop of his cloven hooves and toss the beer to the other end. When he went for it, you went the other way to your room.

The Black Forest Officers' Mess had a large silver punch bowl. During the RCD Officers' Leliefontein soiree, it disappeared about the same time as the Stewards. The MP‘s show up at the shack to recover it and rousted us all out. Ignoring our drunken taunts, they ask for it back under threat of us all ending up in cells. They‘re told the "pig" in the end room has it. They knock at the door and listen. Snorting and snuffling is heard. Thinking the occupant passed out, they use their pass key. Upon rushing in, they slip on the pig shyte on the floor (cleaned up twice daily BTW) and are confronted face to face with a very drunken and ornery swine. His punch bowl, which had previously been full was now empty and he wanted it replenished. So that was strike one for the Watch Pig. Ordered out of the shacks by the SSM, he was given a spot between the wings, tied to the Snowball tower. The SSM stated he was our responsibility and we were on thin ice. It took Watch Pig about two hours to turn the lawn into a muddy, circular sty, about twenty feet in diameter. The length of his rope. German CE type complains, strike two.

Pete D is elected to ensure the Watch Pig behaves properly as the whole thing was his idea. Him being the drunkest when we bought it and not being able to remember, he seemed the best candidate.

The final straw came about a week later, on a Sunday morning. The day broke sunny and warm. Too nice to sleep in, even after a hard night in the CC Keller Bar. One of the fellas looked out and raised the alarm. Watch Pig was loose! Pete D was roused and told to go out and tie him up. Forgetting the beer bait, Pete goes out in nothing but his jockeys. Without incentive to listen (no beer) Watch Pig takes off down the road. Pete D is in hot pursuit as Watch Pig rounds the corner and heads up the main road behind the shacks. Watch Pig is clippity clopping along as fast as he can, straight down the middle of the road, considering the twenty or thirty pounds he has put on while on his three week beer diet and Pete‘s not doing much better. They are about twenty yards short of the Church, when the congregation, led by the Base Commander, his family and the Padre step out into the morning sun. Ringside to see Watch Pig being pursued by a drunken RCD wearing nothing but yellow jockey shorts and screaming profanity at the pig. We can only imagine the thoughts that were racing through the various minds. Needless to say, that was Strike Three for Watch Pig. He was given to a local farmer who could not believe his size for his age. Nor could he understand Watch Pig‘s horrible disposition...and Watch Pig being family, we didn‘t tell him.

edit to add picture

This is NOT the Watch Pig and punch bowl!! 8). Same celebration though.
:rofl: :rofl: Oh dear God!!  ;D I can't stop laughing!! Someone, I dare you, beat that!
recceguy said:
For the rest of the night he kept up with the boys drinking beer. A can would get tossed to him, he‘d bite into it, and drink the beer that flowed out.

Baaaahahah don't let the PETA folks get a hold of that one. Tremendous story recceguy!  :rofl: