After I left of the Australian Regular Army one year ago, I went directly into a civilian engineering firm, was hired on as an armourer ( all was prearranged so I literally went from green to blue from a Friday to the Monday - there was a bit of culture shock), getting paid more then I was a soldier, and to add more cream, I went into the Reserve system here, getting tax free pay at $182.04 for 6 hrs work. Easy money. Reserves get 70 days per year with extensions to 100 days, and can get further extentions at 150 and up to 200 days if needed with the correct justification. Soo add that on, say at least at 70 days, plus tax free field pay, and all the other perks.
As a Defence Contractor, I am still in the military family, and get to do my job, working on M242 chain guns, .50 QCB and the rest of the catalogued family of small arms, I just go home at the end of the day, missing all the BS politics.
The Corps of RAEME has vehicle mechanics, electricians (from everthing like appliances to dental eqpt, armourers, recovery mechanics), to sum if it is an eqpt that needs repaired, RAEME fixes it. So there is plenty of opportunities in the civilain world for former RAEME pers, who are not only trained in their specific trade, but also have the basic soldier and leadership skills which are overly admired on the outside. There are many other skills too which are civilian accredited, and well sought after like OHS, and management.
Soldiers are generally well disciplined, punctual and professional, and create a sharp image thru dress and bearing.
So after some good TI, leaving at the rank of SGT (E7), there is plenty of prosperous opportunitiy for former soldiers not only in RAEME but other trades.